Home at Last

Hey y'all this here is the last chapter update in this fanfic. So more are definitely going to come in soon, but I'm still floating around with all these ideas. Any way hope you all enjoy the last chapter here

Ace woke up early that morning. He opened his sleep filled eyes and started to climb out of bed when he noticed a small female rabbit curled up in his arms. Carefully extracting himself from her vice like grip on his arms, he crawled out the bed slowly so as not to wake her, standing up he threw a robe around him and walked out to the main entrance room and climbed up the rabbit hole. Outside he noticed that there was a dark shape in front of him, cautious as always, he summoned his sword and using his enhanced vision saw an old motorcycle with a note attached to it. Walking forward he took the note from the head lamp were it was taped too and read it.

Hey guys,

So umm well, we all miss you and were kind of hoping you would wake up and see this here motorcycle to get back. Oh and try not to ruin it as badly as you did my truck, I had to spend a lot of quality time on this, just to get it running and in working order. So drive safe and I think you guys will like the helmets in the saddle bags, they come with built in radios. We found a station that broadcasts daily, so we tuned them to it so you wouldn't have to worry about changing the channel.

See ya at HQ,


Ace put the note down and hopped on the bike, checking the gas tank was full he fired it up. The old motorcycle came to life with a mighty ROOOAR, smiling to himself; he went back down the rabbit hole to tell Lexi the good news.

Lexi was startled awake by the sound of an imposing roar from outside; as she fell out of the bed she noticed Ace was gone as well. Hmm maybe he went out to see what the noise was? Lexi thought to herself as she too threw a robe around herself and walked into the kitchen to try and make some breakfast. Opening the cupboard, she found that all they had was one can of carrot soup left, and a box of crackers. Suddenly she heard something slam down the rabbit hole and run around the house at top speed. Picking up a frying pan, she walked out into the main room to see a thoroughly exhausted Ace who looked like he had just run another marathon *wink wink*. Blushing at her own foolishness, she put the pan down and walked forward to check on Ace. "Ace you ok?" Lexi asked Ace timidly, because his robe had fallen off when he fell down the hole, and now he was sprawled on the carpet.

"Couldn't be betta Lex! Guess what I found while outside just now? I'll give ya three tries ta get it right." Ace asked the flustered tan bunny looking at him on the floor. Hmm wonder why she's so flustered, she's seen me sprawled on the ground before. Looking down he noticed that his robe had fallen off and suddenly, it felt quite drafty. Ohh. She's seen me like dis before dough so why is she all woirked up about it? Ahh well, I'll just get ready so we can go. Getting up he barely noticed Lexi's first guess at what was outside. "What was dat Lex?"

"Uhh Ace pay attention, I said 'More food cause we ran out this morning, there is nothing more than one carrot soup and a box of crackers." Lexi reiterated with a hint of frustration. Not really knowing she went off spewing out way more than three answers, but none of them were right, while she was doing this, Ace was getting dressed. Walking into the bedroom, Lexi noticed that all the bags were packed and Ace was putting on a leather motorcycle jacket and some cowboy boots. "Ohh is it a motorcycle?" Lexi asked when she saw that Ace had also gone to the trouble of picking out her outfit as well.

"Yep you guessed it, ohh this came with it, guess it's from Tech and de oders, guess they really miss us, either dat, or Duck has got them doing his bidding again. So let's saddle up and get outa here!" Ace said racing past Lexi so he could start up the motorcycle and get it all warmed up. This is gonna be soo much fun, I haven't ridden an old motorcycle in forever! Ace thought as he climbed out the rabbit hole and started up the motorcycle. This bike was an all black Darwin brawler, with s chromed out exhaust system, and engine. Coming wit a note from Tech, Ace knew that t would have some cool add- ons.

Lexi climbed out of the rabbit hole, to see Ace already astride the motorcycle, with his helmet on with one on the brake, and the other holding out Lexi's helmet. Lexi walked forward, and took the helmet, strapping it on, she heard some static. Hmm guess they come with a built in stereo. Lexi thought to her self as she tried to tune it, as she reached up to change the station, Ace grabbed her wrist and shook his head as if to say that it wouldn't work. Lexi just shrugged and held on as Ace revved the engine and tore out of the woods along a trail he had blazed that took them straight to the highway, right in front of a sign. That read, Acmetropolis 60mi, bearing right, the two bunnies rode off, into the early morning fog.

- Back at HQ-

Tech sat down at the mini radio transmitter that he had built, turning it on, he began his first ever F.M. radio broad cast. Rev walked in while he was turning it on and grabbed a pair of headphones from the table that it sat on, and started talking.

