Get Her Back

A.N: Hey all. So updated The Finding, hope you enjoyed that if you read it. If not here is my order of updates.

Get Her Back
Love You Most
A Very Strange Weekend
To Protect the Ones You Love
also is you read Secrets Aren't Meant to Last Forever it's being updated after this one.

A Plan of Action

Derek's POV

Nicholas led us into pack territory, which consisted of a lot of judging eyes. Apparently Charlotte wasn't the only werewolf who disliked other supernaturals.

"This them?" One asked jerking their head towards us, and Nicholas nodded in response.

"Yes and I'd appreciate it if you all welcomed them with open minds. They've come to get revenge on Bird." I watched as a few of the werewolf stiffened or growled.

"I'm in." One voice shouted out and all eyes turned to look at one of the most terrifying people I've ever seen. He stood at least a foot over me, his shirt was off showing just how strong he had to be and his eyes were orange like fire.

"Wow, that is one big man." Simon whispered and I nodded.

"I think he's cute." Tori commented and Chloe looked at her with wide eyes.

"Cute?" She asked and Tori nodded.

"That blonde hair with those eyes, he looks like a kitten." She obviously forgot the fact that he was a werewolf but didn't seem fazed when he glared at her.

"Very well Viktor." Nicholas approved as walked past the large man. "You are now responsible for the Bae family." With that he left us staring at the large man.

"I'm Viktor." He told us his accent thick and deep, Russian.

"Victoria, Victoria Enright." Tori spoke up first smiling at him, "most people call me Tori."

"Tis a shame. Victoria is, much prettier." He commented and I gagged as Tori blushed. "Strong name Victoria is."

"Well one has to be strong to survive in this world." Tori replied taking the hand he reached out towards her.

"I suppose that is true." He commented, "Room this way." He turned leading us farther into the woods until we reached a row of houses.

"Wow." Chloe whispered her arms wrapped around my let one.

"Tis beautiful." Viktor commented before throwing a door open. "You place." He then pointed at the other end of the house where another door was. "My room."

"Thanks!" Simon called rushing into the house, "wow this is awesome!"

"Yes thank you." Tori said reaching up to pat the mans head and he grinned at her. I have never seen anything more….terrifying and I don't mean the grin. I'd never seen a man happy to be patted on the head by Tori!

"Uh can we go inside?" Chloe whispered and I nodded leading her into the small house.

"I shall receive you all at dinner." He told us and Tori giggled, "until then Victoria." He all but purred her name like a cat.

"Thanks Viktor." She replied closing the door before looking at us.

"What was that about?" I asked automatically and Tori's eyes went wide.

"Oh my god! I can't believe I did that, but his hair was so soft! Chloe you have to help me I'm acting like, like-"

"A girl completely infatuated with a man." Chloe replied smiling, "seems like coming here was better then I thought it would be."

It was then that I understood. Tori or Victoria as Viktor insisted on calling her, she was now the mate of another werewolf. I roared in laughter to think that the one person who seemed to detest werewolves the most would become infatuated with one.

"Shut up Derek!" Tori yelled at him, "why are you laughing."

"I think he finds it amusing that you're Viktor's mate. Though I doubt he'll admit it still hung up on his ex. Perhaps that means there is more then one mate for werewolves." Chloe pondered this and I froze looking down at her.

"No. It is possible that maybe the girl wasn't his mate or that after a mate dies a new connection can be formed?" I moved to pull her into my arms, "logically that should be the answer if not we might never further our line."

"I can't be. I just, I just wanted to talk to him, get to know him." Tori clammed up then blushing as red as Chloe does, "oh god!"

"It's Nicholas and Charlotte." A female voice said at the door, "please open up." I moved to pull the door open and the two entered.

"We need a plan of action." Nicholas began sitting down on the couch, "we also need some form of bait."

"I offer myself." Chloe spoke up and I growled at her.

"No, I'm afraid I won't risk another mate in this ordeal. However perhaps you Victoria-" His comment was interrupted by a growl and I looked to see Viktor's hulking form in the door.

"Viktor?" Charlotte spoke up staring at the man, "what on earth are you growling for."

"If you let anyone lay one hair on Victoria Bae I will rip you to shreds." He commented before walking out of sight.

"He's so-" Tori covered her mouth before she could finish her thought.

"Very well we can discuss that part later, what we really need is to find this." Nicholas placed a picture on the table.

It was a small white flower no bigger then Chloe's pinky finger. It had miniature lines of orange and gold swirling together in the form of a wolf.

"This is wolfs bane." He commented and I went pale.

Wolfsbane: The one ingredient able to stun and freeze a wolf. Extremely rare to find and extremely dangerous if one were to come into contact with it as a werewolf. The crushed leaves create a secretion that can glue a werewolf into its current form. Forever.

"I've known some plants to be found just north of here," Charlotte spoke up, "I've even met a wolf who gave up turning into a wolf to marry a human girl."

"So it works." I whispered and Charlotte nodded.

"If sprinkled on Bird and his colleagues at the right moment we might be able to play them off as rogue wolves. Rogue wolves if put in the right situation can be put down humanly."

"He deserves worse." I growled and Nicholas sighed,

"He enjoys his games and even if he was human jail won't stop who he is. I also don't want anyone to become a killer."

"I completely understand." Chloe smiled at him, "however it won't be easy to get him to turn."

"I'm aware of that. However that is where you come in Ms. Saunders."

