Dr. Mary Margaret Stone stood in front of the mirror. She turns on cold water, cupped the cold water and sprays her face three times. She is working another double shift at Miami Children's Hospital. She has been back in the states for two years. A nurse walks in.

NURSE:Dr. Stone why don't you go home? You look like you haven't Slept in days. (knowing full well that she would be wasting her time.)

Maggie:Well Sara, I'm alright. I'm just ranking up vacation time.

Sara:Right. You haven't took a vacation since you started working at M.C.H. I haven't see you in normal clothes. This is unhealthly.

Maggie:Don't go there. I'm a damn good doctor who loves this.

Sara walks up to Maggie so she can look straight in her eyes.

Sarah:Maggie, you need a life outside of this hospital. I want you meet someone that will replace the emptiness in your eyes.

Maggie's pager goes off. She walks towards the wall phone and sniped her id card.

Maggie:Hey this is Dr. Stone. What's going on?

Voice:There has been a hit and run. You need get up here.

Maggie:Be right there in a minute. Start I.V.

Maggie hung up and wash her hands. Sara left. Maggie rushed to E.R and pull the file. The name on it made Maggie stop in her tracks. MIRANDA MONTGOMERY. Maggie's heart started racing.

Maggie:Please god don't let it be her.

Maggie walks in the trauma room. She can't believe her eyes. A teenager with black hair. Maggie knows that face from anywhere. Even if she hasn't seen the girl in years. Maggie went into overdrive. Maggie put on gloves and started checking the girl's pupils which aren't reallly reacting.

Maggie:Did anyone notify the patient's parents? (Why in hell she's in F.L?)

Nurse:Yes Dr. Stone. Her mother will be here soon.

Maggie:Good cause I have a feeling, she'll need surgery. I'm ordering a Catscan on her head and a full body xray. I want to see how severe her injuries are. Has she been unconscious the whole time? (This isn't good. How am I suppose to face the one person I been trying forget? And I hope I can save our daughter.)

Nurse:Yea, her friend found her laying in the street. She is in the waiting area.

A tech came.

Tech:Is there a nurse coming with us?

Maggie:Yes Nurse Reed can go. I need it ASAP ok?

Tech nodded and started moving the teenage girl. Bianca stopped him. She saw her child laying in the bed.


Maggie saw that Bianca was going to pass out and ran to her to catch her. Bianca saw the dirty blonde girl rush to her side before she collapsed.

Maggie:Just go and get those xrays done fast.

She picked Bianca up like it was natural. Sara and nurses were going to assist but Maggie shook her head and order some water and towels. She looked at Bianca.

Maggie:Bianca, Bianca. (How did she get even more beautiful? Stop it Maggie.)

Sara just watched in amazement. She never seen Maggie so gentle as she is with the patient's mother. The tall brunette starts waking up.

Bianca:Maggie? Where is Miranda? What happened? Why are you here? (her head is playing tricks. It gotta to be. Maggie is in Paris.)

Maggie:Yes it's me. I'm the doctor on Miranda's case. She's getting a cat-scan and xrays. Bianca, take a drink please.

Bianca started crying. She tried getting up but something stop her. Maggie's pager go off. She motioned Sara come over.

Maggie:Sara please stay with Ms. Montgomery until Nurse Reed and Miranda come down. (she kneels down) Bianca, I'll be back with more info bout our I mean your daughter.

Sara was shocked. Maggie knows this woman. She gave Maggie the WHAT IN THE WORLD look.

Sara:Ok she'll be in good hands Dr. Stone.

Bianca:Ok Dr. Stone. I'm trusting you'll do everything in your power to help Miranda.

Maggie stood up and walked towards the nurses station. Bianca just stared at her with a confused look. Sara debating what to say.

Sara:How well do you know Dr. Stone?

Bianca:I don't know anymore. We hmmmmmmm met in 2002 and were the best friends but it got hmmmmmmm complicated and stuff happened haven't seen her in twelve years. Last thing I heard she was still in Paris but guess my sources were wrong.

Bianca wiped her eyes.

Sara:That's explains a lot. (Bianca looks confuse.) I mean I try getting Maggie to get a life outside this hospital since she started in 2017. She overworks and everything but her eyes aren't hmmmmmmm fill with joy.

Maggie slammed the phone and ran to xray room. Nurse Reed was doing CPR on Miranda. She told the tech to call for assitance. She didn't even bother with gloves, and switch with the tech. Maggie looked at Nurse Reed then the Monitor. A heart beat started. She whispered something in Miranda's ear.

