Yoshii's POV

"I hate school," I mumbled under my breath. Then I remembered that I had to go home to my nutty sister, Akira. "I wish school never ended." I walked slowly down the tan sidewalk. The only good thing about school was Minami. She was so adorable with her high ponytail swaying behind her. Sure she didn't have big breast like Himeji whom was just as beautiful, but I knew the German girl longer.

I took a deep breath. Grasping the silver door knob I creaked the door open. I stopped short for there was an unfamiliar voice coming from the kitchen.

"I'm sorry for coming unannounced." It was definitely a female.

"It was no worry. I'm just happy you came when Yoshii was at school." That was my sister's voice.

"I heard his name down town. These two girls were talking about him."

"These two girls. Did one have pink hair and another have red hair?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Those are his friends, Himeji and Minami."

"I see."

"Yes um so why are you here?"

"I want to see him and you."

"Why the sudden interest?"

"He is my twin brother you know. I would like to meet him. Please Akira."

'Twin… Brother? Was this true? Did I have a twin sister? Was she ugly? Was she pretty?' These questions raced through my mind.

"I also want you to know Akira; he is standing over there behind the door. He has heard most our conversation."

"Huh? Yoshii? Are you over there?"

I slowly opened the door to reveal my presence.

"Hello sisters?" I greeted.

*Now for a commercial break!*

Sitting in the kitchen table across Akira was an unbelievably beautiful girl who had flowing brown hair and golden eyes. She didn't look at me though. Instead she stared in the direction of Akira, sipping her coffee from a white cup.

"Can someone please be kind enough to tell me what this is all about?" I finally said.

"Yoshii," The girl stood up. "Please take a seat," I sat down between the two girls, Akira being the only nervous looking one.
"Yoshii, when we were born I was put up for adoption because the mom and dad you grew up with could not afford a third child. They gave me up because they already had a daughter."

"Who are you exactly?"

"My name is Akemi."

"Bright and beautiful." I remembered someone saying that Akemi meant bright and beautiful.

"Yes that is what my name refers to."

"So Akemi why are you here?"

"My adopted parents died last week in a car crash. I ran away so I wouldn't be put in an orphanage. You're friends Himeji and Minami are they? Well they mentioned your name downtown. I figured you would be living in the same house so I came here self-consciously and ran into our sister."

"Speaking of sister, Akira. Why didn't you say anything about this?" I turned to the nervous body that was biting her lips.

"Yoshii you have to understand. Mom and dad would not allow it. I've mentioned her to you once before. Try to remember."


The Christmas music filled the air as my mother's beautiful voice swayed with it. Akira and I sat near the tree shaking every box with our name on it.

"I think this one is a toy robot." I held the big rectangular box in the air.

"I don't want anything I think is in here." My sister put a box with a big blue bow aside.

"What do you want Akira?"

"I want Akemi."

"Who is that?"

"Akemi is your-"

"Akira, do not fill Yoshii's mind with your imaginary friends. Akemi is your imaginary friend right Akira?" Father gave her a stern look.

"Of course daddy. Akemi is just an imaginary figure in my life."

End flashback

Back then I didn't give much thought about Akemi, but now that I think about it I always had an attachment to that specific name.

"So is that why you're here? To live in this house? Is that the only reason you wanted to find me?"

"Yoshii, it is not like that. If I could I would-"I ran to my room and slammed the door with all my force. I wasn't angry. More like confused. I didn't know how to respond to that. Maybe it's just a dream. I lied face down on my bed. Yes that's it. I'll wake up tomorrow and she won't be there she is just a figment of my imagination.

The next morning I awoke from the smell of bacon. It smelt so sweet I drifted from my bed, but stopping dead at the doorway.

"Akira cannot cook for her life. Let alone get up this early on a Saturday." I thought out loud. I tiptoed down the hall following the sweet smell of eggs and bacon. I glanced around the corner. A wide awake girl in a pink silk robe and white fuzzy slippers was cooking in my kitchen.

"G'morning Yoshii." She smiled sweetly.

"Akemi, right?"


"What are you doing?"

"Cooking. No one was awake so I just dug around in here."

"Hm." I looked away from her.

"You can look at me I'm not naked."

"I don't think I count a robe as clothing."

"I'm wearing shorts and a shirt."

"Good." I looked at her face. I never realized how pretty she looked." NO! She is my sister! She is not pretty she is ugly!"


"I didn't mean it like that."

