AN: Wow it's been forever since I've updated this story. I was sort of lost as to how to continue this so don't hate me if this chapter was sort of crummy! I intend on fleshing everything out once I get this thing completed. Thank you to everyone who has left me a review or two and don't forget to give me some feedback on this chapter! I apologize for any spelling errors.

Chapter Fourteen: Of Anger and Sadness

Blaine found himself watching Kurt and Mercedes fawn over each other with a false smile pasted upon his face. The moment Mercedes entered the house without so much as a kind hello; Blaine wanted to go to her side. He felt himself growing more frustrated with every giggle that Kurt managed to erupt from her perfect lips. He'd missed that laugh. It was once the only sound he could recall really wanting to hear over and over again. Somehow it brought back images of that frosty afternoon at the park, holding Mercedes hand in his own as they strolled almost casually through the quiet static of the winter wonderland Mother Nature had created.

Blaine shook his head to rid himself of the memory. Feeling that sense of hollowness build within his chest once again as he slowly picked at the scab on his pinky finger. He'd nicked that stupid little finger on the doorjamb in his rush to hurry out to the car to get here to the Hummel household. Kurt had already crammed all of his luggage into the backseat and at the time Blaine was ecstatic to get to here, in hopes that Mercedes would drop by.

Now that she was here, he felt miserable. It angered him that she could occupy the same space that he did and he couldn't fold her into his arms without worrying about how Kurt may feel about it. He couldn't inhale her heady scent or trace her soft skin or do any of the naughty things that his mind had imagined over the span of a few weeks out of pure loneliness.

Before exams, Kurt had been leaving the dormitories more and more to hang out with the guys, leaving Blaine alone with his textbooks and his busted keyboard. All alone without a single warm body curled up next to him as he tried to study for any of his upcoming tests.

His hands curled against his side without his control as he sagged against the loveseat in front of the television.

Not once did the chuckling pair on the sofa beside him seem to acknowledge his presence, if they had they wouldn't have been so cruel as to leave him out of the conversation. Blaine just wanted to look at Mercedes after all. He didn't need to touch her, no matter how much his brain argued otherwise… He would have been content just to hold her gaze and watch that faint pink glow radiate up the sides of her beautiful face.

Ever since that phone conversation she was too busy bonding with Rachel or avoiding his calls. It made him wonder if this thing, whatever it was that they had between them, was officially over. He didn't want it to be. It had only begun in his mind. It wasn't fair that she was just shutting him out, pretending that he wasn't sitting all alone on the loveseat beside her, listening to every word that rolled off her lips. The same lips that moved in time with his not every long ago. Blaine could still feel the aftermath of that kiss on his mouth; the sweet tang of her chapstick was forever engraved on the ridges of his tongue. Absently, he reached up and pressed his index finger to his lower lip questioningly.

A feeling of want poured through him at that moment and he turned away from the TV. Eyes solely focused on the one thing that seemed to erase all traces of doubt within his mind.


Mercedes fidgeted throughout the entire time she spent on the couch beside Kurt. As usual he had so many stories to fill her in on and she listened, inputting her opinions halfheartedly. She could feel him watching her. That was what made the entire ordeal completely unnerving. He hadn't spoken to her yet but she knew he had a billion different fragments linking within the depths of his mind, he probably didn't know how to piece them together properly.

Mercedes shoulders tensed and she let a cracked smile form across her lips. If Blaine weren't here, maybe this whole "catch up" time wouldn't feel as awkward to her. She knew that she had a lot of explaining to do. It was foolish of her to just leave him in the dark on this whole "relationship" they had going on. Deep inside she knew that she wanted to keep everything that happened over the last few months a secret, buried where no one else would dare dig. She had to eventually muster up the courage to tell Blaine that they couldn't do this anymore.

She couldn't hurt Kurt when he needed her the most, she couldn't keep sneaking behind his back with the only guy who never did him any injustice. It was wrong of her to fiddle with what wasn't hers.

She cast a glance over towards where Blaine sat looking defeated on the loveseat beside the sofa she perched on. His eyebrows were drawn together in what looked like a state of mortal combat and a frown graced his face. He had a large black comforter draped across his body, eyes drawn to the ever-changing images on the TV screen. Mercedes knew he wasn't really watching whatever gossip show was currently on.

Her suspicions were clarified when Blaine's eyes caught her own… A look of pure sadness glittering through them.

AN: End Of Chapter!

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