Summary: When Tino gets stuck with work all day, Berwald disappears off to who knows where. But the trick is finding him again.

AN: Hello all! This is my first Hetalia fic, so I'm sorry if it's a bit ooc… But, I hope you enjoy it!

Pairing: SuFin! 3

Disclaimer: I regretfully do not own Hetalia, or any of it's lovely characters.

~ Now on with the Show ~

Busy, busy, busy… It was like Tino hadn't moved from his perch all day! He'd been so occupied with work all day long… But he had to get it done! Biting his lip, he glanced over to the clock, which stared back at him with a bitter reality; it was eleven o' clock at night. "Oh, my…" he murmured, violet eyes shifting back to the computer screen. He was nowhere near done yet, and he still had so much more to do… But he was exhausted! The thought of having to stare at the computer screen for even one more minute made him want to burst into tears like a small child with a scraped knee.

But he needed to do work. No matter how much he didn't want to… Maybe a few more minutes, then he could go curl up in bed with Berwald- Wait, where was Berwald, as a matter of fact? Tino hadn't seen his husband once all day…. Not that he'd been paying much attention to anything else that moved, aside from the letters on the screen. And when did he start referring to him as his husband? This whole "m'wife" thing was starting to rub off on him…

None the less, Tino saved his work and closed the laptop, taking the excuse to stop working all too willingly. It wasn't like Berwald to just disappear like that… True, he let him work, but he would come and make sure he hadn't fried his brains completely every once in a while. "Maybe I just didn't notice?" he said, trying to reason to himself. He wandered through the house, peering into every room, around all the corners, and still there was no Berwald to be found. If Tino had been worried before, it was nothing compared to now. Where had his husband - there it was again! - gone?

Tino searched the house again, trying to find a note or something, indicating where his lover had run off to, but again he turned up empty handed, leaving him more distressed. He hadn't checked outside, yet… Maybe he was out walking Hanatamago? But, at eleven o' clock at night…? With a heavy, shaky sigh, Tino pulled on his jacket and shoes, and grabbed a flashlight before heading out. He had to at least try, didn't he? However, just as he was about to leave, he realized that if Berwald came back before he did, it would only cause him to worry as well. So, being a good wife, he left a note on the front door, smiling a little to himself before he scampered off.

The cold wind bit at his cheeks, turning them a pretty shade of red as he walked out, sounding a bit like the boy who called wolf as he called out to his missing husband. "Berwald!" he tried again, his throat aching with all the screaming. "Berwald!" He sighed, stopping in his place on the road as he watched the light of his flashlight begin to dim. How long had he been out there? He didn't know, but it looked as if this wasn't going to get him anywhere any time soon. "Berwald..." he murmured hoarsely, hanging his head in defeat. Where had he gone...? Sullenly, he turned an began his trek back home, calling out to his lost lover until his throat hurt to much to make another sound. Where, oh where had his husband gone? It was morning by the time Tino had managed to find his way back, the pale light of the early dawn alighting on the home that lay vacant in his absence.

Or so he thought, at any rate. As Tino walked up to the front door, he saw that his note was nowhere to be seen. Maybe Berwald was home? In a rush of excitement, Tino all but tore the door down in his haste to get inside. But upon entering, it was not Berwald who was there to greet him... Instead, he came face to face with another Nordic; Denmark. "Nice of you to drop in." Mathias grinned.

That's all for now! I'll have another post up soon, mmmkay?

Reviews are always loved~ Plus, you can help me decide what happened to Sweden, if you like.

Until next time!