Author's note: First time here on the site. And this is my first AvP fanfiction, kinda testing the waters out here.

Disclaimer: I don't own AvP, AvP is owned by Fox. I do own Sahara and Luekr-Ke.

Chapter 1

The quiet stillness of the wild preserve was interrupted with a resounding blast, when a what seemed like a falling star crashed into the earth. Inside the small, smoking ship, a metal plate popped up and was pushed over, cashing loudly. A small body crawled out from under the pile of metal, high pitched cough escaping her lungs. She stood up at her full height of three feet, glancing around making an assement of her surroundings. She hugged her chest as she wondered over to the pilots chair. She noticed a large arm hanging limp, green glowing blood dripping down. Her amber eyes followed the arm up and saw a large beam was piercing the barrel chest of the pilot. Her mandibles flared, hissing at the corpse; she stopped hissing and timidly poked the arm before jumping back. The arm barely made any movement in response to her poking. She cocked her head, short fleshy dreads fell over her shoulders. She made a questioning chirp before realizing that her captor was dead.

"Pauk-de!" she yelled at him, she wasn't allowed to cuss in front of adults, but closest adult is dead, isn't he? She nodded her head, he got what he deserved! He wouldn't have died if he hadn't killed her mother and took her! Hugging her chest, she sniffed the air. The air smelled a little different… not like the air where she came from. She looked around, remembering what she's been told being needing a breathing apparatus on different worlds. After fifteen minutes of searching, she found a small spare- a machine that would convert the planet's native air to her own, connected to a clear mask that was larger than her own toothy muzzle. It'll have to do. She hugged the breathing apparatus to her tiny chest and wondered out of the ship.


The sun was sinking behind the dark mountains and air was starting to chill. The child's mandibles were chittering on their own, her arms hugged around her body trying to keep warmth. The sounds of nocturnal animals weren't making the situation any better for her. She whimpered as she trudge through the alien forest. Her large eyes darting in every direction of any animal that would make a sound. She didn't like this world, it was rarely ever night time on her home world and it was always warm. What was wrong with this world? Why was there only one sun and one moon? And why was it cold? Then she noticed something glowing in the darkness and she could smell burning wood. She headed toward to the source of the glow, not really caring what it could be, just knowing that it was warm. She moved closer to the opening, hiding in a bush close to the heat source, watching as the light danced in place.

She was then caught off guard when she heard a low growl next to her, she turned her head to find herself nose to nose to a good size creature. The creature stopped growling, then started whimpering, taking in the child's scent. It cocked its head to the side, emitting a questioning whimpered before its started wagging its tail and panting. The child cocked her head, also letting out a questioning whimper. She wondered out of the bush, the strange creature let her pass, tail wagging. She sat down next to the fire, absorbing the warm it emitted. The alien furry creature sat down next her. She reached and laid her little hands on the furry back, feeling the soft furs as the creature panted cheerfully. Then she felt a rumble in her belly, she was hungry. She looked around, sniffing about to find something she could eat. She wondered away from the fire, exploring the few large items that littered the site. She walked over to a large box, quickly figuring out the simple mechanism that opened the lid. She peered inside, noting that this box held food. She searched around until she came upon a package of what appeared to house tubular meat. She ripped open the package and pulled one of the tubular meats out, sniffed it and took a bite.

"Mmm." she cheerfully squeaked, taking another bite. The creature stood behind her, wagging its tail in hopes that she would share. She turned to the strange creature, pulled one of the meats out and held it to the creature, the creature happily accepted it and nearly gulped the snack down. The creature suddenly turned its head to the sound of foot steps in the foilage, its tail wagging. The frightened child didn't share in the creature's sentiments towards to the new visitor as she scampered to find a hidding place in the clothe hut.

"Jeeves!" a woman cried out as she walked out of the foilage and saw the open cooler, she sighed "How the hell did you get that opened?" she peered down at her black, brown spotted mutt. The dog merely returned her gaze before staring at the tent. "What are you looking at, huh?" her eyes following his gaze, she noticed the tent was open. "What?" she cocked her head, dark brown hair cascading over her shoulders.

She walked over to the tent and peered inside, her eyes went wide when she saw the small alien creature shaking in a fetal position at the far end of the tent. She screamed as she pulled away from the tent. The alien creature squealed and quickly crawled into the sleeping bag and went back to fetal position. The woman shook her head, trying to make sense of what she saw. It certainly didn't look human… but she could've sworn it seemed… child like. She took another gander into the tent and realized the alien child was out of site, but quickly found the large, shaking lump in her sleeping bag. She cocked her head and moved into the tent, towards the sleeping bag. She unzipping the bag all the way to the bottom, and slowly opened it to reveal the frightened alien. She studied the alien child, taking note of the pale green reptilean skin and fleshy dreads, she also warily took note of the small mandibles on the child's muzzle. Then she saw the child holding her package of hot dogs in her clawed fingers.

"Its alright." human woman cooed, "I won't hurt you." she kneeled down, sitting on her calves to make herself seem less threatening. The alien eyes stared at her, then shakily held out her hand holding the hot dogs to the woman, hoping to make appeasement, perhaps if she returned what she took, the large alien won't hurt her. The human slowly took the package and the small arm whipped back into the small huddle. The human cocked her head, her brow wrinkled upward in a concern fashion. She slowly removed one of the hot dogs and held it out to the small alien.

"You must be hungry." She offered the tubular piece of meat, "You must be so far way from home." she said softly.

The little alien stared at her and then looked at the offered hot dog, her shaking was starting ease and her breathing more rhythmic. She uncurled from her fetal position and reached out for the hot dog, keeping her eye on the woman. She took it and took a bite, always keeping her large eyes on the human. The woman kindly smiled, not bareing her teeth.

She put the package of hot dogs down and placed her hand on her chest, "My name is Sahara." the alien stopped eating, staring up at her. Sahara patted her chest, "Sahara." The alien put the half eaten hot dog down and moved closer to Sahara, putting her small hand just below the chest.

"Sa-rara." she trilled. Sahara shook her head.

"Sa-har-a." she repeated slowly.

"Sa- (click) -ara?"

Sahara couldn't help but giggled, the alien cocked her head, rather liking that pleasing sound.

"Sa-ha-hara…" the alien finally repeated, as she took her hand away. Then she placed her hand on her own chest, "Luakr-ke." her mandibles clicking.

"Lu-Luarke?" Sahara repeated, the child shook her head, her dreads flingings from side to side.

"Luakr-ke." she repeated.

"Lu…aker…ke…" Sahara repeated, Luakr-ke shrugged close enough, she didn't think the native will ever get it.

The night continued on as Sahara and Luakr-ke got to know each other, the best they could considering the language barrier. Maybe this world wasn't so bad after all.

Author's Note: and that ends chapter one, for those of you who are curious, there's a picture Luekr-ke in my profile. She looks a little cartoonish, but that's what happens when you were raised on Disney.