"Yoshii its fine. I'm your sister. I would prefer you not be attracted to me."

That's a first.

"We should probably get dressed."


"It may be the weekend, but you're not going to lug around the house. Plus we're going out. My treat. I want to get to know the real Yoshii."

"If you suggest." I stole a piece of bacon then began walking to my room.

"Interesting the real Yoshii is a thief." Akemi laughed.

"Shhh. Don't tell I can't let Akira know about what I do late at night." I laughed back.

In town Akemi took me to a small Sushi place down town.

"Amazing." I gulped down another piece of the lobster sushi.

"What?" Akemi asked.

"I've passed by this place so many times and never came in."

"Really? I love this place. The owner and I are practically family."

"Well your family is my family."


"Akemi don't get offended, but I kind of don't want people to know you're my twin just yet."

"That's fine. Progress to the news in your own time. So what am I to you if I am not your twin sister?"

"Old friend?"

"No that won't work. Akira told me you've known your friends since elementary. How 'bout roommate?"

"Yeah I guess that could work, but let me worn you. Himeji and Minami don't like me hanging out with other girls."

"Oh I see."





"Tell me!"

"I'm sorry sir I don't understand what you mean." She sped off in front of me. Once I got a hold of her I wrapped my arms around her and began tickling.

"I'm…not…telling." She gasped for air. Slipping out of my grip she ran off once again.

Minami's POV

Himeji and I decided to walk through town when I witnessed the most horrid thing. Aki was holding another girl.

"Minami? What's wrong?" Himeji tapped my shoulder. I pointed to what I saw. Himeji became just as horrified at the sight.

"What are we going to do? She's everything a guy looks for in a girl! Big breasts, slender body, nice tan, even a high ponytail like Aki likes!"

"I don't know."

"Let's follow them. See what else they do." Himeji nodded. They stopped at a few stands and bought some bubble tea. Then when we thought the worst was over something even more horrible happened. They walked to his house. At the door he patted down his pants as if looking for his keys. He shrugged. I waited for this girl to yell or hit him, but instead she waved it off and reached inside her back pocket of her shorts. What she pulled out scared the living crap out of Himeji and me. She pulled out a pair of keys. He gave her a key to his house! What if I was out of chances now! What if they would get married and have a daughter and name her something so adorable no one would pay attention to my daughter. Hell what if I never get married and have my dream family?

"Himeji. Call the troops we have some spying to do." The troops were Yuuji, Hideyoshi, and Voyeur.

The rest of the weekend we watched their every move. They did everything together! Went food shopping, picked up dinner, went for walks. I was so depressed. What would I do at school?

Akemi's POV

Today is my first day of school with Yoshii. Have to make sure I look my best. I'm happy that Yoshii and I are getting along. I figured he would hate me for not coming sooner. Before I left I made sure my tie was straight, my hair was in a neat pony tail with every loose strand pinned in, and my skirt wasn't too high that when I bend down my undergarments were showing and for extra percussion I wore spandex underneath.

"Yoshii, you ready?' I called from the front door.

Yoshii came running from his room dressed and ready to go.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't ask let's go before she can get me!" He pushed me through the doorway slamming it behind us. "Yoshii, I was thinking instead of walking why don't we take my bike?"

"Akemi, I don't think we will both fit on a bike."

"No nit wit not a bicycle a motorcycle." I pointed the hunk of purple and black mettle sitting at the side of the rode.

"Is it fast?" He looked behind him.


"Great let's go." He jumped on. I started the engine then drove off at 60 miles per hour in 3 seconds.

"Wow that was fast." Yoshii brushed down his hair in the school parking lot.

"No Yoshii you look like a dweeb. Let me fix it." I ran my fingers through his hair making it look a little ragged.

"How do I look?"

"Bad ass."


Walking through the halls, kids rushed from class to class.

"What class are you in?"

"Umm…," I looked down at the slip of paper."2-A"

"No way!"

"Yeah. Why is that like the class for 'special' people?" I put air quotes around special.


"Then what's the big idea?"

"It's the class for the smartest people in this school."

"Cool. I'm smart!"

"Look. This is my class."

I looked at the half fallen wooden sign that said; 2-F. The windows were all shattered and they had cardboard boxes as desks. I didn't want to make Yoshii feel bad so I didn't say anything. "Yoshi?"


"Before you go can you do something for me?"

"Sure what is it?"

I put on a creepy stalker murderous smile. "Give your sis a goodbye kiss."

