Hey everybody! This is my first FanFic so constructive criticism and reviews are much appreciated! (: Enjoy!

A/N: I do not own The Nine Lives of Chloe King

Chloe's POV:

The room was dark but I knew he was there, I could feel his arms wrapped tightly around my waist and feel the rhythm of his heart. He breathed on my neck, the hot hair sending a shiver down my neck. He spun me around so we were face to face, and slowly the space between us closed and soon his lips were on mine. As the kiss deepened I snaked my hands up his back, tangling one in his hair and grabbing his neck with the other. His hands were positioned low on my back, keeping me steady. My thoughts were clouded and all I felt was bliss. We pulled away, him placing his forehead to mine, our breath uneven.

"Chloe there's something I need to tell you," he whispered. I was still lightheaded so I only managed to breathe out,


"This is difficult to say but, I've been feeling this way for awhile and well, Chloe I-I…"


My eyes blinked open only to be blinded by the bright scene before me. The white walls of the classroom and fluorescent lights above slowly brought me back to my reality, away from yet another confusing dream, my dream about none other than Alek, Alek Petrov.

This reoccurring dream was becoming more and more like a nightmare. It gave me something that I wasn't even sure I wanted, made me think that's the way things were supposed to be , and then I'd wake up only to return to real life. Life where Alek Petrov didn't romantically kiss me, make my mind go blank, or give me butterflies. Well actually he did occasionally do the last two. But I had Brian to think about too! He was cute, and kind, and made me feel normal, yet he didn't really know me, not the real me, the Mai side. Alek on the other hand knew my secret, and understood it because he was Mai too, I could kiss Alek, but not Brian. We could never be . . . intimate, in any way, but I still wanted him, I was starting to think I wanted Alek too, especially since every time I fell asleep I would dream about him. Even in eighth period study hall…

I felt my desk shake, and looked up to see what had happened. Of course Alek was walking by, smirking. "Time to wake up sleepy, class is over and you wouldn't want to be late for work." Alek said, laughing softly.

I slowly got up from my seat and gathered my things, Alek patiently leaning against the door frame. Uhhh… why did he have to look like that, and have that accent! It just wasn't fair, it made him too irresistible! If he wasn't such a Jocko jerk I would be sure of whom I liked. I made my way out the door to my locker, Alek walking beside me.

"So, did you have a nice dream?" Alek laughed.

"Hey! Don't make fun, it's been a long day and I had nothing better to do. And yes, it was a nice dream thank you very much!" I retorted.

"Well if it was such a good dream then it must have been about me." He joked.

"Ha-ha, very funny, why don't you stop trying to boast your self-esteem and tell me what would give you the idea that I would ever dream about you?"

"Well for one thing, you were moaning my name."

I shut my locker and looked at him, a shocked expression across my face. "What? N-no I wasn't! You must be joking!"

Alek laughed at my response, "Well I was only joking, but by the look on your face I'm now considering that it might be true."

"Oh well of course I was dreaming of you Alek! My love for you is that of a thousand stars. You are all I ever think about, I want to marry you Alek Petrov!" I sang sarcasm heavy in my voice. Alek just looked at me and made that face he thought made him irresistible to all girls. When was he going to learn that look didn't always work? He had to of known I was only joking… I just looked down, now slightly embarrassed.

There was a sort of awkward silence between us, and I was about to say something when Alek spoke up first.

"Your bag looks kind of heavy. I could carry it to your house for you if you'd like."

That came out of no where. Don't get me wrong it was so sweet, but odd.

"Uhmm... Thanks for offering but I think I've got it. The house isn't too far now anyways."

"Are you sure, being an ancient prophecy can get pretty tiring?" He joked.

"No kidding! I'm not sure I can take anymore late night training. I seriously need to get some sleep." Good, we were back to normal, the awkward silence gone. I hate silence between us sometimes. Because when we're talking I have an excuse to look at him, his dark brown eyes, his face, and take notice of little things like the way the sun glares off his blonde hair, and the gleam in his eye and smirk on his face when he's talking. It'd be weird to just stare at him, but with talking it's more polite to look at the person so, it is a really good excuse, to me anyways.

We got to my house and I walked in, surprised to hear Alek come in behind me. I was at the kitchen when I turned around and started to say, "What are you doing?"

"Hey Chloe, you aren't the only one who's had late nights, remember? Or can you not hear me up there up on the roof?"

"That's your choice remember? I've told you to stop watching me!" I smiled playfully at him and opened the refrigerator. "Well, since you're set on staying did you want something to drink?" I asked. When I got no answer I turned around to see Alek already passed out on the couch. 'Wow, guess he wasn't kidding with the whole late nights things.' I thought. I grabbed a drink and took a seat in a chair next to the couch. I probably shouldn't stray too far or else Alek may think I got kidnapped by the Order while he slept, or something along those lines. I pulled out my school books and began my homework to pass the time. Alek would probably be out for awhile.