Not Agent, Nor Soldier. Another first for me! A Reader-insert for APH!

I hope this is good! And please tell me if I make a mistake!

You were enjoying your morning, at least for now. You had showered and eaten your breakfast in silence, then you had taken a few walks around the small plaza in front of your appartment.

You returned home and checked some rooms of the appartment, even tough you knew there was no need for it. As you lie down on your couch, trying to relax, you mentally went over the details of your life, something you tried to do daily.

Your name, your age, your height, all the little details you could remember. You live alone for your own safety. People watch over you, people you don't even see.

People like him.

He's not an agent, nor is he a soldier.

He is himself, no matter what people say.

The first time you met him, you were in so much trouble. You can't remember the exact details, because of what happened...

After all, some one wanted you dead. They still want you dead. That's why you're in hiding.

You don't even really remember why they wanted you dead. You might have done something they disliked, though. All you know is you ran as far as you could, but they still caught you.

By the time you couldn't run any more, you were cornered by three gunmen. One of them was speaking to you in a language you couldn't understand. You recognized it as informal russian.

You thought you were doomed until you felt a large hand on your shoulder, and saw the gun pointed back at your attackers.

At the time you had no idea who your rescuer was, but the gunmen did, because they lowered thier guns and backed away.

They let you and your rescuer walk away with a word.

You walked for a long time, but it wasn't until you reached an old bookstore that you finally turned around to look at him.

His face was half hidden in a pale pink scarf, but what you could see was kind, even gentle. His light hair and purple eyes came together to create the image of a soft yet passionate face. If you didn't know better, you'd say he was normal...

He barely moved as he opened his mouth to speak.

"You should try not to get involved in these things, da?"

He sounded like he was willing himself to speak without the heavy russian accent, but that created the opposite affect of making the accent worse.

You had no idea what 'things' he was talking about. All you did was...You don't recall what you did, after what happened...

Maybe he already knew what you had done (whatever it was), but he didn't say anything about it. Instead he leaned down ( You never noticed just how tall he was) until his head was next to yours. He delicately pushed your hair out of the way so he could whisper in your ear.

"You should think about moving to a safe house. I'll help you find a place if you promised to stay safe."

His breath sounded like a freezing wind, but it felt just the opposite, warm and tender in your ear. You felt like saying something, anything to get his attention while he was still leaning over you.

"My name is _" you whispered, not expecting much of a response.

"I already know you" he replied. His voice was low, yet it seemed to echo.

You finally gave in. You were tired of running, walking and being overwelmed by the tall russian.

You went limp with dread and...some other emotion you couldn't place a finger on...

You slammed into the concrete, and the last thing you heard was unexpected worry from the russian.

He finally decided to pick you up, muttering things like he hadn't meant to scare you, he thought it was a cute thing to say, and you would hide and his house until he found you a safe place of your own.

You wanted to respond, but he was being so sweet, and you felt so safe in his arms, and you were passing out anyway...

Sorry for the cliche storm! It'll get better I promise! Please R+R!