"Very funny that's really creepy."

I made kissy noises.

"Fine." He leaned in to kiss my cheek.

"Aki!" Someone had shouted.

I turned to see who it was. The same pink and red haired girls came running down the hall.

"Hello." I waved.

"I'm Himeji." Greeted the pink haired girl.

"Minami." Said the red.

"Akemi. Nice to meet you. Yoshii talks about you all the time."

"What!" Yoshii gasped.

"You'll thank me later," I whispered. "Well I better get to the class for smart asses." I waved goodbye and walked down the hall.

Yoshii's POV

It was awkward for some reason so I just walked into class, the girls followed and sat next to me.

"Hi guys." I said, nervous painted all over my face.

"Who's she?" Himeji said with purple flames flaring behind her and red circles replacing her eyes.

"Roommate." I responded more scared than nervous.

"Oh." She returned to her sweet and normal self.

"Aki?" Minami now had red flares and red eyes. "Why didn't you ask one of us to be your roommate?"

"My sister let her be roommates." I wasn't exactly fully lying. Technically Akira said she could.

"Okay." Minami turned back to normal.

"How art thou?" Hideyoshi joined us.

"Fine, Hideyoshi."

"Hey guys." Yuuji and Voyeur came in.

"Hey Yuuji. Voyeur."

Like usual Voyeur was looking through pictures in one of his many many many many MANY! Cameras. He just waved. Not like a hello wave more like an I'm busy so shut up wave. Like the one you give your mom when she asks you to clean your room.

"I heard you have a GIRL roommate." Yuuji said girl extra loud to catch Voyeurs attention.

"Yeah so?"
"Is she pretty?"

"Not really." I would have said yes, but Himeji and Minami were next to me sharpening their punishment tools.



Just my luck. As soon as I said that Akemi came barging in. "Yoshii!" She came over to me and grabbed my bag.

"Akemi. What are you doing?" I turned around to see the girl rummaging through my bag.

"I took you folder by accident," She threw it over to me. "I can't believe I know you after what I saw in there." She laughed. I opened the unfamiliar folder. It was filled with my baby photos. I quickly stuffed it in my bag.

"Did you find it yet?" I asked

"No I think it might be in the motorcycle."

"I'll help you find it."

We almost reached the door when Ironman walked in. "Akihisa? Where do you think you're going?" He looked at Akemi.

"Akemi? How may I help you?"

"Akihisa is going outside to my bike to help me find something for class. Will that be okay Mr. Nishimota?" Akemi asked sweetly.

"Very well."

"Thank you sir."

Once we were out the school and digging in every compartment that bike had, which was a lot, I turned to Akemi. "How'd you do that with Mr. Nishimota?"

"Respect. You give the teachers respect and they will literally do whatever you want."

"Whatever you want huh?"

"Except let you peep on the girls the next class trip. Yes I know about that the class A girls informed me.

"That was a big misunderstanding."

"I'm sure it was Yoshii."

"Oh yeah, my friends call me Aki."


"Yeah short for our last name."

"Speaking of last names mine is Lovington."

"Okay Lovington."

"Very well Aki."

There was a silent moment filled with awkwardness.
"Let's get back to class." Akemi finally said.

"Yeah. Iron man will be waiting."

"Is that one of your friends?"

"Who? Iron man? No that's what I call Mr. Nishimota."

"Oh. Well you shouldn't. That's like calling him Mr. Dick."

"Are you sure we're twins? You seem stuck up."

"I am not stuck up!"

"Um…I think you are."

"A stuck up student isn't a probationary student now are they?"

"You're a-"

"Yes Aki I'm a probationary student. Go head laugh."

"So am I."


"Yeah. Class F uses that to their advantage."

"Well that's just great. If class A finds out I'll be used as well."

"No it isn't that bad. It's nice to know you're needed."

"True. Well here is my stop. See you bro."

"Hush. Not so loud." I put a finger to my mouth.

"Sorry." She just couldn't help but laugh.


She walked into the 5 star hotel looking classroom. Unlike her, I had to go to a ragged old classroom with broken windows, uncushioned cushions, and broken boxes.

I opened the door that almost fell off its hinges. Everyone was doing what they usually do, training.

"So that was Akemi?" Yuuji mocked.

"She was pretty." Hideyoshi never took his eyes off his opponent.

We all turned to Voyeur for a comment. Nothing. Just another wave.

"I'd rather not." I shrugged innocently. Himeji and Minami nodded in approval.

