Hello Sequel :)

By the way, sorry if there are any mistakes in this chapter or things are worded a bit weirdly. Because, thanks to my summer reading, I started reading To Kill a Mockingbird...and, yeah...my thought process is a little screwed up -_- Hopefully my normal writing will return safely after a few days...if not...well, FML.



Lakota's point of view:

"You know we're gonna have to go out there eventually, right? We can't keep this up," I glanced over at Quil who was only about 5 inches away from my face, his very large body pressed up against mine in the small cramped up space of Jacob's closet. You see, today was May 23rd…a Saturday to be exact. Also the wonderful marking of my 17th birthday. Jacob having already turned 17 2 months ago…but, no biggy. I'm still better than him – even if he does happen to be 2 freaking months older. Pfft, what a sham.

"We don't have to do squat," I argued back, shaking my head as Quil's breath blasted in my face. I made a weird sound crossing between a gag and a duck quack as I pushed his face away.

"Ugh, why so close to my face? Loser," Quil frowned, pushing my face back with equal amount of force. Not his entire strength of course because, no matter how awesome I am, my head would've probably slammed right through the wall behind me. That, my friends, would probably hurt. Well, unless my ninja cape of protectiveness decided to shield me at such a precious moment. But, alas, nothing ninja related has occurred since Jacob and I grounded the Swan chic. Even then it only contained half the ninja awesomeness as any other day I experience. Overall, I was a little disappointed. But even then I met her…boyfriend. A.K.A. the dude that needs a freaking tan. No kidding, the guy is pale as shit. If it weren't that and his unattractive bags under his eyes I'd say he was pretty decent on the eyes.

I shook my head, holding my breath when I heard a pair of footprints walk past the closet door, only hesitating briefly before they continued on. Letting out all the air I held in my lungs I looked over at Quil as he rolled his eyes, leaning against the wall in a bored manner before absently picking some loose threads on a winter jacket.

"You do realize Jacob can smell you and your exact location? And he's probably heard every single word you uttered up to the last second," I sighed, thoroughly irritated as Quil nonchalantly glanced around the dark, cramped up closet.

"Then why doesn't he just find us, smart one?" I hissed, trying -yet failing- to smack him upside the head. The closet was too small for that kind of stuff, I barely had breathing room let alone the space to move my arm. How was I supposed to conflict fake pain upon Quil and his wolfy ass? Huh? Life is so not fair…le sigh.

"He wants you to have fun. No matter how little fun I'm having. But, even you have to admit, he's stretching this 'finding you' thing on long enough," I groaned. Quil was such a party pooper. This was my birthday people! I'll play hide-and-seek whenever and however long I wish.

"You didn't have to play," I grunted, petting one of Sarah's old fur coats fondly. No matter how bad it smelt after all the years of rotting in this stupid, little closet. It was still pretty damn soft…like a puppy. Huh…I wonder how soft Quil's wolf fur would be if I skinned him and made him into a coat. I looked over at Quil, simultaneously petting the coat with curiosity. Quil, sensing my gaze, glanced over. Seeming a little uncomfortable as I eyed him up.

"What?" He asked, glanced over to the door quickly before back to me. I just shrugged, looking back down at the coat I was petting.

"Oh…nothing…nothing really," I said soothingly, my gaze flickering up to Quil's for a quick second before returning to the soft coat. There was an audible gulp on his part as his eyes flickered between the coat and me, and, almost if he knew what I was thinking, a look of absolute panic crossed his face.

"Don't. Even. Think. About. It," he hissed warningly, looking ready to practically faint as I gave him an innocent smile.

"Think about what?"

"Kota, that shit ain't funny. You know, if you'd ever mention about turning my luscious fur into a coat that Jacob wouldn't hesitate to make that happen. You know that. And I, I beg of you, please. Don't do it," I huffed, sighing heavily. The upside to agreeing to be Jacob's little girly-friend? Besides the amazing make out sessions and the fact I didn't have to hide my ever growing feelings for him…is that it seemed Quil and Embry both grew more afraid of me as each day passed. It was just like old times! The days where I could threaten them and make them quake with fear have returned. Mostly because they know Jacob became some weird…well, I don't know what to call it. But he's been really…eh, protective. Handy? Weird? Lovey-dovey? Stuff like that. And, it seems, Embry and Quil have gotten a list of possibilities with what I could do with such a power. I mean, I would never take advantage of Jake or use him for anything bad, but he did come in great use when I wanted to get Quil and Embry back for revenge. It was like my life was coming all together.

I couldn't be happier.

