Whoa look Chapter two up already! Bitchin' right? B-but I feel kinda bad about this chapter.

Francis: Good! You make me look awful!

Gilbert: It's just a story! It's not like she actually owns us!

Chapter Two: You were a what...?

Gilbert stared at the girl, who in turn stared right back at him. His eyes were curious, lighter pink and golden specks brightening at the thought of talking to the ghost, her eyes, on the other hand, showed intense fear making dark blue and lavender specks darken her amethyst eyes.

"Who are you?" Gilbert asked gently, his voice soft almost loving. He shocked himself with this voice, usually using a firm, hard voice with spirits, but he couldn't make himself raise his voice at the trembling girl.

"M-my name is Madeline B-bonnefoy-K-Kirkland Williams. Are you here to take me away again?" she demanded, though her voice was light and quiet as a whisper. Gilbert was taken aback. Take her? Take her where? "

"Not at all Maddie, I'm just here to ask some questions. A pretty lady like you should be able to answer for the awesome me right?" Gilbert asked, slowly stepping closer to the beautiful young ghost, wincing slightly as she flinched away. She sighed, turning around and patting the ground beside her. She seemed more relaxed, but Gilbert saw her tensed shoulders.

"I'll answer as best I can... i'm becoming more forgetful now." Madeline said, giving a gently forced smile. Gilbert smiled happily, taking a seat beside her, joyful to see her curly golden blonde hair in small pigtails up close. Her hair looked soft, though she mustn't have had a bath for weeks when she died.

"Ok Birdie," Gilbert started, pressing down on the recording button on a small device, "why are you at the asylum? Are you a nurse here?"

"No, I'm a patient." she said and Gilbert froze slightly. That wasn't possible, she was sweet, normal, young!

"Can you tell me whole story Birdie?" he asked quietly, sure he would be scared of the answer.

"Sure I- wait, Birdie?" she asked, confusion and amusement in her voice as she turned her head to face Gil. She had a small smile on her face as she eyed the young man and he smirked himself.

"Yes Birdie, your voice is quiet and lyrical, like a bird's." he quickly explained and she nodded, understanding now.

"O-Ok, well anyway, I don't remember my past much, I was only eight when they put me in here.
My family's a bit odd, I have two fathers and a twin brother. My one father was always away, making my other one frustrated and uh... deprived. One night, I w-was sleeping when I heard my d-door creak open. I woke up and saw my father standing there, obviously drunk, but i had no idea back then. He walked over to my bed a-a-and..." Maddie had started crying and Gilbert gently put a hand on her shoulder.

" You don't have to continue if you don't want to, Birdie." he comforted as she wiped her eyes quickly.

"N-no it's fine. A-as I was saying, he came over to my bed and started... t-touching me. L-long story short, that was the first night I was raped. I had been four at the time. Then, it continued like that every Saturday night for a year and a half, until my twin caught him one night. He told my other father as soon as he came home that night and I never saw Papa again. But the damage had been done. I... I have a multiple personality disorder, but at the time, I had been dubbed as insane or possessed. I would go through bouts of memory lose where I would apparently snap and... I-I killed several people apparently. I had been seven the first time my brother told me that this had happened and they became progressively worse until Father snapped himself and dropped me off here. I came here and for the next twelve years, they would lash me and chain me down at night or lock me in solitude for weeks at a time. But I haven't seen anyone else until today." Maddie said quietly, fresh tears running down her flushed cheeks. Gilbert sat there in silence, trying to comprehend how a girl like her could have gone through so much and still be as sweet as she was.

"Birdie, I have something important to tell you. You're no longer alive." he said slowly, needing to get it off his chest. He slowly shrank away from the girl with the supposed dark side as he watched her reaction. She turned to him and gave him a funny look.

"No shit Sherlock." she said, laughing slightly. "I've known I've been dead for... what's the date anyway eh?" she asked, looking up like she was thinking.

"It's twenty eleven." he said, smiling in relief. Hey, you can't blame him, the last time he went to an asylum, a demon nearly killed him!

"Oh wow, I've been dead for nearly two hundred years now!" she said, looking completely shocked. Gilbert opened his mouth to reply with a sarcastic comment, when his phone went off. He took it out of his pocket, trying not to laugh at the girl's amazed expression as she eyed the iPhone.

"Your awesomeness speaking." he answered, making her giggle.

"Gilbert! We need a medium right now, a brick just flew into the fucking wall!" Francis shouted from the other line.

"Shit!" Gilbert cursed, standing up quickly and grabbing Maddie's small hand. "Be right there Francis, hold tight!" As soon as he hung up, he took off running out of the room, "dragging" (not really, she was floating) Madeline behind him.

"M-mr. Gilbert? What's going on? We can't go on that side of the building!" she shouted ( well... she said in a normal voice) at him. Gilbert didn't listen still sprinting.

"My friends are in trouble! Why the hell can't we go on that side?" he demanded, slowing down slightly.

"I-Ivan." came the trembling reply.

Author Note!

HO SHIZBIT! IT'S IVAN! *runs around, screaming like a bitch*

Anyway! Please review~ I-if you have time... Oh and yes, MPD (or DID) is believed to be caused by a traumatic incident! I googled it! So that's it... BYE! *flies out of view* OH WAIT! Sorry Francis! You were a sexually deprived father of two in this story! Oh and why don't you guys write down what you think Maddie's reaction to seeing Francis will be!