"Good. Gives us open target." Yuuji laughed.

Me being the brother I wanted to yell for them to not lay a single cell of theirs on my sister, but that would blow the whole secret.

"Good luck."

"Why is that?" Hideyoshi asked while Mr. Nishimota took his defeated opponent away.

"She's really stuck up."

"Why you son of a bitch!" Akemi jumped through an already broken window.

"Akemi um-I didn't- you aren't-it's just."

"Save it Yoshii! That is no way to speak about someone you just met! Now I'm going to kick your ass!"

"Wha"" I couldn't even finish my last request before she was bending my left leg behind my back, twisting my right arm and slamming my face to the wall. The weird part was when she finished she didn't leave she just sat down at a table.

"Akemi, what are you doing?" I asked rubbing the huge bump on my forehead.

"I don't like class-A they're too smart. All they ever do is study. I'm more hands on and physical. And because I'm like that I asked Mr. Nishimota to transfer me. This was the only class that wasn't full."

"What art thou talking about?" Hideyoshi asked Akemi.

"I'm sorry who are you?" She tilted her head sideways.

"Hideyoshi Kinoshita. Please do not be tricked by my looks I'm really a-"
"You're really a dude not a chick." She finished his sentence.

"How'd you know?"

"Well Hideyoshi, you see Yoshii would tell me when he has another girl friend," She turned to me and gave me the stank eye. "Won't you?"

"Yes Akemi. Of course. Please don't kill me." I coward.

"And the fact that your voice is deep, you're wearing a boy uniform, and the way you blushed when I walked in."

"Wait. Tis your roommate?" Hideyoshi asked.

"Ye-yeah. Everyone this is Akemi my roommate." I once again had nervous painted all over my face.

"Hello." Of course Akemi did not.

Akemi's POV

"That's a lie!" A guy with short red hair yelled.

"What's that supposed to mean, Yuuji?" Yoshii argued.

"She's too pretty."

"Why th-thank you." I blushed.

"Sure thing." He said looking away to hide his obvious blush.

"I think I have names, Himeji," I pointed to the red head." Minami," The pink haired girl. "Yuuji," I pointed to the red head guy. "And Hideyoshi."

"No I am Minami." The girl with red hair raised her hand.

"And I am Himeji." Said the girl with pink hair.

"So you like physical stuff? Do you play sports?" Yuuji asked.


"What kind?"

"I play hockey, gymnastics, basketball, football, I used to wrestle, volleyball, soccer, and cheerleading."

"I don't count cheerleading as a sport. It's too easy."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."

"Then do a double backhand spring, front tuck, layout?"


"Exactly. It's not easy."

"Show me and I bet I can do it."

"Fine I bet 5 yen you can't. Deal?" I held out my hand.


"But I have to stretch first."

"How longs that going to take?"

"Not long. A split and back bend should do just fine."

I put my left leg out in front of me and slid down slowly until both my legs touched the ground. The I stood up and went down into a back bend.

"Almost. Almost." I heard someone say. I stood up to see a guy with a camera trying to take a picture of under my skirt.

"Hah! I'm wearing gym shorts undernieth!"


I walked over to the far end corner of the room. Started with both feet together then did my double back handspring. Stopped for a split second took a deep breath then did my front tuck layout.

"Do it." I simply said.

Yuuji put his head down dug in his pocket and handed me 5 yen.

"I don't want your money." I laughed.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Himeji asked.

"I lived in America for a couple years so I took up gymnastics."

"Where'd you live in America?"


"Cool! I heard they have a school for people who can turn into weapons and those who control them." Yoshii laughed.

"That's a show you baka."

"So Akemi. Do you do anything else?"

"I like drama class. Where the Moonlight Shines is my favorite play."

"I to love that play. We are doing it in theater this month." Hideyoshi was now my favorite person in the world.

"I remember that whole play by heart."


"Well Lady Isabelle's parts."

"You should try out."

"Maybe I will. Are you in it?"

"Yes I am playing Jack."

"The lead male role. Very pleasing. Tell me Hideyoshi, what was your favorite scene?"

"I liked the one where Jack ran into the chapel to stop the arranged marriage between Prince Edward and Lady Isabelle."

"Yes. It is to my favorite. I hope one day someone will sweep me off my feet like that."

"You guys look like you're going to start making out." Aki pretended to gag.

"Would that be a problem Aki?"

"Well Akemi. It would be a problem if you started dating one of my friends."

