Hey! And once again, I know I haven't updated in ages but I've been working on my other story, AGAIN. AND I started a little James/Lily story.. it's not technically a story, it's a bunch of one-shots but right now I've only got 2 :)

But enough with that, here's the chapter!

Rachel's pov:

Everyday it's the same.. the whispers go around when I walk past, and the staring goes on forever.. when will I ever get a break?

And the stupid rumors from facebook.. As if I was dating Luke!

I love Percy and I always will. Luke was a mistake. The biggest mistake ever. And I can't believe Annabeth tried to kill herself. Did she love him that much? And it was half my fault. MY fault. I never thought I could make someone want to commit suicide. Why am I so stupid? Why?

And why did Annabeth have to be in love with Luke? He told me he didn't love her. This was all Luke's fault.. he convinced me to drink at that party. I was going to leave early to catch up on some studying but he convinced me to stay, and drink. He wasn't even drunk.

And then the next day he told me he didn't love Annabeth.. he loved me. And if I didn't break up with Percy he would tell him.

But how am I supposed to tell Annabeth that now? She'd try to commit suicide again.

Why me? I need Percy, he's the only person I've ever really loved.. And now because of this stupid mistake and because of STUPID Luke, he wasn't mine anymore.

After school yesterday I went to see Annabeth in the hospital.

"Hey Annabeth.." i said softly as I opened the door. I saw her lying on the bed, reading a book. She looked up and her eyes hardened.

"Rachel." She said, her voice venomous.

"Look, Annabeth.. I just came here to tell you I'm sorry. I'm more sorry then ever. And we were drunk.. I didn't know what I was doing. I'm stupid and young.. and even if you don't forgive me, that's fine because I just want to say I'm sorry for what I did and I'm sorry that you would do that to yourself because of what me and Luke did by mistake." I said. When I finished, I looked up at her hopefully but she was still glaring.

"Rachel.. I don't blame you. But I don't think I can ever forgive you. You stole Percy from me and Thalia, you made fun of me before and you told all my secrets after we weren't friends. And I know that was all in the past, but I can't forgive you for that.. I know it's wrong but it's just me.. I always hold grudges and it's stupid but there's nothing I can do about it. Even if I said I forgive you, I wouldn't be telling the truth. And I think you should know the truth. The truth is I honestly don't think i can forgive you, though I don't blame you with what happened with Luke, since you were influenced by alcohol but when I look at you, all that pain and regret comes back.."

I didn't say anything. I couldn't. How could I be so stupid as to think she'd actually forgive me? If Annabeth had done this to me, I wouldn't have ever forgiven her either. Or said she wasn't to blame. I nodded and sighed.

"Well.. I guess that's it then.. See you Annabeth." I said and then turned to go.

"Wait." Annabeth's voice rang out. I turned, hopefully.

"Rachel.. I'M sorry too. I'm sorry that you have to go through this and that you have lost your relationship with Percy.. But I don't know how to make you feel better, except tell you this: Percy still loves you. You just have to prove to him you love him.." She said and managed a small smile at me.

"T-thanks.." I whispered and then opened the door and left, running down the corridor, tears streaming down my face.

But how do I prove it to Percy? I hate myself for letting Luke convince me to stay.. and for lying to Annabeth about it, but I couldn't break her heart even more.

I'm so freaking stupid. How am i supposed to explain this to my parents? Not that they'd care..

Sorry.. I know it's so short and ughyy but that's all I can do.. I'm so busyy!

Oh and it's my birthday :) May 6 ! 3

Also.. I know there's no Percabeth or whatever and it's all Rachel but I thought she deserved a chapter.. I'm also a bit stuck.. Author's block :(

And even though Annabeth says something nice to Rachel, she does NOT forgive her. Just to clarify.