[Renesmee's P.O.V]

The snow blew around us. The wind whipping through my curls as I clung to my Jacob's back. My fingers knotted through his thick fur. My eyes stinging with tears as fear coursed through me. I watched as everything around us seemed to move in slow motion. I forgot to move, to blink. When the black shapes reached the front of the line all I saw were blurs.

"RUN!" were the last words that left my mother's mouth before my Jacob took off towards the trees. I looked back. Meeting my mother's amber eyes my own eyes became sad. They reflected the pain; pain we all felt. They glossed over and she blew me a kiss mouthing the words 'I love you,' before the guards completely closed in on them. The black cloaks and shapes, cutting my view of my family.

Sobs racked up my body now. Making me feel cold inside. My fingers gripped tightly to my Jacob's fur. I could see a shape in the distance. Tall and wide as my Jacob raced for it. His breath leaving white puffs in the air. The freezing wind began to freeze the tears falling down my face as I saw what the shape was. A mountain stood only a few feet from us and I could feel Jacob's heavy breathing as he ran. While we raced up the mountain. My Jacob looking behind us with a growl before he sped. Making me tighten my grip. My knees locking around his side.

Foot steps glided above us. Making small rocks fall down. I gasped and my Jacob skidded to a stop as the blond man Demetri,- that daddy claimed was his to take out- stood crouched in front of us. 'If the bad man was hereā€¦did that mean daddy was-?' I cut my thoughts short as my Jacob snarled. Making his fur stand. His muscles tightening and his body rising in height. Demetri smirked and sprung. Getting on my Jacob's side as they fought.

My Jacob grabbed him with his teeth before throwing him away from us. Quickly he was by the edge of the mountain and his large head turned to me. I gasped as his teeth carefully picked me up, placing me in a tiny hole between some big rocks. He huffed and touched my cheek with his nose before he turned.

My Jacob then charged at the man. I watched them fight. Each of them bit and tore into the other as much as they could. Demetri soon struck my Jacob in the side twice before he crushed his paw. Causing my Jacob to howl in pain. My Jacob was hurt badly but he didn't stop.

Just then cold hands grabbed me which made me scream. My Jacob's attention cut straight to me. But that's all Demetri needed; he then sank his teeth deep into my Jacob's neck making him howl in pain. " NO!" I screeched kicking and flailing around. I then bit down hard onto the big cold hands. Making them growl as they dropped me. I winced as I scraped my knee, blood ran down my knee and I quickly got to my feet. I had to be strong like momma and daddy. I had to be strong like my Jacob. I had to help him. I ran at the bad man and pushed him. He skidded back slightly before he chuckled reached for me.

I quickly sank my teeth into his marble flesh and he cried out. He then grabbed me by the back of my neck. I screamed in pain and heard my Jacob's whimper. The bad man shook his head and chuckled. His red eyes narrowed on me. " Time for you to die you little abomination." he whispered before opening his mouth. My Jacob whined as he tried to stand but then howled again in pain.

My eyes suddenly locked with my Jacob's. Brown on black and from the fear than ran in his I knew that the bad man was going to hurt me. So I closed my eyes tightly like I did when ever grandpa had to fix my cuts. Before I screamed as sharp teeth buried deep into my neck. Fire flowed through me then and I couldn't think of anything else. Until I was falling, falling for who knows how long. I just knew I was falling.

My chest began to get heavy as the fire spared to there. Making it hard for me to breathe. Like uncle Emmett sat on me when he wanted the remote. But this wasn't Uncle Emmett this was worse. When I hit the water I tried to swim up like daddy taught me. But I couldn't. The pain was just too much. I could barley feel that the water was cold from the snow. I was still burning. Slowly my vision began to blur, as my heart beat felt slower and slower. Then I saw momma and daddies faces. Along with every one else I loved. Then every thing went black.

When I opened my eyes the burn was gone and I could move. I could breathe, and I gasped in the air around me. The cold throat aching air. I soon shivered and realized I was still wet. I sat up slowly looking around. The river I was in before rushed in a quick current. Snow was on the ground around me and covered the trees. That's when I saw the shape. A man stood near the trees. Watching me carefully. I squinted trying to see his face, but I saw nothing.

" Your alright." a velvet voice said. It was soft quite almost and some what to deep. Like they were trying to disguise it. " Who are you?" I asked as fear and curiosity flowed.

" Let's just say we know each other." he sighed. I nodded. Before wrapping my arms around myself. " Thank you Mister, for...saving me." I said in a small voice. He nodded and shifted making a small patch of bronze hair shine. " You are very welcome." he then turned and suddenly said something under his breathe, " I have to leave now. You'll be okay though." he said before he was gone.

I sat there confused, who was he, how did he know what to do? I sighed and shook my head, the ache of the mark on my neck sending a sharp pain through me. I whimpered and then my thoughts flashed through when my Jacob was bitten, the venom was poison to him, like it was to me.

Tears filled my eyes, suddenly my body got cold and my heart broke. What if my Jacob was dead? What if I had no body? Sobs wracked through my body as tears spilt down my face. I pulled my legs close to my chest. Laying down on my side. Burying my face into my knees crying myself to sleep.

Hey guys so most of you who know me know this story and if you don't then it won't matter. I have Re-Written this and hope that it is a better version of the old one. No new plots of anything just a better type of writing.