"Heeeey -Yooou -Guuuys! Are –you- ready -to –get- down- like- its- 1999! Well -if -not -you'd -better, -cause -you're -listening -to -Double -R -and -T.E.C! First -up -on -the -list -for -today's -classic -rock, -old -country -and -early -pop/rap -station -is -an -old -song -by -White -snake, -called "-Is -this -Love." Hope -you -all -enjoy -this -classic -rock -hit -single." Putting down his mic, and taking off his headphones, he waited for Tech to put on the White snake CD. "So -how -was -that -Tech? Was -it -good, -or -do -I -need -to -work -on -it -some -more?"

"It was perfect; just try to slow down a bit when your announcing, other than that, you were great." Tech said as he sat back and waited for the song to end. "Next up let's put on some Eminem, I haven't heard him in years, last time I heard him, I think was middle school." Tech said as he put on his ear phones and listened to the song being played on the radio.

- Back on the Road-

Ace drove down the highway, at near top speed, when he though he heard a familiar voice coming from the little radio in his helmet, looking back at Lexi he saw from her shrug that she was just as confused. Looking forward, he heard an old song, which he used to listen to all the time when he was younger.

I should have known better

Than to let you go alone

It's times like these

I can't make it on my own

Wasted days, and sleepless


An' I can't wait to see you again.

Listening to the song as they rode down the rode, Lexi couldn't help but feel, like she should do something, but she couldn't think of what to do. Ace sensing her unease reached back with his left hand and gently guided her hands around his waist, as he did this, Lexi blushed and eventually relaxed and held on tighter. Ace feeling the change in the way she was hanging on opened up the throttle as the song ended, and the announcers came back on

- In the "Announcer's Booth"-

"Hey! What's up, you're listening to 102.5 Double R and T.E.C. this here is your host T.E.C. So who's up for some good old classic rock? Next up we're bringing you some rock from the 80's. This here is another smash hit by none other than Aerosmith. Here it comes, Beyond beautiful, by Aerosmith, from there last album ever made, Just Push Play. Remember your listening to 102.5 your everyday classic rock, country, and anything else we feel like playing music station." Tech announced this time as he slid the Aerosmith CD into the player, and pushed play. Rev was getting something to drink, so Tech took over this time. The two Loonatics were getting into a good rhythm and had begun to broadcast to more than people than just Ace and Lexi.

- Back on the highway-

Ace and Lexi drove through the Acmetropolis traffic check point as the song switched again. The two had been driving for hours and were glad to be back in the city. Before they got back though, they stopped and filled up the bike's tank, and then decided to hit the town for a bit. They visited a frozen yogurt shop and hit some motorcycle dealers as well, because Ace was thinking of getting a motorcycle after he got back into the feel of it. They browsed multiple dealers, and then Ace found the one he wanted. An old Honda western cruiser, Ace told the shop owner that he would be back the next day to pick it up. Driving through the streets towards the Loonatics tower, they listened to their radios and took it slow. About 3 blocks away from the tower they heard the announcer again.

"Hey all you rap lovers, this here is by none other than Eminem. That old white rapper from the early 2000's, with one of his hit songs from his Recovery album. This little number right here is called 'You're Never Over'. This has been Double R and T.E.C. signing off, hope you all enjoyed the show.

With that Ace and Lexi rode the motorcycle onto the main drag that lead to the Loonatics tower, while listening to some Eminem. As they approached the tower from the ground, the others sat on the balcony and threw some party streamers and Duck even managed to successfully thro some firework eggs. Pulling up into the motor pool, the two rabbits took of their helmets and leathers. Walking into the elevator at the base of the tower, they waited in anticipation as they ascended to the top of the tower.

The elevator doors opened and the two rabbits were smothered with hugs and hellos as they tried to make their way to their respective rooms. When they got their, they both waited until they could no longer hear the others outside. Ace and Lexi both poked their heads out to check and see if the coast was clear, then they ran together, and fell into each others arms in the hall. Walking down the hall, they went into Tech's lab and grabbed some jetpacks, sneaking pas the others, they walked onto the balcony and took off heading for their rabbit hole, to spend another night in a somewhat peaceful bliss.

Well what did you think; I think I did pretty well. Sorry this update took so long, but I had writers block for the longest time, and then I started writing another story. So ya when you guys finish reading this, I would really appreciate your reviews, especially on my new one, so both of them are going to be done by the time this is uploaded, and I will be working on a one-shot so stay tuned and up to date, or you might miss it, I haven't started it yet though, so you guys got some time. When I start writing it though you should be warned it will be up soon after.