AN: Yea, another outtake :) I love these boys. That's for all the reviews. You guys are amazing. And thanks to Dreamingpoet1988 for beta-ing.

Disclaimer: You all know I don't own Twilight… I shouldn't have to say it again.

Matching - Outtake 4

"Jasper! Did you really use my shirt to wipe off your cum?" Jasper looks at the shirt in Edward's hands and chuckles softly. He looks back up into his boy's worried green eyes and shrugs.

"Sorry babe. I was in the heat of the moment. I grabbed what was closest. You can just wear one of mine." Edward looks at Jasper like he has two heads.

"No I can't. None of your shirts go with my pants! And I have to be in class in thirty minutes. There is no time to run back to my place." Jasper shakes his head at his boyfriend. He will never understand Edward's obsession with matching.

"Ok, then. Wear some of my pants too. You know… if you kept some clothes over here like I mentioned before you might not be having this dilemma." Edward ignores the last comment and mentally goes through Jasper's wardrobe. At a loss, he looks over to Jasper pleading with his eyes for help. How can he wear Jasper's clothes? He will look like a complete idiot.

With a huff, Jasper drags himself out of bed and walks over to his dresser. He takes out a pair of faded blue jeans and a black cotton shirt and tosses them over to Edward. "There, they are plain and you are about my size so you should fit in them just fine." With a defeated look, Edward sulks into the bathroom to get ready.

Jasper lies back down and thinks about his new plan to steal some of Edward's clothes and hide them in his closet, for emergencies of course. Meanwhile Edward is getting dressed. He manages to put Jasper's clothes on, but immediately does not feel like himself. The shirt is a bit tight in his shoulders and the jeans almost form to his legs. Jasper is a bit skinnier than Edward and it was never more obvious than right now. But they fit and he is out of time, so he walks back into the bedroom to see what his boy thinks.

When he hears the bathroom door open, Jasper looks up from the bed and the sight before him steals his breath. He doesn't know where to look first, and his fingers twitch with the desire to touch his hot ass boyfriend. Who knew Edward could pull off a pair of jeans so well. And that shirt is almost sinful on him. Jasper says nothing, but stands up and practically stalks toward Edward.

His green eyed, sexy as hell boy looks worried. "Jasper, what's wrong? Do I look awful? Fuck, I'll just take this off and wear my shirt covered in… umf!" Edward's rambling is cut off when Jasper pushes him against the bathroom door and kisses him hard, his hands buried in Edward's auburn mess of hair.

"So…" Kiss. "fucking…" Lick. "sexy…" Bite. Jasper's tongue and teeth on his skin almost make Edward forget about his class… but only almost.

"Jasper, you know I love when you attack me, but I have to go. My class starts soon." With one last nibble on Edward's earlobe, Jasper pulls back but still holds Edward to the door. He looks him up and down and shakes his head no.

"Edward, there is no way you are going anywhere right now except into my bed. And that is only going to happen after I take these clothes off of you, slowly. You are just going to have to miss your class today." The fire in Jasper's eyes takes Edward's breath away. Still, he can't help who he is and opens his mouth to protest his boyfriend's demands.

Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, Jasper takes the opportunity to kiss Edward again. And a man can only hold in his desire for so long, especially when his boyfriend is the sexy blonde who is currently standing naked and hard as a rock in front of him.

When Edward's hands weave their way into long blonde hair, Jasper knows he has won. With a smirk on his face he steps back for a minute to admire Edward wearing his clothes before he removes them. He also decides to throw out his new plan to hide some of Edward's clothes in his closet. Instead he has a new, new plan. He is going to go buy Edward some new clothes instead.

AN: Thanks for reading and reviewing.