The Forbidden Mirror;

In the empty stage the curtain has already fallen on my time for dreams.

"5 years to plan a perfect wedding. 1824 Days. Perfect" Utau's eyes twinkled wider and wider. Nadeshiko, Yaya, Rima and Utau started immediately on the wedding plans. Amu gave a tired sigh but then kissed Ikuto on the cheek.
"It's like a fairy tale ending" Amu smiled.
"But it hasn't ended yet" Ikuto winked.

"Amu-chan." A voice exclaimed behind the 16 year old Hinamori Amu or to-be Tsukiyomi Amu in 5 years. The beautiful girl with golden orbs turned around and immediately her eyes widened.

"Oh … Hey … Lulu-san." Amu's tone trailed into a cold unfriendly manner.

"GOMENASAI!" Lulu cried. She collapsed on the floor in sobs and cries. Amu's angered face softened a little.

"It's ok." Amu smiled. Lulu looked up at her and hugged her, pulling her to the floor.

"What do you think you're doing to Hinamori-san?" A bitter voice said. They turned to see a irritated Tadase Hotori.

"No, it's ok. I forgive her." Amu said soothingly.

"After what she's done to you? I think not, Hinamori-san." The same bitter tone replied.

"Why are you so defensive? I forgive her; so back off." She replied, getting annoyed. This made Tadase blushed of embarrassment. Amu helped Lulu up, pushed Tadase out of the way and guided herself and her new friend down to her dorm to have a catch-up.

Tadase shivered with anger.

"Hinamori Amu. You think you can just push me away so easily? I did this for you. And now you're going to push me away from some girl that apologizes to you? I think not." Tadase laughed evilly yet softly. "Hinamori-san."

Little did he know, Tsukiyomi Ikuto and Souma Kuukai had heard it. The whole thing.

They ran with their strength back to Amu's dorm, only to see 2 happy girls chatting away. Their laughter stopped as they saw the 2 teenage boys run in.

"Oh, Hey Ikuto, Kuukai!" Amu grinned a happy smile. Both boys let out a sigh of relief. "Did you need something?"

"Do I have to have a reason to see my fiancé?" Ikuto smirked, walking up to Amu and wrapping his arms around her waist. Amu let out a chuckle, playfully punching his arm.

"What about you Kuukai?" Amu teased.

"Uhh. I came to see my best-friend?" Kuukai joked. But he didn't know that the rest of Amu's friends were also making their way to her dorm. As soon as he said that, they had all heard it.

"I heard something?" They all said in a deadly unison pitch. Kuukai turned around and his face turned into something that he only feared in his dreams. They immediately started chasing each other up and down the hallways. (Tadase wasn't there)

"Who made you Amu's best friend huh? You're seriously asking to die now." They all said, once again in unison, except Utau and Rima's sound was much higher than the others.

Amu and Lulu sweat-dropped and laughed, making Ikuto to let out a small smile.

'Things should just stay this way.' They all thought.

As Kuukai led them to the school cafeteria he stopped.

"Guys this is urgent. Someone's going to hurt Amu." He said in a warning tendency. His friends stopped in front of him immediately. Kuukai checked to make sure no one else was around. "It's Tadase Hotori."

They rolled their eyes. "Look Kuukai. Just 'cause you're scared of us, doesn't mean you have to lie about it."

"His telling the truth." A voice was heard from the doorway. They turned and saw Tadase standing there with an evil smirk. "Since it was so easy to lure you guys away then its 7/10 huh?" He laughed evilly and pressed the lock-down button. It caused metal bars to lock out every escape route. "See you guys later."

"NO!" They yelled. They looked at each other, panicking for Amu.

"Amu, please, please, PLEASE be Ok."

They hoped and prayed that Amu wouldn't get hurt or anyone else to be meddled with Tadase's plan.

Life is hard & tough. That's the whole point why Family and Relationships were created.

"Amu-Chan. Can you come with me to my locker, alone?" Lulu asked Amu. Amu smiled and nodded, gesturing Ikuto to stay. He obeyed, knowing that with Lulu, Tadase won't do anything. Or what he thought.

They walked in absolutely silence but once they finally had arrived Lulu turned around with a sneer of hatred.

"W-What is it Lulu-Chan?" Amu asked, confused.

"Did you know I still absolutely hate you?" She laughed evilly and soon another evil laugh was heard near them.

"Good Job as always Lulu-san." Tadase Hotori's heard as he broke up into applauses.

"Hmph; don't underestimate me, Tadase-kun." Lulu smirked, grabbing Amu by her pink hair. "Hinamori Amu-Chan. You stole my Ikuto so now I'm going to hurt you. Painfully." Lulu sneered with disgust.

"Wait Lulu-chan. We had a deal remember? I get Hinamori-san and you get Tsukiyomi-san." Tadase exclaimed with a hurtful, betrayed expression. Tadase grabbed Amu out of Lulu's reach as her face boiled red.

"I DON'T CARE ANYMORE. I WAITED FOREVER TO BE WITH IKUTO-SAMA." Lulu raged, bringing out a knife from her purse that she was carrying around. Before she could slash Amu, a strong grip held her wrist back.

"I don't thinking hurting the one I love will solve anything."

Lulu turned around and faced Ikuto, eyes widening.

"IKUTO-SAMA YOU BAKA." She cried, accidentally slashing Ikuto with the knife. Shocks filled around, including a scream and a thump.

"IKUTO, NO !" Amu screamed. She broke loose of Tadase's grasps and ran to him, just before he hit his head onto the floor. Amu shook him a bit too violently. "I want to you something important." She sobbed. "I LOVE YOU IKUTO. SO FUCKING MUCH! WHY CAN'T KAMI KILL ME INSTEAD OF IKUTO?"

Surprisingly Ikuto smirked, opening his eyes. "So my strawberry loves me? By the way, happy birthday."

Amu's eyes widened and glanced at the smiling Lulu and Tadase. She then looked back at Ikuto.

"I HATE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW." She cried, whacking Ikuto with all her might continuously. Ikuto pulled her to his chest, calming her.

"I owe you one Tadase, Lulu for this."

"Why did you do it?" Amu asked angrily.

"I wanted to know how much you loved me." Ikuto smirked then pushing his lips against hers. Amu blushed slightly and growled angrily under her breath.

"Dummy." Amu pecked Ikuto on the cheek. "You had me so worried."

"I swear I would slap you Ikuto." Another voice chimed in. He turned to see all their friends with their hands on their hips. "What a sick joke." Rima muttered. Amu smiled.

"It's ok, really." Amu sighed. "Pull a stunt like that again and you're a dead man."

As an Ok, Amu received a kiss from Ikuto.

"I hate you so much." Amu said inbetween their kiss.

"I love you too." Ikuto smirked. "I have another present by the way."

"What is it?"

"This." Ikuto smirked, holding up a broken mirror. "We don't need to worry about it anymore."

"For good?" Amu asked hopefully.

"For good." Ikuto answered flatly, kissing Amu on her forehead.

"And you get to stay with me forever?" She asked like a 5 year-old.

"Forever, for good. That's my promise of a lifetime." Ikuto smiled.

Amu hugged him tightly, not daring to let go.

The End

Hey Guys! That's the end of Forbidden Mirror. I may or may not upload an Epilogue!

I've been working on Forbidden Angel recently and sorry for the long wait for this chapter!

Cheesy ending? I know :S

Please follow me on my tumblr ; livingmyshineeworld . tumblr . com

Just erase the spaces (:

Stay tuned for Forbidden Angel ! I guarantee it's better than this one :D .

Winniee !