Please Don't tell Heechul...

Eunhyuk stared in horror at heechul's FAVORITE mirror...broken in his hands. He was only using it to imitate the older boy to the others, when all of a sudden he tripped over a shoe and crashed into the ground, cracking the mirror.

The other members stared at the broken mirror also, horrified at the thought of what Heechul will do when he finds out.

" was nice knowing you Eunhyuk. It's too bad your life is going to end." Kyuhyun said smirking at his hyung in the evil way he does.

"Guys help me! Heechul will be home soon!" Eunhyuk stared to panic, visioning all the horrific things Heechul would do to him.

"You're on your own with that my friend." Sungmin said as he tried to hold back his grin.

Eunhyuk started to panic, frantically looking around for some glue or something to put the mirror back together again.

Siwon got up and patted Eunhyuk's shoulder, "I will pray for you" he said before walking from the room. Eunhyuk was sure that was meant to sooth him, but it did just the opposite.

"Guys we need a new mirror! Please help me! Leeteuk hyung?" he turned to the leader, pleading for help, but instead found him laughing.

"Oh just wait until Heechul sees what you've done!" Leeteuk laughed his unique little laugh and then got up and left to his room.

"Kibum! you're the smart one. What do i do?" Eunhyuk franticly asked the younger boy.

"Pray that Heechul doesn't tear you to shreds." was all he said before returning to reading his book.

Eunhyuk stiffened when the front door behind him opened and in walked someone. He relaxed though when he saw it was just Hangeng.

"'re face is pale..." Hangeng noticed and gave the boy a questioning look.

"I broke Heechul's mirror..." Eunhyuk showed Hangeng the mirror in his hands.

" That's MY mirror!" Hangeng shouted as soon as he recognized it. "you broke my mirror!"

"Oh it's yours?" Eunhyuk asked and when Hangeng nodded, he grinned and threw the mirror in the trash. "No worries then!" As he turned around to leave he bumped into a table, knocking down an elegant hand mirror with Heechul's name engraved in it. "crap..."

"NOW you've broke Heechul's mirror." Hangeng said and shook his head at the younger boy.

"YOU DID WHAT EUNHYUK?" came the angry voice of Heechul as he slammed the front door shut.

"run" was all Hangeng had to say for Eunhyuk to go bolting from the room with Heechul closely behind.