If YJ had facebook part 5

Wally West How do you treat a bite wound?

Dick Grayson did a hooker bite you again?

Wally West no.

Dick Grayson a stripper?

Wally West no, I wasn't in that part of town today.

Dick Grayson oh, so who bit you?

Wally West Artemis did.

Dick Grayson that bitch. And BTW, you could've just said a whore did.

Artemis Crock in my defense, you flicked me. And I'm not a whore!

Dick Grayson are you sure about that? Cause I might need to play that tape of you and that Robert Pattison cardboard cut out.

Artemis Crock DON'T! You said that you'd never mention that ever again. You also said you burned the tape.

Wally West Dick made a copy and gave it to me. I never knew you were so affectionate to a piece of cardboard Arty.

Artemis Crock oh fuck me lord!

Paula Crock Artemis, no such language shall be used on your Facebook account!

Artemis Crock Mom? I thought you were still on MySpace.

Paula Crock MySpace is a dead, I have to stay up to date with technology. And such.

Wally West you know what, this was a lot of notifications I didn't need. Dick, lets log out and fix my bite wound.

Dick Grayson ok. See ya!

Artemis Crock have fun fucking eachother.

Paula Crock (Clears throat.)

Artemis Crock woops! Forgot you were still here.


Conner Kent I hate the new facebook layout.

Kaldur Conner, I've told you a 1000 times, you can hate it, but you can't destroy it.

Wally West you hate everything dude. Monkeys, facebook, glee, jersey shore, rebecca black, you even hate the song My Heart will go on.

Dick Grayson anyone to hate that song is completely heartless!

Artemis Crock i hate it.

Wally West that explains a lot.

Megan Morse lol

Artemis Crock ***Snape stare***


Artemis Crock I hate poking.

Megan Morse has poked Artemis Crock

Artemis Crock what the hell? I just said not to.

Megan Morse I don't know what poking was, so I needed to try.

Dick Grayson yay! It's poke Arty day!

Dick Grayson has poked Artemis Crock

Artemis Crock please stop!

Wally West has poked Artemis Crock

Wally West heh heh

Artemis Crock – Wally West Don't you dare do that again!

(5 minutes later.)

Artemis Crock wtf? You guys can poke me, but I can't poke you.

Dick Grayson Arty my dear, the wonders of hacking are amazing.

Wally West Do not worry, Dick is trying to stop his hacking obbsession. Recently, he's been going to hacking-addicts anonymous meeting every two weeks.

Dick Grayson dude! You promised never to tell anyone about that?

Conner Kent is that why you two always meet up with eachother every Sunday night?

Dick Grayson yep

Conner Kent – Megan Morse and you thought they were gay, you owe me a soda.

Dick Grayson is now in a relationship with Wally West

Wally West what? How did that happen?

Dick Grayson I had nothing to do with this!

Artemis Crock you aint the only one with hacking skills dickie-bird.

I finally published this! Can I get a whoop whoop?