Hey guys, Cjoycoolio here. Sorry I haven't been updating this story. I just had been really busy but all your reviews are what makes me want to keep writing. So here is part 1 of the next chapter. Enjoy.

The summer was ending and school was already starting. All the boys were ready to start their high school life at Dalton. Today was the day the Freshman of Dalton move into their dorms. Many of the boys were already packed up while others were having trouble on what to bring.

"Kurt, you do realize that at Dalton you wear uniforms. You don't need to bring all these clothes."
"Dad, I can't just leave them here to be unworn for the whole semester. I can wear these clothes whenever I go out of Dalton."

"Whatever you say son. Just hurry up we have to leave soon."

"Okay Dad."

Meanwhile at the Siegerson household.

"Bear do you have to go? I'm going to miss you so much." Amanda , Derek's little sister whined.

"I'm going to miss you too Squirt but don't worry whenever you miss me just remember that I'm always right here" Derek states press his hand against her heart. He then picked her up and twirled her around the air giving her a huge hug and smooch on her forehead.

"Derek we got to get going" Mr. Siegerson stated.

"Okay Dad. Come on Squirt let's go to the car."

Derek then grabbed his duffel bag put around his shoulder and grabbed Amanda's hand.

On the other side of Ohio the Wright family was busy with their own business.

"Logan dear, are you excited to go to Dalton honey?" said Michelle, Logan's new step-mother said.

"sure whatever" Logan stated as he stabbed his fork into the pancakes Michelle took all morning to make.

Michelle gave a sigh and didn't press on. Logan's dad John Logan Wright II sat at the dinner table with the newspaper in front of his face and a coffee mug in his right hand. The rest of breakfast was quiet until a phone buzzed.

Logan reached into his pocket to read the next text message he got. It read: "Hey Logan, can't wait to see you later today. I'll be there around 1pm. Text me when you're here –Julian". Logan gave a smile as he texted a reply that read: "I can't wait either to see you. I don't know when I'll be there. It all depends on my Dad but I'll let you know when I get there. See you then- Logan". After the text sent Logan took his plate to put in the sink. He was about to walk up to his room when his Dad called out to him. " Son, we'll be a little late to the Dalton move-in day. I've got important business attend to first." Logan then nodded and slumped all the way to his room. He wanted to see Julian right away. They've been texting and calling each other all summer but they haven't had a chance to meet since orientation. He just couldn't wait to see Julian and Derek. Now it seems like he is going to have to wait a little longer than he wanted to.

"Honey, get your stuff together the limo will be here any moment." Dolce Larson, Julian's mom said to her son as she fixed his hair.

"Okay mom" Julian stated as he tried to move his mom's hand away from his head. His pocket then vibrated. He reached for his phone and read the message. His face lit up after reading the message. The limo just arrived. The driver came around to open the door for Ms. Larson and Julian then put Julian's extensive luggage in the trunk.

There were many cars at Dalton and many of them were being unloaded with boys and their luggage. Some boys went to Hanover, some went to Stuart and the rest went to Windsor. This is where a small little red head was dragging his large trunk up the stairs. Unfortunately there were never any elevators at Dalton, as the administrators liked to keep the school as traditional as possible, so unluckily Reed had to pull through on his own. He was almost at the top of the stair case when he almost lost his grip of the trunk. Luckily a curly haired boy who was on his way down the stairs saw that Reed was struggling and help him lift the trunk on top of the stairs.

"Thanks, I'm Reed."
"No problem Reed, hmm your name seems familiar" the curly boy stated, "Where have I heard it before?" He then thought for a while when it came to him. " I know. You're my other roommate. I'm Shane."

"Oh so you're Shane. How come I didn't see you at the orientation?" Reed asked as he dragged his trunk to their room.

" I was there, I just didn't bother go to the room. I knew how it would look like since my older brother Blaine went here last year."

"Oh well that makes sense" said Reed as he open the door to their room. They were astonished to see their other roommate in a circle covered with salt with a spray bottle in his hand.

"Wait let me bless the room before you guys come in. The spirits might haunt us if I don't. The two other boys looked at each other with wierded out expressions. They then just dropped Reed's trunk and stood at the door as they watch their roommate Dwight perform a strange ritual. Across the hall you could hear the ruckus by the one and only tweedles, Evan and Ethan Brightman. They happen to be running the down the halls shooting their nerf guns at their fellow hall mates.