Harry son of Oberon


Letters ,books,and newspapers.


NON Parseltongue Magical Languages

(A/n Harry Potter and Gargoyles Crossover Pairings OberonXTitania RemusXTonks Past Puck/OwenXMolly Weasley Macbeth x Mc Gonagall Sirius x One of the Weird Sisters Warning Fainting Goblins ,fainting Half Giants,Old Wizards Nearly Having Heart attacks ,Wetting them selfs Snakes Panicing Goblins, Pureblood,Half-blood,and Muggleborns.)

The Truth in Gringotts,Sorting with guests,and Meeting the godmothers ,and a Godfather

"Before Mr. Potter can go to his vault the your Ministry has decided to past a law yesterday for all eleven year old orphans to take a Inheritance test to figure out any other vaults,and titles they are heirs of.",said the Goblin teller as a another goblin lead Harry,and Hagrid to another room where another where there was a stone pillar with a bowl on top with a knife.

"We need only to put in two drops of blood for the test",said Griphook as he took a the knife to Harry's finger,drew two drops of blood,and as soon as he last drop its the swirling potion it turned in to a bright gold color as soon a Hagrid saw he third name on the list Hagrid fainted with a loud thud.

"GET KING RANGORAK HERE NOW IT RELATES TO THE THRONE OF AVALON!",shouted Griphook in Gobbledygook as one of the Goblin guards fainted while Harry walked up to the bowl he saw.

Heir of the Ancient and Noble house of Potter

Heir of the Ancient and Noble house of Black

Crown Prince to the Throne of Avalon

Heir to the clan Mac Beth

Heir to clan Mac Duff

Heir of Merlin

Heir of Godric Gryffindor

Heir of Salazar Slytherin (by Conquest)

Heir of Morgana Le fay
Heir of Grindelwald

Heir of Flamel


James Potter aka Lord Oberon ruler of Avalon (Father alive)

Lilly Potter aka Lady Titania aka Anastasia Renard(Mother alive)

Halcyon Renard(Stepfather alive)

Siblings( Three Alive ,Two Decease)

Janine Fox Renard soon to be Xanatos (half Sister alive) Titania

Merlin Ermys(half brother dead) Oberon

Nicholas Flamel(half brother alive)Oberon

Morgana le fay (Half sister dead)Titania

Gellert Grindelwald (Half brother alive incarated)Oberon

Ancestor (still alive)

Macbeth (Immortal)

In laws

David Xanatos (Janine's Fiancée)

Perenelle Flamel nee romee (Nicholas' Wife)


Sirius Black (Wizard Incarcerated)

Alice Longbottom(Witch Insane)
Odin of Avalon(Fair folk in the human world)

The Weird Sisters(Fair folks guarding Avalon)

Soul Bonded

Fredia and Georgina Weasley(Daughters of Puck)

Harry had tons of questions going through his head. Rangorak was more than help full as he explained to Harry as much as he can about the the third race or the Fairfolk. Rangorak sent Goblins to get Harry's schools suppiles expect for the wand in which Rangorak him self accompied Harry to Olivanders Holly with a Phoneix feather ,and the Hairs of both Lady Titania and lord Oberon. He also had to the goblins get Harry the only three books written on the third race The First Humanoid Magic Wielders by Morgana Le fay , Masters of universal Magic :The Citizens of Avalon by Nicholas Flamel, The Magical Beings you do not what to mess with because of their powers by Gellert Grindelwald.

As Harry left for Privet Drive Rangorak said he was going to get in contract with Harry's older half brother Nicholas or his ancestor Macbeth to take care of Harry for the summers. He also said that Harry might getting a familiar in his second year a gargoyle dog what ever that is. Harry was more interested in the books that his half siblings wrote about the Fair folk. He made a couple of friends Hermione Granger,and Neville Longbottom who had a toad that kept on escaping. He also met his future wives Fredia and Georgina ,who live up to there father's Prankster reputation.

The First years were about to be sorted as the felt a earth quake that violently shook the castle as a new tower erupted from the ground,and connected to the castle. As soon as the shaking stopped the sorting hat started to sing

"in Days of old Magic was Limited to those from the Blessed shores of Avalon

When The school the being formed the Founders searched for the lord of the Fairfolk to seek for his aide,

He agreed by with sitipulatons.

To Gryffindor only those with Courage,Bravery and Chivilary shall go to the pride of the Lions

To Ravenclaw only those that are will to give up what they value with to gain Logic and wisdom like Odin can go to the nests of the Ravens

To Hufflepuff only those who value Comrades,Hardwork ,and family shall enter the Den of the Badgers

To Slytherin only those who are Proud,Cunning, Ambitious,and Pure of Heart Shall enter the Pit of Snakes

And Finally those whom are Forunated to be related by Blood or Magic to those of Oberon's realm shall go to Dorm of Avalon to join the Prince in preparation for the Gathering of Oberon's Childern in three years time the lord,and master of the Divine realm shall returned to both the school,and his home land."

As soon as Professor Mc Gonagall was going to call for Hannah Abbott the sorting hat said,"I would like to sort Harry Potter first."

Mc Gonagall said ,"Very well Potter, Harry"

As soon as the sorting hat touches Harry's head 'Ah Prince Harry for you my young lord I know what dorm to sort you to for both your Lord Father ,and Lady Mother would want you to go the dorm named after your home land. Don't worry I will be resorting your soul bonded ,and friends soon my prince' "Avalon!",shouted the sorting hat as a large table appeared.

Everyone in the great hall was wide eyed Harry Potter was the first one to be sorted to a long forgotten house.

"For the heads of the house Professors McGonagall and Flitwick shall be co-heads",shouted the sorting hat

Harry sat by him self for a while until Hermione Granger ,and Neville longbottom were sorted in to Avalon as soon as Blasie Zabini was sorted in to slytherin The sorting hat demanded that it resorts Fredia and Georgina Weasley, in which they were resorted to Avalon. As soon as Dumbledore stood up to begin the feast three flashes of Light,and a Rainbow appeared . The Flashes of light appeared three women one with platinum blonde hair,another with black Hair ,and the final woman had blonde hair. In the rainbow appeared a old man with white hair ,and has a blue eye.

"I am Selene",said the Black haired Woman

"I am Luna",said the Platinum blonde

"I am Phoebe",said the blonde woman

"And We are the weird Sisters guardians of Avalon,and Godmothers to Prince Harry of Avalon son of Lord Oberon aka James Potter ,and Lady Titania aka Lillian Potter nee evans.",said the sisters in unison as the Students ,and Many of the teacher were Panicing the Legendary Weird sisters were in the great hall

"Wow you ladies left some impression to the mortals.",said the Man that appeared from the rainbow " I am Odin godfather to Prince Harry."