*couldn't think of a name*

First Romance... *sigh* Sorry if I fail at this, my other story is one about the end of the world so you can probably see why Romance wouldn't be in my forte... Hetalia doesn't belong to me! Enjoy! (Warning! Fem!NorwayXDenmark!)

~('v'~)\('v')/(~ 'v')~

It was quiet.

No. It was deathly silent.

They had said what they needed to, and the two blonds walked away. Berwald and Nora had split, hardly anyone even knew they were together. Now practically no one knew they weren't.

Nora glared at the letter in front of her. It was sent from her 'Fiancé' it was basically a letter to elaborate on the 'heated discussion' -emotionless fight- they had earlier in the week. It was a letter of apology and probably was intended to enlighten Nora on what was wrong with her and why she shouldn't hate him for going off with a troll. Getting carried away Nora.... Basically, the whole letter translated was:
"Hi I now dislike/hate you but I hope we can be friends (lol jk enimies really) so yeah I'm leaving to go off with someone else. Don't love you, bye." Maybe she was overexaggerating the letter. A bit.

She left her study after a good hour of looking at the piece of paper and opened the double glass doors of her patio and stepped outside. It was nice to take in a breath of that fresh air. She scrunched her nose though. Why did 'fiancé' dearest have to be so... So... Much of a pimp? Honestly. She couldn't think of anything but that, he went off with another girl... That's reason enough I guess. That's it. He's a pimp. Period.

The pimp was tall and stoic. He was Berwald Oxestierna a man of few words, and even fewer vowels. He was quiet, bordeline creepy, and liked IKEA. What did I see in him...? thought Nora. Maybe the pimpness got to her in the 'heat' of the moment.

Either way, it's ended. Finished. Finito Benito. No more Berwald. No more Swedes. No more relationships. And definitely, no more IKEA.

~('v'~) \('v')/ (~'v')~

It was a crisp and cold Saturday morning in early September, the sun was hidden behind pearly clouds and all the trees in the local park were swaying in the breeze. Nora stepped on the pathway, it was 8am and no one would be awake at that time on a Saturday -except for her of course. Nora was an early riser. She woke up at 7am, give or take a few minutes, and had a quiet breakfast of coffee and toast. Then she would go about her daily routine of taking a walk and then buying groceries, going home, do a bit of work, shower, eat, surf the net and sleep. Just like she did every Saturday. But today there was someone in the normally empty park. Someone with sandy blond hair who looked like he had a rough night.

He was sat on a bench, his arm slung over the back of the bench. He wore a black T-shirt and very baggy red trousers. His head was resting on the back of the bench and he really looked like he was out of it.

Naturally Nora just walked by, she couldn't have cared less. But then the... Guy, started to stir. And soon he was awake. He rubbed his eyes groggily and tried to heave himself up. He did manage... In the end. But he looked disorientated... Nora sighed and walked over. It wasn't like her but, neither was it like her to show emotion. But she did both, she looked curious but worried at the same time. Worried? Pfffft I'd never be worried about some drunk. She had mindlessly walked in front of the man and just looked at him. "Hey Uh... Can I get you something?" surprisingly, he didn't smell like alcohol.

Nora looked down and asked "... Are you okay?" she said it extremely quietly, this sort of caring was completely foreign to her. Well maybe I should change... she looked at him once more Maybe tomorrow.

"Kind of..."

'Kind of'? What kind of answer is that? You can't be 'Kind of' okay! Seriously... Keep your cool Nora.

"Well... I'm just a bit down. That's all."

"So you're not Kind ofokay."

"Yeah fine. Whatever... My name's Matthias. You?"

"Why should I tell you my name?"

"Cause I told you mine..."

"And your point?"

Ouch. Toughie.thought Mathias "Well my point is, you've asked if I'm okay and I hardly know you. Least you could do is tell me your name y'know..."

"Nora. Kay bye" and with that she turned and walked away.

"...Hey wait!" Matthias caught up with Nora and asked "So you live around here?"

"No shit Sherlock. No. Actually I flew all the way over here from Guam"

"Ouch. Cold." Matthias flinched physically, it was obvious it was fake. There was a silence between them as the kept walking through the park. "If you keep following me. I'll call the police and report you as a stalker."

"Yeah. But I'm walking withyou. There's a difference." Nora couldn't really say anything to that. It was kinda, sort of, really true.

After ten minutes of silence, Mattias was the one to break it "So where you heading to?"

"Somewhere away from you" Matthias chuckled.

"Yeah? Well you're not exactly a bunch of roses yourself."

"Never said I was"


"... You know. That means 'touch' in French"

"... Uhm yeah! Pfffft of course I do!" obviously. He didn't. Nora sighed.

"Why are you still following me?"

"I'm walking with you. But I guess I need something -someone- to cheer me up... Y'know?" he shrugged and shoved his hands in his pockets, smiling at Nora. Idiot thought Nora. She looked at him, his eyes shining with hope, maybe that was exaggerating it, but he looked straight at her with his blue, clear eyes. I'm going to regret thisthought Nora "Why would a guy like you need cheering up?" she asked.

