Believe In Me

Chapter 3: Closer

Kyuhyun's jaw dropped, his eyes widened. Donghae's eyes widened in complete shock. He blinked while Kyuhyun stared at Leeteuk in shock. Is what they just heard TRUE? Did those 3 assassin's REALLY kill Leeteuk's parents? IMPOSSIBLE.

"T-That's impossible! Those assassin's are too weak! How could your parents be kill so easily! They're too powerful!" Kyuhyun said. Leeteuk shrugged and continued to fiddle with his fingers. Kangin, Ryeowook, and Sungmin walked in. Kyuhyun stood and Sungmin walked over to him, embracing him tightly. Kyuhyun hugged back, rustling his cheek into the side of his head. Kangin sits down on the bed next to Leeteuk.

"I guess they were hiding their power." Leeteuk said. Donghae gently pats his leg. Leeteuk looked up at him.

"Don't worry, Teukkie-hyung. You'll be safe when me, Kyu, Minnie, and Wookie move in. I will not allow you to get killed like your parents did." Donghae said. Leeteuk nods, feeling the sting of tears in his eyes. Kangin wound his arms around him and embraced him. Donghae stood and glanced at the couple hugging. He looked at Sungmin and Kyuhyun, who was asking him if he was alright while moving a piece of hair away from his forehead. Donghae felt another presence in the room. He turned around and was heart broken by the sight. Eunhyuk stood there, red eyed and puffy eyed. He was crying.

"I-I'm causing so much chaos." He said. Donghae frowned, furrowing his eyebrows. Donghae slowly walked over to Eunhyuk. He reached up and gently rubbed his tears away with his thumb. Eunhyuk closed his eyes, leaning into his touch slightly. Donghae's heart raced.

"You shouldn't cry, Hyukkie. It's pointless so shed tears." He said. Eunhyuk shook his head slightly.

"But...people could die because of me. It's pointless for people to die for me. It's my problem. You shouldn't get involved." He said. Donghae gently smiled.

"But I want to, Hyukkie. I want to keep you safe. I...I want to see you smile." He said. Eunhyuk opened his eyes and slowly looked at him. Donghae shakes his head. "I don't like it when you're in danger. I'm going to try my best to protect you, no matter what happens. You just have to trust me, Hyukkie." He said. Eunhyuk nods, feeling more tears sting his eyes.

"I trust you, Hae. I trust you." He said and hugged Donghae tightly. Donghae closed his eyes and hugged him back, just as tightly.

"Don't forget this, Hyukkie. I care for you so much. Don't forget that." He said. Eunhyuk nods against Donghae's shoulder. Donghae gently caressed his back as Eunhyuk cried into his shoulder.


Donghae, Ryeowook, Sungmin, and Kyuhyun settled into the dorms comfortably. But Donghae was feeling left out because he wasn't a band member. But he easily got along with everyone else in the dorm. They treated him as brothers. And soon, after a few days, the ELF's thought Donghae was officially apart of the band because Donghae would sing and dance in their songs. A few days later, Leeteuk announced that Donghae WAS in their band and the ELF's approved. It made Super Junior more popular and Donghae immediately got fans. Now, they were all backstage, getting ready for their concert in a few minutes. Donghae was looking out into the crowd as one of the cast members fixed his microphone. He was up first. He planned on singing "My Everything" that his father sings.

Donghae scanned the crowd as he walked on stage, the crowd cheering and clapping for him. He was nervous. He could feel it all over his body. His nerves shook. It took quite a lot of energy to grip the microphone in his hand. He dedicated this song to Eunhyuk. How he feels about him is in every word in the song. Yet Eunhyuk doesn't know about it. He doesn't know his feelings towards him. But today...That will change.

Donghae inhaled as he brought the microphone to his lips as the music began playing in the background. And he knew Eunhyuk was watching.

