Author's Note

Hey everyone. I realize it has been a long while since I updated this fic. The reason being two fold, having little to no time to write (real life sucks sometimes) and working on planning out the eventual saga of fics this will turn into. Both Stargate and Mass Effect are HUGE sandboxes to play with, but I am a stickler for canon and try to retain as much as I possibly can.

To that end I have spent the entire summer re-watching all ten seasons of SG1 and got started on Atlantis for the purpose of getting notes on some tech specs as well as potential unfinished plots and character arcs I could use. I am currently half way through Atlantis Season Five and have Universe's two seasons to complete as well. I know a vast majority of SG fans didn't like Universe for one reason or another, but my eventual saga will incorporate it as it represents a huge difference in technology and gaining an understanding of the universe (in short, not as much of a drama as it was, and will be more in line with SG1 and SGA in terms of tone).

I also wish to make this clear. I am NOT giving up on this fic, rather when I finish my note taking and finish planning everything out, there will be a new story posted: Stargate: A New Era 1.1.

While I have no idea when SGANE 1.1 will be posted, if you wish to get updates on my progress, I have a Twitter account that you can use to follow me. I try to post periodic updates, so search for 'Mitchell_DN7', and you should be able to find the one that is me.

Finally, I wish to thank all of you who reviewed, favorited, and alerted SGANE. It's because of you guys that I am putting as much work as I am into this fic.

With that said, I'll see you guys later,