Matthias looked shocked. Sort of. "What's wrong?" asked Nora.

"Sorry. Just didn't think you'd ask..."

"... You don't have to tell me."

"M'kay" Mattias sort of hummed the last bit. By just looking at him you wouldn't have noticed anything wrong with him. He just looked like your average, albeit very happy, guy. Again another wave of silence washed over them. They were walking in circles in the park, but it was nice to feel the breeze now and again and watch the ripples in the small lake. It was also a nice way of forgetting Fiancé dearest. Nora recoiled slightly at the mention of IKEA man. "Something wrong?" asked Matthias, he looked slightly worried as well as confused. "... No, not really..."

"You sure?"

"More than you are. Obviously." Nora did an eyeroll. Why am I walking with this guy in the first place?

I mean why was he stalking me in the first place?

Nora sighed and said "What do you want?" Mattias cocked his head, looking at her with his light blue eyes.

"No~othing, why would you think I did?" Nora sighed again, was she really that tired of me?.

"Don't guys like to catch girls on the 'rebound'? Or whatever you call it..." Matthias looked at her. He was confused rebound?why the hell would he be a rebound kind of guy? Wait... Why would he be rebounding in the first place? Unless...

"N-no... Rebound? I'm not really the kind of guy..."

"'Not really the kind of guy'? Then what kind are you...?" Nora looked down, she felt some kind of friendship in the making. It's been a long while since she felt like this, she felt kind of happy inside, almost joyful. "Well... Hard to say, it's what you think. What kind of guy do you think I am?"

"Well, I think you're the happy-all-the-time type. At least you sound like it..." Nora tried to hide her face in her jacket lapels. Wasn't working, but she started feeling self-conscious now. Maybe it was because she thought that... She wasn't pretty enough to walk with him? She'd never felt like this before or been so self-conscious.

To be honest, Matthias was a good looking guy. He had messy blond hair, some of it looked spiked even. Clear blue eyes, he was kind of tall, at least an inch or two (or three) taller than Nora and to top it off, he always had a smile on his face, whether it be big or small it was always there. But Nora didn't know what his true feelings were behind that small smile on his face right now. And none of them were the warm fuzzy kinds you get when you sit down on a winters night with a cup of tea. His smile faltered. No. They were more colder than that. His eyes were empty, deserted of emotion. His smile was only to reassure Nora, just to make her happy again. If that was possible.

Matthias himself wasn't all rainbows and sunshine at the moment. But he wasn't going to go into that today. Heck no, not when he found a girl -or rather she found him- who needed cheering up. Cause that's what Matthias was known for, cheering up. He was a happy guy, not now of course, but he smiled -unlike Nora- laughed, and was just bright. Bright bright bright.

"Hey, you had breakfast yet?" asked Matthias, he looked happier than just a few seconds ago.

"Yes." Well there goes his chance of cheering her up through food. Wasn't food the way to a woman's heart? Or was it to a man's... Matthias thought for a bit. Well he hadn't exactly had breakfast yet so... "Have you?" asked Nora Matthias looked back at her.

"Not exactly..."

"'Kay... So where do you want to go and eat?"

"Uhm... Iunno... Don't you have stuff to do?"

Nora did have 'stuff' to do. But she was too tired of her Saturday routine and groceries could wait. "No"

"M'kay, how about this café..." And they walked to said café. Matthias ate, whilst Nora had a cup of coffee. Within minutes he was grinning and energetic. Just like a child. "Wanna do something? Seeing as you have no 'stuff' to do" Nora stopped looking through the window and looked at him instead. His eyes were expectant, waiting for and answer "What kind of... 'something'?"

"Iunno... Do you do any sport?"

In all honesty. Nora hated sports. With a passion. But she did like winter sports... Seeing as she was born and raised in Norway. "Yeah, skiing and winter sport related stuff I guess"

"Really? Cool! Well there's an ice rink y'know so... Wanna go?"

"Ice skating?" Nora looked at him, he seemed okay. Maybe just once. "Sure". And with that Matthias grabbed Nora's wrist and rushed to the ice rink. They rented skates and for the first time in a long time. Nora had to admit. She was having fun.

Wow. Reading back on this. I think I did a pretty good job =v=+

So I've re-read this a lot of times now. I was scared that I kept them talking in the park a bit too long so I cut the ending to this chapter a bit short... And yes the pim- I mean Berwald is Sweden. At first I wasn't sure if I should make this Fem!NorxIce but... I decided against it ~; so DenXFem!Nor anyone? My first romance... TvT I've matured so much. *cries in corner*

Anyway! One more thing! *advertising mode* If any of guys could just swing by my profile page there's a poll for 'Who should be Iceland's companion/slave?' in my other story /I'm still here/ so Uh... Please vote! TvT please?

Anyways... Please tell me what you think of this so far •v•