Story 5 – Last Kiss

A Parker/Eliot StoryBy Brown Eyes Parker


After Parker disappears, Eliot writes her an e-mail asking her where she went. Meant to be a drabble. Based on and inspired by "Last Kiss" by Taylor Swift.


Honorable Mentions:

saides, my incredible beta-reader. It's a pleasure to work with you, because you push me to be the best I can as a writer, and won't let me take the easy way out.


Can I make it anymore obvious? I don't own Leverage, or Taylor Swift.

Author's Note:

Okay, so I know that I said I was going to write a story to "You Belong With Me", but it was taking a long time to figure out a story to go with it. . . and I guess my heart just wasn't with it. I do plan on going back to it, and trying to salvage what I did write into a readable story. . . but for now, I present to you "" based on "Last Kiss". (August 19th, 2011)

Parker, I've tried to stop thinking about you this past month-and-a-half, but it's been SO hard not thinking about you. You are SO deep under my skin, I don't think I'll ever get rid of you completely. You'll always be there, your name is etched on my heart and it hasn't healed over.

He looked up from the e-mail he was typing and out the window at the moon, wondering why she had run away exactly. . . wondering where they, no – he – had gone wrong in their relationship. He had been pretty sure it had been going well.

When I told you that I loved you that night, you did say it back. So, I want to know why. . . why did you leave Parker?

He stopped again, wondering why he was writing an e-mail he would never send. Wondering when was the exact moment that he had turned into a needy, romantic sap.

Was it too much too soon? Did I scare you off? Because you were gone the next day when I came into work. You just disappeared into thin air, without notifying anybody about your whereabouts. I couldn't even find you. . . no matter where I looked, no matter how hard I tried.

Did you think about how I would feel if you disappeared? Probably not, because I didn't think about what the repercussions would be when I told you that I loved you. I just said it without thinking, which was out of character for me. Now you know why I don't get emotionally involved with women. Somebody always ends up getting hurt in the end. I just never counted on it being me, especially not emotionally. I never imagined we'd end with you disappearing, and me writing stupid e-mails at two in the morning. I never imagined that you'd change your mind. . . did you?

He paused for a third time and took a long sip of his Samuel Adams beer, trying to think about what to write next.

I can still feel your arms around me. . . I can still smell your skin, it smelled permanently like the Bath & Body spray Sophie bought for your birthday. What was it again? Oh, I remember now it was Rain Kissed Leaves.

Do you remember what I smell like? Do you still feel my arms around you? Can you still feel our last kiss? I hope you do, because I'll never forget. . . I'll never forget anything about you Parker.

Come back to me,


Author's Note II:

I have never been this vulnerable before, but part of the letter is actually something I scribbled to somebody. . . no, I never sent it.

I didn't want this to follow the song, so that's probably why it was so short. Somebody once commented that they didn't like it when the dialogue followed a song. . . and to be honest, I really don't either. Thoughts? Flames? I'm open to all kinds of feedback! So, if you feel inclined to say anything just click on the review button and say it. I'm going to write "Enchanted" next. It's a story that's been in my mind for a while now. So, keep your eyes open for that little number. I'll try and have it written, beta-d, and posted before my trip in two weeks.


Holly August 25, 2011_