Thanks to all of those awesome reviewers out there! You don't know how happy I was when I saw those. Here's another chapter for you :D

Disclaimer: Still don't own Haven…

Nathan had come to rely on Audrey's small brushes and touches as his way to feel normal again. He'd brush her hand when giving her something. He'd high-five her and shake her hand when the occasion arose to do so. He'd pretend to trip and 'accidentally' bump into her.

She always knew what he was doing.

On this particular day, it was warm enough (for Haven at least) to go out to the beach. It was something that Audrey had never done before, and Nathan, being the nice, caring person he is, decided to take her there for lunch.

He had stopped in The Gull and had gotten a couple of sandwiches and two cans of Coke, leaving Audrey to get a blanket.

"It's nice out here," Audrey breathed in the sea air, a cool breeze blowing through her hair.

"It is," Nathan agreed. He was lying on his side with his head in his palm, elbow supporting it. His eyes squinted when the sun tried to peak out; blue eyes always reflected more light than the other colors.

Audrey laid down on her back, hands across her stomach and watched the cloud cover. It wasn't moving all that quickly. Her leg had brushed his as she moved into the position she was currently in and Nathan was having a small panic attack.

His eyes widened, scared to death that what he had just noticed had actually happened. He stood up quickly and thought his feet were planted firmly on the ground, when his right leg had given out. This fueled his panic attack even more.

"What's wrong?" Audrey asked, looking up at him.

His mind was reeling, "I couldn't feel it when you touched my leg."

She seemed to think for a minute before sitting up. She moved her hand to his pants leg, setting it on his calf.

"Can you feel that?"

He could now. It felt like a dozen little pin-pricks were on his leg, and if he so much as moved a muscle that pain would flare up.

"It hurts, it doesn't feel normal. Like I've been pricked with pins." He tried to explain, looking at her with a worried expression.

She did something that he wouldn't have expected. She laughed.

"Nathan," she giggled, "Your leg was asleep."

I think that I might start taking words when you review, maybe it'll help me think of ideas faster. So leave a word when you review and I might just choose your word to use in the next chappie :D Thanks!