
Kag X Bankotsu

Ch.1 – Interest problems

"Jakotsu help!" Kagome runs over to her best friend. "Hide me!" She dives behind the feminine-looking boy with short dark purple hair in a pair of black pants and white blouse.

"Kagome!" A boy with short brown hair in a black uniform runs by. "Kagome where are you?"

"Thanks Jakotsu."

"No problem. But mind telling me why you're running from Hojo again? Kagome, did the new boy leave you?" He hugs her gently.

"No, I did the leaving this time. I really thought this one cared but I found him cheating on me with my cousin." She cries. 'I tried to break it off without anyone getting hurt and he yelled at me in front of her school with everyone watching! And the restaurant Hojo works at is right across the street! The one guy who wants me and I can't stand him! I don't want to be just some trophy! I don't want to be treated like a kid! I just want someone who cared damn it!"

"Shh…its alright Kags. That baka isn't worth your tears. And I don't mean to push you, but this is the perfect setting for you to meet someone very special."

"…Did you finally find someone Jakotsu?"

"I did find someone… Kagome… meet my brother." Kagome looks up at a tall boy with long dark hair tied back in a braid wearing a black button-down shirt and a pair of jeans.

"…" Kagome just stares up at the man, speechless.

"Kagome, meet Bankotsu." Jakotsu smirks. "Now Bankotsu, as the loving, caring brother that you are its your job to cheer up my best friend! Kagome loves music, why don't you take her to her favorite club tonight?"

"I can't go out tonight Jakotsu, you know I have work." Kagome sighs.

"What if you bring Bankotsu to work with you?"


"You know that baka is going to be there Bankotsu can protect you!"

"I'll be fine, see you tomorrow." Kagome waves as she runs off.

"Jakotsu…" Bankotsu speaks up once she's out of hearing range. "…Where does she work?"