One-shot, for the "Prompt Me" challenge ^^

Read on.

"We're going to have to cast this spell," Lily said to James grimly.

"It's dangerous!" James said.

"Since when did you care about whether something was dangerous or not?" Lily snapped.

James opened and closed his mouth.

"I thought so," Lily said.

"You do realize that's like, three million watts of electricity cascading into your wand," James snarled.

"Do you want an O or not?" Lily yelled. "It's either that, or we get an E!"

"What if something goes wrong?" James demanded. "What then?"

"Um...You drag me to Pomfrey!" Lily said.

"What if it's too late by then," James said quietly.

Lily put a hand on his shoulder. "It won't be. You know why? Because you're here, and you have a reputation for running fast." She grinned, and James marveled anew at her dimples. This was one of the first smiles that she had bestowed upon him.

"Thanks..I think.." James said.

"You should be flattered," Lily said, grinning wider. "I rarely talk civilly to you."

"And don't I know it!" said James. "Alright then. But I insist that I do it."

"Fine," Lily said. "But you be careful."

He flashed a smile at her, and she nearly found herself grinning back at him, but instead pressed her lips together. "Careful's my middle name."

"Oh please!"

James smiled again. "In case something does go wrong-" He ducked his head and pecked her on the cheek, leaving her slightly stunned. "Lightning Retulavus!"

A jet of white lightning flowed into his wand, the shock sending Lily backwards. James seemed to be stunned, but he was trying to form it into a ball, like they were supposed to do. He was losing. Then he looked at her and his eyebrows scrunched together in that endearing pose, and with one yell, he formed it into a ball and threw it into the air, where it hung, drifting.

Ears ringing, Lily ran to James. "JAMES!" she shrieked. He looked alright, only a slight smoldering of his hair and clothes. "James, wake up. Hurry up and wake up before I slap you." Hot tears were tricking down her cheeks and dotting her clothes, and she wiped them away. "IT won't be the first time that I do it, but it better not be the last one. MERLIN, James, this is not funny. Wake up! Hurry!"

James murmured something.


He murmured it louder.


"You're sitting on my hand."

Lily looked down, and she was indeed. Laughing and blushing, she raked a hand through her hair. "Well...sorry about that," she said sheepishly. "But I thought you were dead."

His sparkling hazel eyes opened. "You were crying," he said, sitting up.

"Only a little bit," Lily sniffled. "It's not that bad."

"You care about me!"

Lily decided, Screw my enmity with him, and leaned forward and kissed him. "Course I do, you little bugger," she said. "Stop screwing with my life."
He grinned through that black dust smearing his cheeks. "I will if you kiss me again."

And kiss him she did.
