I'm so sorry that I have been updating a lot I've been really busy and depressed and just haven't really done anything.

Dean just turned 19 in the chapter, and Sam is16... this is not beta'd all mistakes are mine.


Dean slowly stepped around the corner, his gun pointed down and ready to fire.

Castiel walked in front of him, low to the ground, his eye snapping back and forth waiting to attack in a minutes notice.

Dean sighed, this sucks. He always thought he'd spend his nineteenth birthday with some girl from town, not hunting a shifter. He shook his head, at least he's doing something productive. He knew Sam wasn't far away, and would hear if he were to fire at something. Their father and bobby we're work on another hunt when Sam picked up on this one.

Castiel slowly turned a corner and froze.

At the end of the hall stood a row of wolfs just like him and a dead shifter lying in front of them. Castiel whined and took a step back pumping into Dean.

Dean looked down "What is it Cas?" he said before his head snapped up at the hollow from the end of the hall. Dean heart raced "What the..."

"Castiel" a black wolf said stepping forward "Dean Winchester must come with us."

Castiel flattened his ears and snarled.

Uriel, was the name of the black wolf "Do not act like an animal Castiel" he narrowed his eyes "He's coming with us"

"Over my dead body!" Castiel yelled.

Dean looked around He knew that voice from somewhere.

Uriel chuckled "As you wish" he said looking back at his pack and giving the signal for them to attack.

They charged forward barking and snarling.

Castiel felt fear fill him as he turned "Dean! Run now!"

Dean stood in shock "C-Cas?"

"I said run!" he yelled\barked at Dean.

Dean stepped back, tripping over a piece of dead wood that had fallen off the roof and hit the ground.

Castiel growled as he turned in time to catch one angel by the throat biting down hard to rip the flesh off. Castiel was tackle to the floor from his left. He was defenseless against them now unable to get to his feet.

Dean watch this all happen so fast that he almost didn't notice Castiel being force to the ground. Dean looked to his side to find the black wolf standing next to his, glaring down at him.

Dean swallowed "N-nice... dog?" he said hesitantly

Uriel snarled at him.

Dean jerked back "Guess not!" he said trying to inch away from the dog. He looked around for his gun, but couldn't find it "Shit"

Dean yelled out when Uriel jumped on top of him. He froze as he trembled with fear 'Help! Help!' he prayed

At that moment Castiel leaped free from the group of wolves that were pinning him down and biting at him. He didn't land on his feet just smacked the ground, but got up quickly and pounce Uriel, knocking him off of Dean.

Dean watched as they fought. Hearing snarling and the smacking of teeth. He knew Cas might not make it out of the fight.

"Dean!" Sam yelled down the hall, Gabriel barking at his side. Sam's eyes locked on Castiel fighting with a black shadow and lifted his fire arm "Castiel!" he shouted trying to get a clear shot.

Then Gabriel charged toward the two growling and snarling "Uriel!" he yelled biting the bridge off his nose and pulling him off of Castiel who had collapsed. Gabriel threw him to the ground "Leave" he snarled and they all disappeared.

Castiel whined as he slowly stood.

"What are you?"

Castiel looked up to see Dean had a gun pointed at him.

Dean stood up "Answer me! I know you can!" he shouted.

"Dean what the hell are you doing?" Sam shouted.

"Shut up Sam!" he said never taking his eyes off Cas "Tell me what you are!... Were you going to wait before you killed us all off?" he question.

Castiel tilted his head "No" he said weakly.

"Then Tell me what you are!"

"I..." Castiel cringed in pain as blood flow out of his mouth.

Gabriel whined moving closer to him.

"Dean your freaking me out!" Sam said walking closer to the dogs.

"Sam stay back!" Dean yelled.

Sam frowned "Dean Cas is badly hurt! He need to be looked at"

Dean hesitated before lowering his weapon and stepping toward Castiel.

Castiel whined stepping away front Dean, he didn't want Cas anymore. Maybe he didn't need him anymore.

Dean rolled his eyes "Cas c'mere" he said stepping closer.

Castiel made a pained bark at Dean as he made his way over to Sam where he collapsed at his feet.

Sam knelt down "Cas?" he said petting his side "Your gonna be okay" he said pulling the wolf into his arms before standing. He looked at Dean "He needs real help Dean!" he said "I think he has internal bleeding."

