Here's my latest attempt and it was written some time ago, yet never finished properly, so I hope for some help later on.

This is written mostly in Wyatt's POV, yet in third person. It's a long one already, so stay tuned!

Disclaimer: I don't own Charmed. If I did, well, this way the seasons could have played out. ;)

Summary: His younger brother is in the past. Trying to save him, but he wouldn't believe in it. He needed to see if he was alright and doing fine. But what he saw made him question all his beliefs.

1. What are you doing, Chris?


Wyatt Matthew Halliwell, current leader of the world, was sitting in his chair and monitoring the activities of his demons over the world. With their work he was satisfied but one little mistake was in his scheme. His baby brother, his one and only over many years, was not here, because he still believed in good and evil what he'd given up the day their mother died and their father chose to be with the Elders instead of his sons. His only confidantes, or something close to that, were a Seer who he'd resurrected and a demon who knew him and his family rather well.

Looking around and smiling a bit sad the older brother wanted to know what Chris was facing in the past, especially after their last encounter here in the future. When Bianca had brought him back, powerless and still confident, they were not brothers at that moment, just sworn enemies and fighting for their own beliefs. To his and Chris' horror the Twice-Blessed had killed the Phoenix witch who had been also the fiancée of his brother. After the brunette had managed to escape yet again, Wyatt had felt bad but it was already too late. He knew how his brother must have felt after coming back and more.

Now it was time to know what was going on in the past. His family was known for being suspicious for anything or anyone new. So it was sure that Chris must be in trouble, especially if he let it slip that he, Wyatt, was evil and their mother would blow him up. That was scaring in his eyes.

"Kira, come here! I need your services now," the young man yelled and a second later a woman appeared on her knees in front of him.

"Yes, my Lord. What can I do for you?" she asked.

"I want to see what my brother is doing in the past. After the last time we met and all," he continued. "I might see a reason to return and save him if need be. And now bring us to your pool!"

"Yes, Master!"

The leader stood up, came out from behind the table and walked over to the woman and let him be shimmered away to the underworld, in the woman's old cave. "Nice place, Kira. How did it go down there before I came?"

"Not really. Some demons were always stupid, others had enough brain to challenge your family but did never succeed. Now it's so much better with you and you give peace to all," Kira answered truthfully. "Why does your brother not see it?"

"I don't know. As children we knew each anytime, but later on it was getting complicated in my mother's words." He shivered a bit but was himself again a moment later. "Now let me see what my brother is doing."

"Where shall I start?" she asked. Then she looked up and continued, "You'd really follow him, wouldn't you? Why?"

The man wearing black turned away. "I once promised my mother to protect him and for her I intend to hold it, no matter what he does or will do."

"I see." The Seer walked to her old pool and waved her hand over the liquid mass. It started but she whispered, "So you do need him, Master."

He only nodded and watched the scene playing out in front of him.


Leo and Chris were fighting a green blob, along with Grams or better known as Penny Halliwell. She was a demanding figure and as always she didn't like men, except Leo that was. But Chris is cocky and could fight the woman. Even if she only names him a newbie. The Charmed Ones were also in the past, to get Paige back who was stuck in the 1960ies.

Then suddenly all changed and Grams was a hippie again what Chris just commented with, "One of the sisters must have changed the past. This Penny never changed from flower child to a hard demon hunter."

Leo agreed. "What can we do?"

There was a loud knack coming from the kitchen door. "I don't know," Chris said. "But this thing is cornering us. You better take Wyatt and Joan Baez here to the conservatory. I'll try to stop it." Leo nodded and did as told.


Wyatt looked up. "My father really asked Chris for help? Wow, what a change, but why does no one know who he is? He really wouldn't change his own destiny, would he?"

"You mean you don't know that he split your parents up after Valhalla and now they don't know he is their son. Yes, that's true but I think he got it covered," Kira spoke up hopefully.

"He's not that stupid, is he? A world without him is strange for me. He was always there," Wyatt explained confused. "I hope he'll get it right in time."

The woman nodded. "Let's continue with this episode, shall we?"

Both turned back to the pool and watched how the scene continued with Chris, Leo, the sisters and Grams.


Chris and Leo were back in the kitchen with a mass of electric stuffs in front of them. They were discussing how to face the green blob who didn't like electricity as the younger man had discovered. So now they waited for an attack of this blob but nothing happened. Leo tried to plug all in and it's ended with a dark house.

"You know my Allen would never have liked violence. Have you tried to talk?" Grams spoke up, in a sugarish voice.

"No," Leo said annoyed to her before turning to Chris. "But if you might want to talk about what happens to Wyatt in the future, tell me."

"Not a chance," the young man answered, very confident.

In this darkness Chris followed his instincts and tried to find the fuses with the help of Leo but discovered the blob was over the Nexus and was really big. Calling out for Leo and showing him the blob both were in shock and could only hope the Charmed Ones returned in time.

As both worked on a wire to get the demon on hold, Penny appeared and tried to talk with him, "Don't be afraid. We just want to talk." A hand of green came and grabbed the woman before both men had a chance to do anything.

Half an hour later both were in front of the cellar door again and while Leo fought with the door his future son did with the blob from below. It worked but both were in arguments.

"You should go," Leo said.

"No, not without you," Chris answered, fighting the blob. 'I want to be born, you know,' he thought but asked out loud, "What's with Penny?"

"I don't know but we can't give up. She wouldn't want us to do that."

Before Chris could reply another voice came from behind them, "Stand back, fellas," Piper replied and smiled.

Paige's voice rang out to vanquish the blob what happened and the middle sister, Phoebe asked for their Grams as the said woman came out from the cellar smoking, "You can't vanquish me a dead horse like me. I'm already dead." She walked to the both men standing in front of a table. "You did good. I'm really proud of you."

Chris and Leo beamed in pleasure as Paige came up beside Leo and mouthed to her brother-in-law, "Hey you, sun god. I've never thought of you this way."

Leo smiled nervously, "Could we forget that, please, Paige? I'd rather do so." The future man beside him only shook his head in confusion but knew his Aunt Paige would tell him later on.

Later Grams just scolded the Charmed Ones for leaving the house and more but deep down they knew her as a loving woman. So she gave them her blessing and returned to the afterlife and the younger sisters left their older sister alone, but she didn't want them to know. It was time for a change.


Wyatt smiled. Their father and Chris came along if only for the time being. More he asked himself what had happened before for such distrust coming from his family towards his baby brother. Okay, they didn't know him and his secret but surely they treated strangers sometimes better than their own whitelighter.

"What is Chris saying when they want to know about the future?" he wanted to know.

Kira looked up and smiled. "His mantra back there is 'Future consequences' and your family really doesn't like it. I think sometimes they would kill him for it, but he has no other choice." Her master looked troubled. "Don't worry. You'll get your little brother back, I swear."

"Thank you," Wyatt said. "And now we should return I still have to attend to other business as well."

The woman grabbed the man's hand and shimmered them back to the apartment where she went away and left her master alone in his thoughts before his business came.

TBC ...

Let me know what you think about it!

Reviews are really appreciated!

P.S. Next time I could provide another story of mine. And this one is finished. :P