Tech:CODE 76 IN XRAY 889 CODE 76 XRAY 889.

Bianca:What's code 76?

Sara:Hmm that means hmm they need help.

Five nurses ran out of E.R Sara knew what was going on. Took a quick minute to look for the doctor but she is nowhere in E.R.

Bianca:Wait a minute. MY DAUGHTER IS IN XRAY. I GOTTA GO.

Sara:Ms. Montgomery, I can't let you go. Maggie needs you stay calm. So does Miranda. (Practically holding her down) Maggie is with her.

There came Maggie and six people pushing Miranda. Maggie is counting to 3 and squeeze the oxygen pump to pump oxygen into the nearly lifeless teenager. Maggie called for a nurse to take over. Maggie told her to hook Miranda up to the ventilator. She took the file and walk to Bianca who looks like a little girl.

Maggie:Sara can you help them out? Call me when you guys are done. Bianca I really need some air, can we talk outside? I promise you'll see her after we talk.

Sara:Yes doctor. (squeezed Bianca's hand) Don't worry, Miranda is going be ok.

Bianca:I hope so. I can't lose her again. (Sara walked away.) You promise?

Maggie nods and held out a hand. Bianca reach out. To both of their surprises the spark is still there. They both let go and walk outside.

Bianca:What's code 76 really?

Maggie just looked in the brunette's brown eyes.

Maggie:It means that the patient hmmmmmmm stop breathing and needs help. (tears start escaping Maggie's eyes) Bianca. there's no easy way to put this but Muchkin had stop breathing for few minutes. (wait a few seconds) Miranda has swelling in her brain and hmm her lower spine is smashed.

A girl started crying uncontrolllably.

Bianca:Damnit. Bree, come here. (She held the girl.) Shh, Mimo is going be fine. Wanna know why? (nods from the blonde.) Because Dr. Stone will help her. We need to stay strong.

Bree:Isn't she the girl M keeps drawing of? (nods from the brunette. Maggie's jaw dropped. Bianca just smile a little.) I'm Miranda's bestest pal, Bree. And you are the famous Maggie Stone that she always says who will come back. (Maggie was really shocked that Miranda even remember her since she left when Miranda was four. Biianca knew what Maggie was thinking.) You better save her. I can't lose her not before I tell her something.

Maggie:Well Bree, I'll do my best. Besides she's a Kane. (she pulled out some change) How about you go get a drink and go up there and find a nurse named Sara. Tell her Stone said I can spend few minutes with Miranda. OK?
Bree accepted it and ran back in the hospital. Bianca and Maggie sat on bench. Both in their own worlds.

Bianca:Ok, were you trying tell me that there a possibly the bastard who hit Mimo could paraylzed her?

Maggie:I wish I can say no but yes she may be but I know the best surgeon that can rise her chances.

Bianca:This is bull. Why did I let Miranda talk me into moving to Miami ever since rehab? (CRAP! Why did I tell her that?)

Both were quiet what seem forever. Maggie looked at her with concern.

Maggie:What? Rehab? (She moved little closer. To see her face.) What for?

Bianca:So hm I really need see her. Few years ago, I hm divorced Reese due what she and Erica Kane did. (Maggie wanted turn away but she had to hear what Bianca say.) I was so broken up that my mother was having an affair with my wife. (Maggie said EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.) So I started to not eat or sleep and Gabby ddecided she wanted live with Reese which killed me. I grew bitter and Miranda was the one who made me go get help. She was only ten who grew up fast. I had it in my head that nobody love me and wanted to die. Everyone who I gave my heart to has cheated on me. I was so messed up. It took four years of rehab and therapy to get myself back. Then Mimo wanted us out of P.V. She was determined to move here.

Maggie:Thats gross what Erica did to you. I'm sorry that it happened to you. I wish that I known...

Bianca:Stop Maggie. I really can't do this now. (She saw a flash of lightning. She jumped in the doctor's arms.) S-sorry I still hate storms.

Maggie:If I didn't know any better but twice I caught you in two hours. (Trying not to smile.)

Bianca:Haha funny. You are just hmmmmmmmm nevermind. (O no, this is not happening again. She stood up and starting to pace.) Today is really crazy. First, I got a call that Mimo got hit by a car. THEN HER DOCTOR WHO I THOUGHT WAS IN PARIS. THEN I O NEVERMIND. (Maggie just sat there and let it happened.) Damnit Maggie, it has been twelve years, five months three days since I last saw or heard from you and here u frigging are. Why?


