Hi, I'm Helen!

I got this idea from my friend persephonesmelody. Read her Rane-themed Drabble Collection here: .net/s/6985296/1/Double_Ranebows It's very, very, very good!

So I found a list of 100 Drabble Prompts online and I will be attempting to write a Jogan drabble to fulfill each of the prompts.

These will be posted on my tumblr as well as on here.

Follow me: flightofdeathfrench . tumblr . com

All these drabbles (or at least the majority) are Established Jogan.

Thank you, and enjoy!


"Love." Julian looked up from the big book in his lap momentarily, to make sure Logan was listening. "One. To feel tender affection for somebody such as a close relative or friend, or for something such as a place, an ideal, or an animal. Two. To feel desire for somebody. To feel romantic and sexual desire and longing for somebody. Three. Like something very much. To like something, or like doing, something very much. Four. Show kindness to somebody. To feel and show kindness and charity to somebody. Five. Have sex with somebody. To have sexual intercourse with somebody." He slammed the dictionary shut as Logan jumped up and cheered.

"I'm always right," Logan said smugly, gathering a pouting Julian into his arms. "Admit it."

"I really didn't think they'd have it in that sense of the word in the dictionary," Julian said glumly, his chin resting on Logan's shoulder. "I thought it was just slang."

"Ain't is in the dictionary," Logan reasoned. "Why can't love, in the sex form, be in the dictionary, too?"

Julian pulled back and looked at him for a minute. "Ain't is not in the dictionary."

They looked at each other for a moment, and then Julian rushed back to the chair where he'd put the dictionary and picked it up, opened it, and began to turn the pages to the A section.