"Me?" Chloe replied uncertainly, "all I can do is talk to spirits and raise the dead."

"Exactly and there is nothing Bird fears more then past victims coming back."

"But I don't know where they are."

"Well it's a good thing I do, I would like you to use there ghosts though. I've heard there is a spell," He looked at Tori now, "that allows the spelled person to have the eyes of a necromancer briefly. It's hard to do because one of the main ingredients is a tear from the eye that has seen every ghost you desire the victim to see."

"So I need to see the ghosts so Tori can make him." Chloe grinned, "I love the idea."

"She doesn't need to be there though." I insisted and Nicholas nodded.

"Derek I promise that we will do everything we can to make sure Chloe remains completely unharmed."

"Thank you." I replied wrapping an arm around the petite blond.

"With that we hope to see you at dinner." Charlotte commented leading Nicholas out of our house.

"I love the plan." Simon said sitting on the staircase that led to the upstairs. "It's brilliant."

Tori's POV

I heard the knock at four o'clock, which of course seemed early for dinner. Registering in my mind who the possibilities of it being I got off the couch to open the door.

"It's dangerous to open the door to anyone Miss Victoria." A deep voice rebounded around the room.

"Viktor." I replied smiling up at him. "Would you rather I never opened the door?" I watched him stroke the short blond hairs on his chin before looking down at me.

"No, I suppose I would not like that. I would however like if you'd join me for some ice cream."

"Ice cream?" I asked and he blushed.

"Unless you'd prefer coffee or tea."

"No, no ice cream sounds," I smiled at him grabbing my coat and slipping on my shoes, "perfect." I reached out taking his large hand in my own letting him lead me down a small trail in the forest.

"Wvunderful." He replied and I gripped his hand firmly. He was, different I thought. Maybe that is why I like him so much, he's sweet, and his hard shell is like the top of a Crème Brule. Hard until you crack the surface to the jelly smooth soft center, I knew this about a man I'd barely spoken too. I knew that the woman he loved passed away, that his sister was a victim of Birds. I knew that more then anything all he wanted was not to be judged and loved for who he was. I knew that he absolutely loved to read and used complex words only when writing. I knew that his favorite ice cream flavor wasn't chocolate like everyone in the pack though but actually it was strawberry.

I knew he hated that his name Viktor meant conqueror and that he wished he could've been named Vladimir. Vlad meaning 'to rule' and Mir which meant peace and together they meant peaceful ruler.

I knew that he preferred to be thought of as a werewolf but could actually turn into a full sized Ocelot. A feline resembling a leopard, which he was slightly embarrassed about because Ocelot were quite small.

"You hate being called Victoria." He commented as I noticed the ice cream bar in the small village he'd brought me too.

"My mother used that name, she was always mad at me." I replied and he nodded ordering for the both of us, strawberry for him and vanilla for me. "Chloe and Derek's mate relationship was a lot different then this."

"They are always different, especially if there are walls or boundaries put up." He replied leading me to a bench, "there is also the fact that werewolf bonds differ from other shifting species."

"You mean there are others?"

"Loads. Just think of all the things you've seen so far Victoria," he replied reaching out to twirl my hair, "I'm sorry is that insensitive? Would you rather I called you Tori?"

"No, that's alright."

"I'm glad, seems a shame not to use such a beautiful name." He replied dropping my hair to fall behind my back, "a beautiful name for a beautiful woman."

"You're quite cheesy you know that." I replied slowly eating my ice cream as he devoured his own.

"You've always wanted someone cheesy, and to become a princess. Shall I start to refer to you as my princess?" He asked with a wink and I went bright red. This whole sharing past thing could get extremely complicated.

"You always wanted to dress up like Stitch so I don't think that could work anymore."

"I grew out of that ridiculous need long ago." He replied curtly and I smiled.

"Pity, I would've like having a furry animal around." I teased and he grinned at me. I knew that he knew my mother was dead, that my father wasn't my father. That the man I learned was my father was dead as well.

I also knew that his parents had abandoned him and his sister. It didn't bother me to know these things; it felt like I always had. Like I'd always known Viktor and I felt like I too could feel his pain.

"I'm not going anywhere Victoria." He whispered and slung an arm behind my back, "and I'm not letting you go anywhere either." I smiled knowing exactly what he meant.

"Time." I replied and he nodded, we had lots of time. Time to not just feel the love the world wanted us to, but time to create our own. To learn not just the past thoughts and feeling but to enjoy the next ones together. We had time to make memories to fall in love for 'real' this time.

"We have forever." He whispered leaning in to kiss my cheek his stubble scratching along it.

"That sounds nice." I replied trying not to think about the past. Trying to block my mothers jarring voice in my head. I deserved him, I wanted him and damn it I wasn't going to let anyone get in my way. I was going to have someone beside me for the rest of my life, someone that will love me not because we're running for our lives. Not because we're related but someone to love even the darkest parts of me. Someone who knew my deepest fears and darkest thoughts, and through all of that, through everything he will love me. Even after I learn about his I will always love him.

"It sounds," he paused for a moment leaning his head on my cheek, "perfect."

A.N: So yes I gave Tori a boyfriend. She deserved it she's been through a lot. Plus I need Viktor for the plot line why not give him something to fight for ;)

Hope you all loved reading this! I'll be back soon with more, I've written down my thoughts and my plot line now so it'll make updates a lot easier. No more of those big brick walls.

Please read my other work, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do writing them.