Bianca:Don't what? Ever since day one you try run. And I manage stop you. Deal with it. (She wouldn't let go. Her fingers move and are on Maggie's pulse. Maggie just regretting that she taught the beauty how.) If my memory is right, your pulse is fast which means I'm getting to you. The million dollar question is, in which way?

Someone clears their throat. Both girls jumped and looked at Sara. She laughed and making shame shame signs.

Sara:Dr. Stone, I see I was wrong. Bree said you lovebirds were talking.(Laughing how bright red both girls were.) I just had to see BAM in action.

Maggie:HM SARA. How come you didn't page me? (Trying to sound like not effected but didn't suceed. Bianca punched her arm lightly to snap her out of it.) Ok, that hurt less than I remember.(Smiling at Bianca.) But Sara close your mouth or a bug flies in.

Sara:Hm I got a bit good news. Can you lovebirds follow me? (This is going to be fun teasing Maggie. Sara is laughing.)


Sara just walks into the hospital laughing. The three of them went to floor four. They heard Bree laughing.

Bree:Yea your mom seems ok. And famous Maggie is actually your doctor.

Bianca walked in and see the most percious view ever. Tears ran down. Maggie just stayed out of way. Giving Bianca time. But in reality she doesn't know how to face Miranda

Miranda wrote:Don't cry mom.

Bianca:You scared me so badly. These are happy tears. (Leans to kiss her forehead.)

Miranda wrote:Where is Dr. Stone. (Bianca reads it out loud.)

Bree:Probably smooching some cute nurse. (Miranda swung at her.) Ok ok I was just joking but I wouldn't blame her. She's hotter in person then your drawings. (Bianca watched how Bree is pushing her luck like Maggie used to when they were teenagers.) Ok M, I know she's taken. (Bianca laughed because Miranda landed a painful punch.) Geez M that hurt more than I remember.

Maggie walks in and Miranda's face lit up. Which made Maggie smile.

Maggie;Well before I do anything, I feel like I gotta set the record straight. I haven't smooch anyone in twelve years, 5 months 3 days 19 hours and 45 minutes. Yea I'm a dork but I'm a hot dork. (She was looking in Bianca's direction and mouthed you're not only one that count. Making her blush.) So what am I here for?

Bianca:Hm, Bree, let's go find the cafe. I'm sure you're hungry. Let Dr. Dork check her out. We'll be back soon. BEHAVE. (Bianca kissed Miranda's head then Bree hugged her arm.)

Maggie went to sink and washed her hands.

Miranda wrote:What's up doc? (Maggie pointed up and smile.)

Maggie:I'm going to ask you simple yes and no questions before you ask me ton of questions. I want you blink 2 times for yes and 3 times for no. Do you understand? (2) Are you in pain in your head? (2) Ok is it a little pain? (3) Medium pain? (2) Ok how about anywhere else? (3, Maggie looked worried. Miranda grew scare.) Don't be scare Muchkin. (She called me Muchkin. Tears started.)

Miranda wrote:Why can't I move my legs? (By the look on Maggie's face. She's not going like this.)

Maggie:Hm I think we need to wait for mom to come back. (3) May I show you? (2, handed the pad) Ok I'm not the best drawer but this is a normal spine, and this is hm yours. (Miranda started crying. Maggie's eyes started tear up.) Muchkin, I'm sure Dr. Holbert will repair it.

Miranda wrote:BUT I MAY NOT WALK. Maggie took off her doctor coat and sat it in the chair. She carefully lay in the bed and hugged her while Miranda cried.) Let it out, It'll be ok.

Bree and Bianca stopped walking. They both saw Maggie holding the teenage girl with such love. Bianca started to tear up.

Sara:What are you two staring at? (Sara saw.) Wow hm I gotta go.(She ran to the bathroom and cried. Maggie I hope that you are ok.)

Maggie could feel Bianca was near and all she could do is hold onto the teen while she cries.

Maggie:You are an amazing young lady and I have faith in you. I don't doubt that you going let a tiny step (Miranda wrote TINY?) Yes tiny because you are a Kane. Nothing stops the Kanes.

Bree decided to look for Sara while Bianca stared at the two. Quickly wiped her eyes before going into room.