"Don't worry Aki I'm not a slut and I'm staying away from guys this year."

"So you swing that way?"

"I never said that! No I'm not into girls! Guys are always all over me and I'm done with it."

"Who are they I'll beat them up for liking my sister."

"Oh Aki, you are too sweet. I can see why they like you." I smiled.

"What are you talking about?"


"What is it?"

"I'm sorry what are we talking about?"

"I'm doing this again."

"Doing what?"

"Akemi! Tell me or I'll start crying!"

"Then cry."

"You suck."

"Yeah yeah. Himeji, Minami can I please talk to you?"

They nodded and followed me out of the room.

"What are you going to do about Aki?"

"We don't know what you mean." Himeji looked down.

"You don't need to be embarrassed. I know you girls like him. I heard you guys talking about it on Friday down town. Speaking of which I need to thank you. If you weren't talking about him I would have never found him."

"You're v-v-very welcome Akemi." Minami started bighting her nails.

"You have my approval too." I said walking into the room.

"Approval for what?" Aki asked.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it."

"Akemi please tell me or I'll-"

"Aki we just met. You have no dirt on me, and I was talking about how they have my approval to come to my beach house on Wednesday."

"Why Wednesday?"

"Early weekend. You guys can come too."

"Sweet." They cheered.

"That will be pleasant." Hideyoshi smiled.

"Auditions for Where the Moonlight Shines Are beginning now. Please join us in the theater if you wish to audition." The intercom spoke with a bland voice.

"I guess that's our que." I grabbed Hideyoshi's hand and pulled him down the hall into the theater.

It was large with maroon chairs and a big polished stage. It looks magnificent and made me cry just looking at it.

"There isn't a lot of people trying out so your almost guaranteed to get the part you want." Hideyoshi's whisper sent chills down my spine.

"Welcome everyone," The director was a big lady with a cheerful vibe in her. "Thank you for joining me today for this amazing play. We will be doing it in pairs so you two," She pointed at Hideyoshi and me. "What parts?"

"I'm auditioning for Lady Isabelle and he's auditioning for Jack." I informed.

"You two go first. Pick whatever scene you like."

We walked up on stage deciding to do our favorite scene.

"Wait please," Hideyoshi started. "Do not say I do."

"Jack. Whatever on earth are you doing here?"

"Lady Isabelle I love thee with all my heart more than anyone here could ever love thee."


"No I will not leave without the one I love."

"I do not know what to say."

"Then please listen. I want to make you happier than you could ever be with anyone else. I want to wake up with thee next to me. Isabelle, my love, marry me. I may not have a ring, but I shall get one."

"Jack, darling. A ring or no ring does not matter. I love you moe than there are stars in the sky. I will wed thee."

We turned to the director and bowed.

"That was indeed beautiful!" She stood up and clapped along with her 2 consultants.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"You both got the part! I don't need to see any more Isabelle's and Jack's."

Half the room groaned, got up, and left.

We walked down the narrow hallways with smiles on our faces.

"You were magnificent Hideyoshi." I finally said.

"As were you."

"I'm so excited to be in this play and to be my favorite character is an honor."

"I'm always excited to be in a play, but to be a male in the play is just amazing."

"I'm guessing they make you a male a lot?"

"More than you think."

I let out a small giggle.

"So tell me, what is the real reason you moved classes?"

I stopped walking.

"You saw straight through that lie huh?"

"You might be a great actress, but a horrible liar."

'I'm supposed to be watching after Aki, for Akira I expected him to be smart, but once I found out I was in A and he was in F I had to transfer. Mr. Nishimota said it would be okay. Mostly because I'm his twin sister.' I begged for myself to tell him that, but I couldn't for it could potentially ruin my relationship with Aki.

"I wanted to be in a class with someone I know and Aki was the only one I knew." I wasn't fully lying. I was lonely.

"Makes sense. I would hate to be the new kid and know no one."


Bring! The bell charged through every hall and every room.

"I better go. I have a feeling Aki forgot his key again." I ran down the hall to find Aki being ambushed by a couple dudes in cloaks.

"Aki. You are sentenced to death for having a girl make your lunch. If we cannot be happy nor can you." One yelled.

"Aki we're going home. Sorry guys Aki can't play right now. You can kill him tomorrow." I grabbed the tied up idiot and lugged him over my shoulder.

"Ha suckers!" Aki stuck his tongue out.

He might be 16, but he has the mind of a 7 year old.