Dean sighed as Sam started to walk, and followed "Where are we suppose to take it Sam?"

Sam stopped dead and place Castiel down careful before turning and punching Dean in the face "You stupid son of a bitch!"

Dean rubbed his cheek and looked at Sam with anger in his eyes "What the hell are you talking about?"

"He is not an it Dean, he is family!" he yelled " just because you can hear him talk doesn't mean he's a danger to us!" he shook his head "He's never tried to hurt us Dean, he's only tried to help us"

Dean's brow frowned "It doesn't matter Sam! What ever it is, it isn't safe to be around!"

"Why?" Sam shouted.

Dean was about to give an answer when he heard that voice again.

" I wasn't sent here to hurt you Dean" Castiel took a step forward " I am an angel sent by your mother to protect you, you ungrateful brat!"

Dean felt tears sting his eyes "Thats not true. Theres no such thing"

Castiel barked "Then I guess you don't need me. I guess that after everything I've done for you and your family I'm just a monster!"

Dean thought for a moment, looking at the floor unable to say anything.

Castiel whined in betrayal "Fine! Have it your way!"

Dean looked up just as Castiel's body fell limp.

"No!" he yelled running over and falling to his knees "No Cas, please. I didn't mean it" he cried as he let his tears fall for the first time since his mom died. He fisted his hands in the wolf's fur "You can't die" he whispered.

A moment later dean and Sam were both unconscious.

Mary cupped Dean's face and shook her head "I didn't think he would act this way if he found out" she said.

"I had no other choice. I had to talk" Castiel said "I'm sorry Mary" he said looking down.

She smiled at him "Honey it's not your fault." she said with a sighed "are you ready?"

Castiel sighed petting Gabriels head "Yes"

Gabriel barked licking his face.

Mary walked over to him and placed her hand on his head. His old body started to glow along with the one he was currently wearing. Soon he was again a small pup.

Castiel looked up at Mary and yipped.

She smiled kneeing down and picking him up "Give this to Sam when he wakes" She said holding up a letter "This will explain what you are and why he can't tell Dean... Oh and also why he can hear you talk"

Casteil nodded grabbing the paper between his teeth.

She placed him on the ground before disappearing.

Castiel looked at Gabriel before making his way over to Sam. He pushed his paw into the side of Sam's face causing the boy to groan. He waited a moment but when Sam didn't wake up Castiel sighed and jumped up onto Sam stomach.

Sam yelped and sat up causing Cas to fall into his lap.

"Shit he's gonna freak!" Gabriel said.

Sam blinked at the dog rubbing his eyes 'did he just talk'

"He'll be fine" Castiel said through his clenched teeth.

Sam looked down at his lap to find Cas, but he was small. Sam swallowed "I must have gotten knocked out or something" he laughed to himself, trying to stay calm.

Castiel squirmed up onto his feet sticking the note up in the air "Read this"

Sam's eyes widened "Y-you talked!" he yelled.

Gabriel barked "I told you!"

Castiel shook his head "Sam read this now!"

Sam hesitantly took the note and began to read.

Dear Sam,

Sam, You will never truly know who I am, nor will you understand why I can't be there to watch over you. I have sent you this letter to explain the importance of the two wolves at your side. True they seem like any other forest animal, but inside they are angels. I have sent them to watch over your father, you, and your brother, they will let no harm come to you, and are not there to harm you. I have given you the power to hear them and speak with them because I trust that you can except this. Please do not tell anyone about them for we have already seen what your brother will do, I can only imagine what your father would do. Take care of them Sam, Gabriel, and Castiel are very good friends of mine. I will always love baby, and your brother and father too. I never wanted you to have this life, but I have only myself to blame for it



Sam looked at the two wolves in shook "You know my mother?"

Gabriel walked forward "Yeah, she's really protective of you guys"

Castiel nodded "Yes. She trust you with this secret Sam. No one else can know."

Sam nodded "I understand" he said.

The was a long moment of silence before Sam laughed "If you want to keep this a secret you better get big fast!"

Castiel look at Gabriel "Of course" he said and just like that he was bigger, about two years old now but Dean would know the difference.

Sam sighed and looked at his brother "Am I gonna have to carry his heavy ass to the car?"

