Hey readers! This is a fic based mostly on humor, but fluff WILL commence! Later chapters hold promise! Please read and review!

They had a new case, though the term seemed redundant since they've had so many just like it before. A Single mom found dead in her home. Leah Sanders, shot in the abdomen and bled out. She had a son, about 5 years old, whose babysitter had initially found her. The poor child had to see his mother "sleeping" on the ground, surrounded by her own blood.

"The father left her when he found out she was pregnant, and she hadn't heard from him since" said the victims best friend, Andrea. " She was really in love with him, a royal pain if you ask me, but she was torn apart when he left her."

" His name?" Cho asked. Though he never showed it, he was always in awe how people could just kill without remorse for their actions. Yes, he used to be in a gang, and had hurt many people. But never did he kill anyone, and those he did hurt were never innocent, but he always felt guilty nonetheless. He was kicked out of the Avon Park Playboys for being too "soft". That's when he joined the CBI, to makeup for all the crap he caused, and putting away people who used to be like him. People like the one he was out to find today.

" Umm, he was a Ray something...Ray Desmond i think. Lives in San Diego now." said Andrea.

" And do you know of anyone who had it out for Ms. Sanders ? An angry ex maybe, a co-worker?"

" No, Leah didn't date much, and she managed a successful restaurant. She never had any problems with her employees, none that she mentioned anyway." she paused, "Although, if you're looking for spiteful bitches, there's a whole bunch of them down at the preschool."

" The preschool?"

" Yeah, there's a lot of other single moms and most of their kids go to the preschool down the street. They get together from time to time and gossip about everything and anything they see fit. So if you're looking for dirty little secrets, you'll find them there."

" I see. Thank you, we'll keep in touch." Cho shook her hand and left to go brief Lisbon on the details.

Lisbon had just arrived with Jane after a long drive which consisted of the following conversation:

"Let's play something Lisbon."

" Can i choose?"

"Sure!" he said, very enthusiastic about the fact that she had agreed.

" Great, let's play the Silent Game."

Jane just stared at her with a very unamused expression, he had been conned.

"You wound me, you know that?"

" You lose."

" You cheated."

Lisbon gave him half a smirk, rolled her eyes and said, "Shut up Jane."

"Fine, i'm not talking to you anyway." he stated with his arms crossed, looking out the window.

"Oh, so now you're playing?"

But he said nothing. She smiled at his childish behavior, and was thankful for it. Maybe she could finally get some piece and -

" I spy with my little eye, something that is green."

Well that didn't last long, "I thought you weren't talking to me?"

" I wasn't."

" Yeah, for a whole 3 seconds."

" Meh, details."

She sighed, was it so much to ask for silence once in awhile? Then she considered who she was sitting beside and came to her conclusion. She gave in and started naming everything green she could see.

" You do realize we are driving through a FOREST right?" she said, now very aware of just how long this game could go on.

" Yea, so?"

"So everything's friggen green!"

"So you give up then?" he said, trying to edge her on.

"Yes, i give up, what was it?"

"Nope, now it's your turn." he saw her slightly disappointed pout, so he continued, "Well i can't just give the answer away, where's the fun in that? So go on, what do you spy?"

"I spy with my little eye, something black."

" Can i have a hint?" he asked.

" It's my gun."

He took the hint and shut up for the rest of the drive. He had a feeling this was going to be a long day.

Short and sweet. I hoped you liked it. Will update ASAP, although reviews don't hurt either :-)