Bubbles P.O.V

It was my night to partol the city to make sure that all was quiet, safe, and sound. I was walking because I had to fight off the Ganggreen Gang who were all trying to rob a bank, and I didn't have all of my strength back yet. I was 2 miles away from home and decided to take a shortcut through an alley, when this dark figure with ocean blue eyes stepped in front of me un expectantly and I fell to the ground. When I looked up I saw who the blue eyed figure was. It was Boomer.

Boomer had gotten taller since I last saw him. He was about 6 inches taller than me and I was about 5'4" so that would make him about 5'10". Anyway, I noticed that he had these big muscles that were about the size of softballs. His appearance had changed from that dark-blue shirt with a black stripe and black pants. Right now he had on a tight black muscle shirt with ocean blue designs on it with an ocean blue and black checkered shirt with black skinny jeans and ocean blue and black nikes. His hair had a little bit of the "Justin Bieber" look to it but it still was spiky and blonde.

I could tell that he was admiring what I was wearing also. I was wearing a white spaghetti strapped shirt that said "Baby Girl" in baby blue writing with a baby blue half jacket that also said "Baby Girl" but it was in white writing. I completed the look with baby blue skinny jeans and white flats. My hair was in my signature pigtails but now I have a Chinese bang and baby blue streaks in certain parts of my hair.

"Well, well, well look what we have here. Bubbles is that you? God! It's been ages since we have last seen each other. I always thought that you were cute but now you're hot!" he said.

"W-well y-you a-are s-s-s-so bad your s-self." I managed to stutter out.

"Hm stuttering now are we? What are you scared of me?"

"NO!" I yelled

He pinned me against the wall of the alley we were in and whispered in my ear, "You should be"

I was soo scared and right when he started to lean in towards me I made a run for it, but he grabbed my wrist and pinned me against the wall again and told me that if I made a sound he and his brothers would kill me, my sisters, the professer, and everybody else we knew.

I kept quiet because I knew that he would do it. I was deep in thought and I didn't realize that he handcuffed me until he picked me up bridal style. I asked him where he was takking me and he just said "Some place special babe." then he looked me up and down in his arms and I knew that I wouldnt be coming home anytime soon. To make sure that I wouldn't go anywhere he poured Antidote-X on me so then I couldn't use any of my powers.

"Boomer this stuff stinks!" I said not yelling but also not talkinhg.

"Don't worry Bubbles. I will get this stuff off of you, or at least my new sisters will."

'Boomer has sisters? I wonder who they are?' I thought

My thoughts were interupted when I felt something go over my nose that made my eyes really droopy. Then all of a sudden everything went black.

Boomer's POV

I had to drug her so she wouldn't know where she was going. My had Bubbles grown over the years. I wonder how Brick and Butch are handling Blossom and Buttercup.

Hiiii! thanks for reading my story if you did and if you didn't then you suck hard booty eggs:)

Bubbles: POWERPUFFFAN1996 doesn't own me, my sisters, the RRB, or the PPNKG

Boomer: She does own the RowdyRock Boys (RRCKB) they are the PPG's brothers

Blossom: And in this story the PPNKG are the RRB's sisters

Brick: You will see them later on in the story

Me: yay! anyway R&&R:)