Here's the series of one-shots I promised! Just so you know, most of them will be from my fanfiction Ignorance is Bliss?, at least at first. If you have any ideas for a one-shot, tell me in a review!

Taken From: Ignorance is Bliss? Chapter 2

Brief summary: Kaoru becomes equinophobic (afraid of horses) but keep it hidden from his horse-loving twin.

Time Period: Grade School, about second grade.

A Story that Proves that Hitachiin Kaoru is Not Weak:

When Kaoru was a little boy, he went to the circus with his nanny. Hikaru was away for some forgotten reason or another, and Kaoru was recovering from a cold. Naturally, his parents forbade him from leaving the house, but upon realizing that he had never been to the circus, his nanny insisted that they go.

In retrospect, it was probably a better idea to stay home.

Kaoru had a great time at the circus, and he was especially fond of the horses. So, when the show was over and the ringleader was offering horse rides, Kaoru begged to go just once around the ring. Back then, the Hitachiin twins were comparable to Hunny when it came to adorableness, so when subjected to the pouty lips and large, glittering eyes, the nanny just couldn't say no.

Kaoru mounted the horse, but in his excitement, he tuned out everything the ringleader was saying about how to sit and hold onto the horse in order to ride safely. At the sound of the whip, Kaoru's horse immediately broke into a gallop. Kaoru fell off the back and was nearly trampled by the Clydesdale behind him.

Ever since, Hitachiin Kaoru has been terrified of horses.

However, when Hikaru was a little boy, he glorified horses. If you will recall, he was not present at the circus, so he did not see the incident with the horses (and Kaoru wasn't talking about it.) So Hikaru kept dreaming of someday owning a horse ranch in the mountains and living like a real life cowboy.

No doubt, if he had seen what had happened, he would have given up all of his fantasies relating to horses, because the accursed animal had nearly killed his smaller, weaker little brother. However, he knew nothing of it and was unintentionally hurting Kaoru with his constant talk.

So whoever says that Kaoru is weak is lying, because for years he suppressed his terror in order to maintain Hikaru's happiness.

The end.