Forever More

Summary: Bella moves to Florida after Edward leaves. She can't take it anymore and starts at a new school little does she know some people from her past are coming after her. She also meets some new 'monsters' and realizes she is one of them. OOC Bella/Emmett/Jasper/Peter/Jacob/Embry/Quil/Paul

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN Twilight, Stephenie Meyers does! =( Hahahahhahahahahhahah

Chapter 1: Stop Staring At Me!

It's been 4 months since he left. I have been a catatonic zombie for quite some time, I've sort of gotten a wake up call when Charlie threatened to send me to Jacksonville. As I pulled up to school no one cared, which made me kinda glad. My classes went by fast soon it was lunchtime, Angela was talking about the bear the hikers were talking about. "No it's true, there have been reportings of bears bigger than a human standing up, but no one can find any tracks." Everyone looked at me like I had grown a second head, "What?" I snapped and everyone except Lauren took their eyes off me. I glared at her and she just did it right back, "Stop staring at me, you dumb blonde bitch!" She got up out her chair and got in my face.

"What's wrong wittle Bella doesn't like to be stared at, hahahhahahahahaha." Just then I stood up and snapped "Shut the fuck up, Lauren." She rolled her eyes this bitch really wouldn't quit. "Bitch shut up and stop crying over Edward and his stupid family." I lost it, I brought my fist to her poorly made up face, and socked her in the eye. I grabbed her hair and pulled her head up to have more access, just then I saw the blood and realized what I was doing. But, I didn't stop and I kept punching her in the face. "Bella Swan! Get off of her."

I felt someone pull me off and then, I was screaming "You dumb bitch, never mess with me cause I ain't no punk bitch!" She was collapsed on the floor, and I started laughing. When I got home Charlie as waiting for me and he wasn't happy. "Before you say anything, I just want to tell you that I'm going to live with mom," with that I walked up the stairs and started to pack when I was finished Charlie was still in the same spot when I left. "Ok Bella, you can leave just call your mother and tell her." I ran to the phone with a smile on my face, and called her.

Bella; Renee


Hi Mom!

Bella? Hey baby what's got you so excited?

I'm coming to Jacksonville to live with you mom!

Are you serious? OMG that's so great, I'm gonna get your room ready and everything.

Ok mom I'm about to leave now, is that ok?

Yea I'll have everything ready by then. See you when you get here.

K mom, I'll be there in about 3 hours love you.

Love you too, Bye.


I can't wait to leave this boring ass town, "Dad can you drive me to the airport?" "Yea Bells," he sounded sad, I would never forget my dad. We drove in silence to the airport and I started texting Jake, he and I became really close after he left.

Bella; Jake

Hey Jake =)

Hey Belly Bear ;)

Hahahah NM im abt 2 leav 4 Jacksonville

Wat ur leaving, aw man can me and the guys visit

Of course u can, ur my buddy Jakey and so r Quil and Embry

Kool so wen can I visit?

In a couple months so I can get settled ok?

Yay I hope u get a hotter car there

I will g2g Jakey txt u l8r

kk bye

The car came to a hault and I turned and saw my father with tears in his eyes. Charlie never gets emotional I thought to myself, alarmed we got out of the car and I bought my ticket. "My plane is boarding in 15" simply nodded and I felt sad at his response to me leaving. I grabbed him into a sudden hug and he quickly responded, "I love you, Bells." "I love you too dad, don't worry I'll email you and text you all the time. I'll try to visit too." we stood there like that until my plane started boarding. I waved goodbye and he left as I pulled off, I put on my iPod and starting listening to "Lying Is The Most Fun" by Panic at Disco.

{3 hours later}

I was awaken not realizing I fell asleep by Pink's "U and Ur Hand." The plane was just landing and my ears started to pop, Ugh I hate it when that happens! I began to get frustrated when the plane finally jolted to a stop, I looked out the window to the sun. OMG how much I missed the heat and the sun. Once I was off the plane, I saw my mom in the baggage check-out, my mom ran to me in an instant. I was so happy to see her, I stepped back to look at my mother. She grew her hair out to a shoulder-length and she looked younger, what did Phil do?

"Mom, you look amazing. What happened?" her smile grew even larger "I started going to the beacch more and me and Phil have been exercising." She smirked when she said this, I already knew what she meant by exercising. I shrugged it off and we went home in her new Honda Civic 2011, it was black and red with tinted windows. "Oh yeah, mom I need to get a car." "Of course sweety, we'll get you a car tomorrow." I smiled and we silently drove the rest of the way.

Tell me what you think! I luv all my readers especially those who review, you guys are awesome. Plz constructive criticism and telle me who should get with Bella first. Emmett? Jasper? Peter? Jake? Quil? Embry? or Paul?