"The loneliness of nights alone. The search for strength to carry on. My every hope has seemed to die. My eyes had no more tears to cry. Then like the sun shining up above. You surrounded me with your endless love. 'Cause all the things I couldn't see are now so clear to me. You are my everything. Nothing your love won't bring." Donghae's voice rang through the speakers, loud and clear. A smile crawled on Eunhyuk's lips. "My life is yours alone. The only love I've ever known. Your spirit pulls me through. When nothing else will do. Every night I pray. On bended knee. That you will always be. My everything." Eunhyuk looked at the crowd as they cheered louder, giving Donghae more and more confidence. "Now all my hopes and all my dreams. Are suddenly reality. You've opened up my heart to feel. A kind of love that's truly real. A guiding light that'll never fade. There's nothing a thing in life I would ever trade. For the love you give it won't let go." Eunhyuk brought his hands together and began to clap along with the crowd. "I hope you'll always know. You are my everything. Nothing your love won't bring. My life is yours alone. The only love I've ever known. Your spirit pulls my through. When nothing else will do. Every night I pray. On bended knee. That you will always be. My everything. Oh, you're the breath of life in me. The only one that sets me free. And you will make my soul complete. For all time. For all time. You are my everything. Nothing your love won't bring. My life is yours alone. The only love I've every known. Your spirit pulls me through. When nothing else will do. Every night I pray (I pray). On bended knee (On my knee). That you will always be~ My everything~ You're my everything. Saranghaeyo." He added as the song finally ended. The crowd cheered loud and Donghae bowed.

"That was a really good song, Donghae!" Leeteuk said into his microphone as everyone joined him on stage. Donghae smiled and looked at his brother.

"Thanks. Um, I actually dedicate this song to a certain someone." He said.

"Jinjja? Who? Who do you dedicate the song to?" Sungmin said, Kyuhyun hugging him from behind. Donghae smiled and winked.

"Guess." He said. Sungmin pouted and Kyuhyun chuckled.

"Is he~ A guy from Super Junior?" Eunhyuk said with a thinking face on. Donghae nods and the crowd cheers.

"Hm...Can he sing good?" Heechul said. Donghae and Leeteuk laugh.

"Everyone in Super Junior can sing good but in my opinion, the way he sings I like the most." Donghae said.

"The way he sings?" Kangin said and hummed, thinking.

"Is he a good dancer?" Kibum asked. Donghae nods.

"He's a GREAT dancer." He said. Eunhyuk looks at Donghae with a puzzled look.

"Is it...Me?" He asked. Now every eye was Donghae. Donghae felt his face flush but he held his confidence with an iron grip.

"Yes, it is." He said. The crowd cheered but the members of Super Junior were shocked. Donghae turned to the crowd. "You see...I've never felt this way before. Toward anyone. I fell for him so easily but I never thought it was possible. I would always think to myself, he's just my brother's friend. But the more I hung out with Eunhyuk, the more love I felt toward him. I couldn't ignore it, I couldn't push it away like it's nothing. I love Lee Hyukjae." Donghae looked at Eunhyuk. "And I'm admitting it...Loud...Clear...And proud of it." He said. The crowd cheered loud. "And it doesn't matter if you don't feel the same way towards me. Yeah, it will-" Donghae was suddenly cut off when Eunhyuk cupped his face in his hands and kissed him (after moving his microphone away from his mouth). Donghae blinked before closing his eyes and kissing back. Eunhyuk could hear the crowd cheering loudly as they kissed. And Leeteuk exclaiming in shock when he saw them.

Donghae licked Eunhyuk lips softly and Eunhyuk immediately parted his lips, letting Donghae explore his mouth. Eunhyuk could feel Donghae's sharp fangs as their tongue battled for dominance. But unfortunately, they had to separate due to lack of oxygen in their lungs. Eunhyuk opened his eyes and looked into Donghae's glinting eyes. Donghae slowly smiled and he pressed his forehead to Eunhyuk's.

"Well then..." Ryeowook said, both awkwardly and shocked. Yesung chuckled. Eunhyuk slanted his gaze and looked at Sungmin, who was looking at them with an unsure look on his face. Eunhyuk was wondering why he had that look on his face. But then he remembered something...It's illegal to be in love with a vampire. His best friend was in love with a female vampire once. He was killed by her father.

Eunhyuk looked at Donghae with worried eyes. Donghae's eyes scanned his eyes and immediately knew what his thoughts were. He handed a confused Kyuhyun his microphone and pulled Eunhyuk close, his lips at his ear.

"I'll protect you. I promise. I won't let him touch you." He whispered. Eunhyuk nods and wrapped his arms around his shoulders and hugged him tightly. As he closed his eyes, he smiled his gummy smile.

