A/N: I'm in the process of rewriting this. For those of you reading my 'Trust' story, please bear with me. I promise I'm not abandoning it, my muse has just decided to take an extended vacation without asking. I promise I'm trying to get it back, but until then I'm going with my SoA muse. I hope y'all like this new version. It's along the same lines as the original, I've just taken out Brianna breaking her foot, it's kind of thrown me off with her having that, so hopefully this will help me & my muse.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot & any characters that are not owned by Kurt Sutter.

"Hiya Darlin," Lord that voice could make any womans panties wet. "How you been Bri darlin?"

"Layin it on a bit thick, don't cha think?" She asked as she turned from arranging the liquor behind the bar. Lord knows he can make me putty in his hands with that voice of his, she thought to herself as she tried to suppress a shiver of desire.

"Not at all," Chibs said as he slid on to the stool. He had Levi 501s on, his gun sitting on his right hip, a black Sons shirt under his leather kutte, and she could just make out the hilt of his knifes as he leaned toward the bar. His hair was pulled back at the nape of his neck, his shades pushed to the top of his head, leaving his chocolate brown eyes visible. Most find his scars to be gross or "scary", fucking twats, she thought, but she found that they add to his character, and if it is even humanly possible, made him even sexier than he already was. "What makes you think that?"

"Well, your accent is thicker than the last time we spoke, so either you need my help with somethin again, or you just got back from a visit to Ireland," She set a cold Blue Moon in front of him and leaned against the bar. She was wearing her dark blue skinny jeans with knee high Christian Louboutin lace up heeled boots and a tight fitting black wife-beater that was a size too small. Her purple lace bra straps were easily seen. She had her arms crossed under her breast, so that as she leaned against the bar they were pushed up and easy enough for Chibs to get a nice view.

"Chibs quit playin around with the pussy," Tig, the ever pompous crazy member of the club, took the stool on Chibs right while Jax, VP of the club and in Brianna's opinion the one member that should actually rise to be prez, took the stool on Chibs left.

"Hi, Bri," Jax greeted her with a smile. She handed him a cold Blue Moon and smiled her greeting.

"I'm not just another pussy, Tig. You should know that since I never gave it up to you. I am not some crow-eater, either. Head on over to Caracara if you got an itch to scratch, granted that's probably where you got the itch. So maybe you should hit up the clinic instead of the porn pussy," Fuckin prick, she thought to herself as she slammed a warm Fat Tire on the bar in front of him. "So what can I do for ya love?" She turned back to Chibs and Jax, doing her best to ignore the moron on her left.

"Clay wants to know if you'll be willing to tend bar at the club. Our prospects are out of town for personal bullshit. I'm surprised Clay let them go," Jax was the first to answer. Brianna was hoping Chibs would continue to talk, but she guessed he was sent in to butter her up. Go figure, she thought before answering.

"Do I need to supply the liquor too?" I hate working the club! I would say no but they keep my little bar in business. She thought to herself. She didn't mind the guys, and Gemma and Tara were always kind, but she always seemed to have trouble with the Caracara girls and the other crow-eaters.

"Darlin' you don't have to. Ya know we'll still come and see ya," responded Chibs, breaking her out of her thoughts.

"It's fine, love. I'll do it but make it clear to Clay, I ain't happy about the last minute request," She turned around and grabbed the phone off the wall to call up one of her guys to come in and cover her for the night. "Alright boys, I'm clear to work it tonight. Now get out before I change my mind," She pushed back the money Chibs and Jax put on the bar but pocketed Tig's money.

"Alright darlin, we'll see you tonight." Chibs took one more swig of his beer before clapping Jax on the back and walking out with him.

"Why don't you like me Bri?" Tig asked as she wiped down the bar where the boys had been sitting. "So I tried to get into your pants. I doubt I was the first or that I'll be the last."

"The names Brianna, not Bri," she turned to face him, her left hip popped out with her hand resting on it while her right hand hung down with the wet rag in her hand. "As to your question, because you treated me like nothing more then a pussy and a croweater. I'm more than pussy and I'm no fucking crow-eater. Just because I'm not an Old Lady anymore, doesn't mean that I'm going to lower myself to being just another pussy you fucked. Now get out before I have your ass thrown out," With that Brianna turned around and walked into the back.

Chibs and Jax walked towards the clubhouse bullshitting about what the night held for them. Tig walked up behind them and turned Chibs around to face him. "What's the girl to you?"

"What are you talkin about brother?" Chibs was confused. Tig never refereed to a girl as a girl. It was either pussy or crow-eater.

"Bri, what is she to you? Is she off limits?"

"I'm not making her off limits, but I have a feeling she made it very clear to you that she is. She lost her husband over seas, brother. She's off limits to everyone," Chibs eyed Tig before continuing. "Why do you care? You knew when we met her she wasn't just another pussy. As Bobby would put it, she's lady pussy not whore pussy. Tig you want whore pussy, and lady pussy can't be turned into whore pussy. Get over it brother."

"Yeah, Tig. Besides when she decides to not be off limits to everyone, she'll only be open to Chibs," Jax clapped Chibs on the back. "She's all kinds of hot for you, Scotsman."

"You've been with your Old Lady too long. She'll always be off limits to any in this club. She hates tending these parties for us. Her fear of losing business is the only reason she does it."

"That and she gets to listen to your voice while you sit at the bar all night talking to her," Jax turned and entered the clubhouse.

"You're crazy." Chibs called and he followed Jax. "That girl just needs a friend and that's what I'm being."

"Chibs she won't let anyone else call her Darlin' or Bri, but you." Tig said, somewhat irritably. He didn't like being the one rejected. It didn't sit well with him.

"Maybe that's because I didn't try to sleep with her the first day I met her," With that Chibs finished walking into the club house and headed to his room in the back. He was tired of Tigs moodiness because he didn't get his way. Bri's a good woman; she deserves better then a man that couldn't protect his first wife and his daughter, he thought as he fell face first on his bed.