Gabe laughed "I'll wake him up" he said walking over to the older boy.

"Wait!" Sam shouted "Will he remember anything that happened?"

"No, his memory of this night is completely gone" Castiel said dryly.

Sam looked at him "You're angry with him, aren't you?" he said.

Castiel sighed "For the time being"

Sam nodded before walking over to his brother "I should wake hm" he said "He worries a lot" he said kneeling down.

He took a moment to think before shaking Dean frantically "Dean! Dean wake up!"

Dean a woke with his heart pounding and fear started to set in "Sammy!' he said sitting up to fast causing himself to get dizzy. He groaned rubbing the back of his head "What happened, are you alright?"

Sam smile "Yeah I'm fine" he said "You got knocked out when that shifter tackled you"

Dean nodded "Is it dead?"

Sam nodded "I shot it down the hall, then I found you" Sam said helping Dean to his feet.

Dean smile at him "Guess we should head back now" he said clapping Sam on the shoulder.

Gabriel barked walking up next to Sam and glaring at Dean.

Dean glared back at the dog before looking past Sam at Castiel. He smiled walking over to him "Hey Cas" he said reaching a hand out to pet him.

Sam watched waiting for Castiel to back away or snap at Dean, but Castiel walked forward and licked Deans hand.

Dean grinned scratching Cas's head "Good boy" he said.


Sam waited until he was sure Dean was asleep to get up out of his bed. Gabriel watched him, his shoe were still on , and he pulled his packed duffel bag out from underneath the bed.

Sam walked towards the door slowly before turning back to look at his sleeping brother "I sorry Dean" he said before taping a note to the door and slowly turning the nob.

"Sam? Where are you going?" Gabriel asked jumping down from the bed.

Sam looked down at him "Nowhere. Now go back to bed."

"You can't lie to us Sam" Castiel said stepping out into the street light shining in from the window "Why are you leaving?"

Sam sighed "I can't do this for the rest of my life. I don't want to" He whispered "I'm running away and finishing school, then I'll go to law school." he looked out the window "I just want a normal life. I want to be able to grow up and get married and have kids of my own, without all this following my around... I can't live like this.

Castiel nodded in understanding "Okay, take Gabriel with you" he said "Your family name will haunt you and any creature that hears it will come after you. Gabriel will protect you"

Gabriel looked at Castiel " Are you sure this is a good Idea?" he asked

Castiel looked at him "It will be much safer if Sam were to leave and try and live without hunting" Castiel looked at the ground "Goodbye brother, Sam... I'll keep John and Dean safe"

"Thank you Cas" Sam said kneeling down to hug the wolf.

" of course" Said "Now get going. If you want this to work you have to be a state over before Dean wakes up"

Sam nodded quickly grabbing the rest of his things before leaving.

Castiel sighed slowly making his way to Dean's bed, sitting and waiting for morning.


When Dean woke up he looked over at Sam's empty bed "Sam?" he called out sitting up. He looked around to find Castiel sitting by the door looking up at a white paper hanging from the door.

Dean quickly ran over to the door ripping the note off to read it.

Dean dropped it and threw open the door and running to the street "SAM!" he yelled looked both ways "No, no, no. Sammy!" he repeated he heart heaving with fear and panic.

Castiel stood in the door way watch Dean, knowing that he was frightened for the safety of his brother. Castiel turned walking back into the room to grab Dean's phone off the counter. The plastic taste more present in this mouth this time then all the times before.

Dean walked back into the room slamming the door behind him. Castiel could see the tears in his eyes as he walked by him.

"This can't be happening!" he yelled.

Castiel waited til Dean in front of the bed before placing his front paws on his thighs making him sit on the bed and dropping the cell phone in his hand.

Dean looked at him and place a hand on his head "Who do I call? Sam? Dad?" he said his eyes going wide "Oh God, whats dad gonna think! I lost Sam! I was suppose to protect him, watch him!" he sobbed.

Castiel whined jumping up onto the bed and laying across Dean's lap. He's never seen Dean this torn up, not to the point of broken sobs.

After Dean calmed down he called his dad, and Castiel could tell the Dean was more disappointed in himself than John was.


Sorry for the long wait! and sorry this wasn't beta'd! Please review let me know it was worth the wait!