"WELL then...Um...Thanks for coming everyone! I hope you enjoyed our concern, with a bonus of a yaoi fest." Leeteuk said, the audience laughed. "See you next time! We are Super Juni-OR!" They all said before leaving the stage, Eunhyuk and Donghae linked in hands.

Donghae walked into the room, biting his lower lip, trying to stop his lips from curling into a smile. He was in love. And happy. But now he was home. He can not let his father know. He will be watched. Donghae opened the door to his room and jumped, exclaiming. What he didn't expect was Ryeowook and Sungmin in his room. The lights were dimmed and the windows were covered by the shades. Ryeowook was sitting on Donghae's bed, his left leg over crossed over his right, his arms folded across his chest, eyes closed. Sungmin was leaning against the wall beside his bed. His arms were folded across his chest. Donghae blinked before closing the door. As soon as the door clicked shut, Ryeowook shot open his eyes, his piercing emerald eyes glowed in the dimness.

"Um...What are you doing in my room?" Donghae asked. Sungmin turned his head and looked at Ryeowook, who finally stood and faced Donghae.

"You know the law, Hae." He said. Donghae said, rolling his eyes a little.

"Look. I know what you guys are thinking," Donghae walked over to a chair, holding his arms out. "But I love him. It's simple. I know the law and I won't tell my dad about it." He looked at Ryeowook, placing a hand on the back of the chair. "I'm happy with him. I've never felt this way before." He said. Ryeowook's eyes scanned Donghae's, a soft look on his face. He was giving in. But-however-Sungmin (the stubborn one) wasn't.

"I know you're happy with him, Hae. But what if father finds out? What then? What are you going to do?" He said.

"I-I don't know, Minnie." Donghae said. The door opened and Kyuhyun stepped in. He immediately paused when he felt the decrease in temperature. He glanced at Ryeowook with a worried look.

"You see, you have to think about it first before just jumping into things without thinking, Donghae!" Sungmin shouted and stopped leaning against the wall. "If Eunhyuk dies, it's on your account! Don't blame me and don't come crying to me about it! I care about you and Eunhyuk! BUT IT'S ILLEGAL TO BE IN LOVE WITH A HUMAN!" Sungmin yelled.

"S-Sungmin, I-" Donghae said, trying to calm him down.

"DON'T!" Sungmin yelled, his eyes turning blood red. Donghae immediately clamped his mouth shut. "You don't need to worry about me telling father about you and Eunhyuk. Either way, he'll find out!"He said.

"Sungmin, stop." Kyuhyun said, getting a little scared by Sungmin's presence he was creating.

"Sungmin, I'm sorry! But if I love Eunhyuk, I love him! Nothing can change that!" Donghae fought back.

"Oh, yeah? Nothing can? What about dad?" Sungmin said, raising his eyebrows. Donghae fell silent. "You know what he would do to Eunhyuk. He'd make you kill him or watch him die. Call me once you gain your sanity back. Otherwise...Don't talk to me." Sungmin said and pushed by Kyuhyun as he walked out. Kyuhyun softly sighed and left the room and went after Sungmin. Donghae slowly looked down.

"Hae." Ryeowook said softly. Donghae glanced up at him. Ryewook had a worried look in his eyes but a kind look on his face. "Don't worry. I'll help protect you and Hyuk. Your father doesn't dare mess with me, anyways." He said. Donghae smiled a little and nods.

"Thanks, Wookie." He said and kissed his cheek. Ryeowook smiled and nods.

"Wookie." Yesung's voice rang through the room. Ryeowook turned and looked at the dark, yet handsome, vampire in the doorway, who holding out his hand. "Come on. It's dinner time." He said. Ryeowook nods and gave Donghae a worried glance before taking Yesung's hand. Yesung gently pulled him close and lovingly kissed his lips. Donghae cringed in disgust as they started making out in the doorway of his room. Donghae itched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Uh...Can you guys do that somewhere else? I don't want you guys getting it on in my bedroom when I'M STANDING RIGHT HERE." Donghae said, making the couple blush.


Author's note: Here's chapter 3 ^^ Sorry for the long week. SORRY, SORRRRRRYYYY! Dx I hope you enjoyed this chapter. More to come.