A/N: Uhmm... hi everyone. This is my latest story. Hope you'll like it. Please review...

Chapter 1

Tsuna, Hayato & Takeshi was in their class, their teacher was not there yet...

Hayato: Hmm... I wonder when she'll be back

Tsuna: G-gokudera-kun? Is there something bothering you?

Hayato: A-ah, N-nothing Juuadime... nothing is wrong

Takeshi: *laughs* Maybe you're remembering somebody, ne Gokudera?

Hayato: I'm not and shut up baseball freak!

After their class they had their lunch on the rooftop...

Tsuna: G-gokudera-kun do you have a sister instead of Bianchi?

Hayato: *speechless*

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun?

Then a girl with short blonde hair...

Yuki: Hayato-nii-san!

Tsuna: Eh? Hayato-nii-san?

Hayato: Y-yuki?

Takeshi: Do you know this girl Gokudera-kun?

Hayato: Of c-course not!

Yuki: Hayato-nii-san! You don't remember me?

Tsuna: G-gokudera-kun...

Hayato: Che, this is my little sister Yuki

Tsuna & Takeshi: Little sister?

Yuki: Hello, I'm Yuki Gokudera. The cute little sister of Hayato-nii-san *smiles*

Takeshi: Hi Yuki, nice to meet you... I'm Takeshi, Takeshi Yamamoto

Yuki: Hi!

Tsuna: I thought Gokudera-kun has an older sister...

Hayato: Y-yes I do have an older sister and a little sister...

Yuki: Are you Tsuna? Tsunayoshi Sawada?

Tsuna: Y-yes, h-how do you know my name?

Yuki: I heard it from Hayato-nii-san

Hayato: What are you doing here?

Yuki: I missed you, it was lonely in Italy

Takeshi: *laughs* How sweet!

Yuki: Even Dino wasn't there

Reborn: It's about time you showed up, Yuki Gokudera

Yuki: *smiles* Hi Reborn

Tsuna: R-reborn, you know her?

Rebon: Yes, she knows the mafia

Hayato: R-reborn-san why did you tell her?

Reborn: She maybe nice but she can fight, I already trained her

Hayato:*eye twitching* Y-yuki!

Yuki: *smiles*

Hayato: Che, you shouldn't join

Takeshi: Oi Gokudera, be nice to your little sister

Hayato: *irritated mark*

Then Bianchi showed up...

Hayato: Aneki! *faints*

Bianchi: Hi Yuki

Yuki: Bianchi-chan! *hugs Bianchi*

After school...

Tsuna: Yuki are you really Gokudera-kun's little sister? *whispers on Yuki's ear*

Yuki: *nodded* Hayato-nii-san is the only boy

Takeshi: Yuki, you don't have the same attitude like Gokudera

Hayato: *ignoring them*

Yuki: Hayato-nii-san was nice before

Hayato: Che

Yuki: *sighs*

Takeshi: *blinks*

Next day...

Teacher: Hello class, we have a new student today

Hana: I hope it's a girl so they will be less annoying boys

Kyoko: Me too...

Teacher: Please come in now

Yuki: Hi everyone, I'm Yuki Gokudera

Hayato: Yuki?

Kyoko: Did she say Yuki Gokudera?

Hana: Yes, she did. She has the same last name with Hayato Gokudera

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun, why is Yuki here?

Hayato: I don't know why Juudime

Yuki: I'm the little sister of Hayato

Students: *surprised* The little sister of Gokudera-kun?

Teacher: Please sit now

Yuki: *bows at the teacher* Thank you

After class...

Yuki: Everyone in class in nice Tsuna, why people are teasing you anyway?

Tsuna: L-let's not talk about it

Yuki: *blinks*

Takeshi: Did you like the day?

Yuki: *nodded*

Kyoko: Yuki-chan!

Yuki: Kyoko-chan! Why are you here?

Kyoko: I was asking you if you want to hang out with me today?

Yuki: Sure

Haru: Tsuna-san!

Tsuna: H-haru?

Kyoko: Haru-chan, remember our plans today?

Haru: *nodded* Haru never forgets! *notices Yuki* Who is this girl?

Kyoko: That's Yuki

Yuki: Hello, I'm Yuki Gokudera *smiles*

Haru: Huh? Yuki Gokudera? Gokudera-san has a little sister?

Yuki: *nodded*

Hayato: *ignores*

Haru: Gokudera-san! Be nice to your little sister!

Hayato: Shut up you stupid woman!

Kyoko: Let's go Yuki-chan

Yuki: Okay! Bye Tsuna! Bye Takeshi-kun! Bye Hayato-nii-san! *waves*

Tsuna: H-have fun! *waves*

Takeshi: Bye Yuki! *waves*

Hayato: Why is she like that?

To be continued...

A/N: Hi, well that's Yuki Gokudera. Nice, sweet, patient and a girl. More chapters coming! Please review...

Word Count: 609