"I'd doubt Jacob would let me turn you into a coat, Quil," I soothed, feeling a little bit put-down at that. No matter how much Jacob was willing to go on the edge for me to be happy, he did have boundaries. And…killing one of his best friends? I'm sure he'd have enough sense not to do such a thing. Right?


"Huh. Maybe he would," I said lowly, making Quil whimper at the thought. Just then the closet door opened, revealing a grinning Jacob as he quickly snatched me up, wrapping his arm around my shoulder before slamming the closet door in Quil's face before he so much as took a step out of the cramped space. Snorting out a loud laugh I gave him a quick kiss on the chin, quickly running down the stairs with him on my heels.

"Okay, okay!" Billy announced, rolling himself into our living room and towards the presents, "it's time to open some gifts – got that birthday girl?" he asked, raising a grey eyebrow in my direction. I stood up straight, giving him a salute. Billy rolled his eyes, going to the perfectly wrapped present in pink. Joy…

"This, my dear, is from Rebecca…you know, since she couldn't be here," I nodded, offering a smirk.

"Looks like Rebecca," I said somewhat nicely, but only to make a face as I saw the pink, sparkly card. Jeesh, this women was trying to kill me.

"Oh, stop acting like it's going to eat you and just open it," Jacob whined, leading me over to the couch as he sat next to me, giving me a wet open mouthed kiss on the cheek.

"Eck. Keep the saliva in your mouth, dude," I muttered darkly, just barely noticing when Quil dragged himself into the living room with a very annoyed look on his face. Someone was a little cranky…

"Yeah. Nobody wants to see that crap," Embry yelled out, making a few people snicker and the others pip in their agreements. The pack, as weird as that sounds, were fairly easy to get along with. I mean, Paul and I had our little spits of disagreements here and there. Mostly noting the fact that he had a little crush on Jacob's sister – Rachel. And Rachel…being Rachel, was like an older sister to me. Meaning I was like a little sister to her. And since she's only ever had a little brother…meant I got a little spoiled. And, if you were as smart as I was, you'd find many ways to turn Rachel against Paul. Which was real fun when you got into it. Kind of like a hobby…

As for Sam, and Jared? They were a little…dull. I mean, they were okay guys, but they really had to loosen up. And then there's Seth, and Leah Clearwater. Seth is…still Seth. Though he does look a lot older, and his hair was cut short – much to my dismay, he was still really adorable at heart. The cutest thing though? Apparently he idolizes Jacob. I swear, if I didn't want Jacob for myself I would totally set him and Seth up. How cute would that be? And Leah…she's…so far my favorite person. The girl doesn't take shit; a very good quality if I must say so myself. And then there were the girlfriends of the pack. Though there wasn't much. Just about 2 girls, and a little kid with the name of Claire.

"My birthday – my rules. And I say Jacob and I can suck face wherever we wish," I stuck my tongue out, unwrapping the sparkly pink envelope to see a care with a picture of a baby on it. Blinking I could only spare Jacob an incredulous look before he shrugged, thus egging me on to read the inside of the card.

"Read it out loud!" Rachel called out, a mischievous glint in her eyes. I swallowed nervously, eyeing her up before hesitantly opening the piece of paper, not bothering to skim it before I read it out loud.

"Dear Kota, happy birthday! 17…that's a big number. And since you're getting older – I can only guess you're starting to get those sudden urges. Sooo…here's a little something, something ;) –Becca," I was pretty sure my face paled a little as I eyed the tiny little box carefully, not exactly positive if I wanted to open it. Let alone touch it.

"Oh, come on, Kota, it can't be that bad," Jacob coaxed, handing me the horribly decorated, yet neatly wrapped present.

"This is Rebecca, Jake. If I didn't know any better – there could be a dinosaur egg in there. Well…then again, that would actually be pretty cool…" Maybe Becca's code for 'sudden urges' meant raising a dinosaur? I sighed. One can only hope…eh, what the hell? Might as well get this over with.

Quickly tearing open the present I was met with…

Oh dear gosh.

"Condoms?" I squeaked out, spazzing out as I threw the present at the ground, causing several little packages of said condoms to scatter across the entire living room floor. I'm pretty sure if my face got any redder my head would've popped with tomato juice. Embry and Quil simultaneously busted out with laughter while everyone else either send me a grin and a wink, or a sympathetic smile. As for Jacob?

I simply couldn't look at him. Who knows what kind of thoughts popped into his head?

"Jacob if you're thinking about getting sex…leave," I growled, peeking over to see his face match a similar shade of red as mine. He blinked over at me, looking ashamed as he slowly got up…thus leaving the room. My eyes widened; this was awkward.

"Oh Jesum," I splutter as Embry and Quil roared into another round of laughter.