Chapter One: the More Things Change


Ashley (Ash) Spinelli rolled over and slapped her alarm clock for the third time that Wednesday morning. This time, however, instead of closing her eyes, she groaned and sat up, throwing back the coverlet and stepping out onto the icy wood floor with a shudder. Yawning and stretching, she headed for the bathroom.

Standing blearily in front of the sink, Ash regarded her reflection. So many things had changed in the past eight years, she could scarcely recognize herself. Her thick, dark hair had grown long and now hung loose and messy down her back, its thick waves begging to be tamed into its usual smooth texture. Her nearly-olive skin looked slightly greasy from sleep, had cleared since middle school and was nearly as smooth as it had been in her childhood. Full lips and big, dark eyes dominated her face, buther high delicate cheekbones and thick black lashes were her favorite features. She smiled slightly at the girl in the mirror. She wasn't a beauty, certainly, but she had some...charms. While washing her face and brushing her teeth, Ash thought about her friends. They'd changed as much as she had, if not more.

Out of the whole gang, Gus had changed the most. Now a tall, slender tennis star, muscular and well-groomed teen, Gus was the apple of every girl's eye. He was headed for the Army once they graduated, and worked out daily in preparation. Next was Gretchen. Awkward, skinny Gretchen had kept her slender build but it was softened by slight curves,which she flattered with modest cardigans,v-necks, and skinny jeans. The big glasses were hornrimmed now, and her buck teeth had been tamed by braces. Nothing, however, could tame her craving for knowledge, and she was destined to be valedictorian. Her boyfriend, Vince LaSalle, had changed quite a bit too. He'd ditched the flat-top and every sport besides b-ball, and was now team captain. He was also president of the high school cooking club and utterly devoted to his lady love, miss Gretchen. Puke. Next came Mikey, whose personality hadn't lost its bard-like charms. He had, however, slimmed down a bit and learned to use a hairbrush properly. Head of poetry, thespian, and madrigal clubs, Mikey had also gained a ton of other friends to hang out with. He still made time for the gang though.

And then there was TJ, who hadn't really changed at all.

Sure, he was taller, and his clothes were a little different, but the leader of the pack with the baseball cap was still just that. He was also quarterback of the football team and everyone's dream guy...even better-liked than Gus. He was also the ONLY person who still called her Spinelli...and the only person even allowed to call her Spin. Mmmm...Ash blushed, then glared at her reflection. Cut it out! she told the girl in the mirror sternly, shaking the brush she'd been dragging through her nearly butt-length hair for emphasis. He's so totally offlimits, don't even start. She then distracted herself, becoming busy with applying smoky eyeliner and a touch of lipstick. She liked makeup, so long as it wasn't gunked on like the Ashleys wore theirs. Ash absently checked the time. 7:00! Crap! TJ would be there any minute!

Ash dashed back to her room, throwing on a purple cami and a pair of painted-on black skinnies, then jamming her feet haphazardly into her scuffed old Doc Martens. A horn blared outside. "Coming!" she shouted out the window and into the sharp October morning. She snagged her orange ski cap and pinned it to her hair.

The more things change...she thought wryly, before dashing out of the house to the waiting car.