So I guess this is the last chapter…. It's incredibly short…. I couldn't really think of that many things actually happening in this one. Oh well, here's chapter eight!

The Death Eaters took their time getting to the astronomy tower, after all, it was Draco's job, if the fool was dead by the time they got there Draco would be greatly rewarded. The Peruvian instant darkness powder had gotten them past the three young students, but Dawlish and Yaxley had stayed behind to give them a little reminder of what happens when you go against the Dark Lord.

When she arrived on the tower, Bellatrix found that her nephew had successfully disarmed the wizard, but hadn't yet worked up the guts to finish it.

"Come on Draco, you can do it!" Bellatrix Black called to her blonde nephew, hoping that he would not disgrace her sister, as Lucius had.

Bellatrix of course knew about the unbreakable vow she had helped Severus get himself into, but there was a part of her that wanted to kill Dumbledore, the man her master despised, and if poor little Severus Snape just happened to die as well, well that would be less competition for the Dark Lord's favorite.

Shaking that thought from her head, she gripped Draco's shoulders; it was after all his responsibility and the task their master had given him.

"Say the words!" she hissed in his ear, hoping he would get it over with already, the inkling that the Aurors would be here at any second was getting stronger.

"Severus," Albus Dumbledore whispered, his electric blue eyes glimmering in the little bit of light that shown from the stars, 'Severus, please," he begged, his throat hoarse from an unknown cause.

"Avada Kadavra," Severus said, as he brushed back a strand of his overly greasy hair, his pained expression nearly disappearing as the old coot fell from the tower.

The group collectively heard Dumbledore's body break as it hit the grassy field below.