Disclaimer: In writing this story, I claim no ownership over Naruto and it's characters. They are property of their respected owners and creators.

Authors Notes: This story was inspired by a Media FanFic I saw on Youtube under the same title, created by YouHaveNeverHerdOfMe. So I decided to run with the concept but take it into a different direction. Hope you enjoy and also take the time to view the video series that had inspired this story.



'Inner Sakura'

'Ino Mind Jutsu'

Sakura's Secret

Chapter 1

A cool breeze slipped through the village of Konoha in the early morning hours. The sun beginning to peak over the tree tops. Letting the light filter through the open curtains of a young pink haired kunoiuchi. Stirring awake, Sakura blinked her eyes a few time. Recalling the surprising meeting she had no more then two nights ago. The thought still weighed heavily on her mind as she spent the last thirty six hours going over it, but she knew she had already made her choice and was ready to stand by it.

A movement by her window caught her attention, on reflex her hand went towards her kunai pouch, drawing one and holding it out in front of her ready to attack. Just then a black figure appeared at her window. Sakura let out a relieved sigh.

"You shouldn't scare me like that Kakashi-sensai."

Said ninja let loose a nervous chuckle and scratched the back of his head. "Sorry, I was told to have you report to Tsundae's office immediately."

"H-hai!" she confirmed watching her former teacher disappear over the buildings. Though she didn't show it on the outside, she was panicking.

'Could they have found out already?' she pondered to herself as she quickly got dressed and jumped out the window, landing softly on the ground she quickly made her way to the Hokage tower. Thoughts still racing her mind as she continued on. It wasn't long before she arrived at the large doors. Giving a soft knock.

"Enter" came the voice from the other side. Taking in a deep breath to calm her nerves she entered the room to see Naruto and Ino there as well.

"You wanted to see me Tsundae-sama?"

"Yeah, what's this mission about?" Naruto asked. Sakura let out a small, inaudible gasp. Wondering if it had anything to do with her visitor the other night, but kept a straight face as she looked at her mentor.

"Who said anything about a mission?" The blonde haired woman smirked from behind her large wooden desk. The three Chuunin turned and looked at the Hokage questioningly.

"Then why did you call us here obaa-san?" Naruto asked, causing the woman in question eyes to twitch in annoyance.

"Anyways, Amegakure has requested that we send a medic-nin to aid them with their refugees. If you agree to go, you will be staying there and learning from them for one or two years. So what do you say Sakura and Ino?"

"I will go!" Sakura stated confidently. "In order to become a great medic-nin it is important to try and learn all I can. They may even have some techniques that we don't have here." she smiled.

'This seems like a very big coincidence' Inner stated.

'I know, but it is also our chance to leave the village without anyone getting suspicious.'

'CHA! This will teach them for always looking down on us. We'll show them what we can really do!.'

'Quiet Inner, your making it sound like we are betraying the village.' Sakura sighed mentally.

"I'm sorry, but I can't go." Ino said. "With our sensei gone, I need to stay with my team and keep them together. Sorry Sakura.

"It's ok Ino-pig" she laughed as her friend fumed.

"Very well Sakura, you will leave tomorrow morning. Be careful however, Akatsuki have been reported in that area. It is rumored that their base is near Amegakure."

"Don't worry Tsuandae-sama." Sakura gave her a smile before she left the room, closing the door behind her as she heard Naruto yelling about how 'his' Sakura-chan was going to be gone for two years. It made her frown. As much as she has enjoyed their friendship, his possessiveness over her was starting to wear on her nerves. Letting out a small sigh she returned to her small apartment and began to pack what she would need for the trip.

Even though she wasn't supposed to leave until the next morning, Sakura was already at the front gates. Giving the two guards posted there her mission scroll to allow her to pass through. With a nod the gates opened.

"SAKURA-CHAN WAIT!" someone yelled. Sakura groaned at this. She had hoped to avoid any sort of attention.

"What is it Naruto?" she asked as she turned to look at him.

"Why-why do you have to accept this mission? It could be dangerous!" Naruto panted as he caught up to her at the gate. This caused Sakura to frown.

"Because, it's a good chance to study other medical jutsu's that we may not have here in the village."

"I know that, but at least let me talk obaa-san into letting me come with you. So at least you'll be safe."

'In other words, he is calling us WEAK! He doesn't think we can take care of ourselves.'

Sakura mentally nodded in agreement and narrowed her eyes as she looked at the boy in front of her.

"I can take care of myself Naruto, I don't always need someone with me to protect me." she stated coldly, a dark aura gently surrounding her causing the young blonde to flinch a little. "Besides, you heard Tsundae-sama. If you come with me, you might as well hand over the entire shinobi world to the Akatsuki."

With that, she turned and left. Leaving Naruto standing there speechless as he watched her disappear into the forest. After a few minutes he let out a breath he wasn't aware he was holding and turned back to the village. A pang of guilt struck him as he realized that he had unintentionally called her weak.

Still infuriated, Sakura sped through the trees. Naruto's words had only reinforced her decision. Even though she had surpassed the Hokage in her training, everyone still looked down at her like she was still the same weak twelve year old girl who first joined Team 7. She stopped on a branch when a movement to her right caught her attention. Looking over, a single piece of paper drifted through the branches, with a nod, she set off in the direction the paper was going. Arriving at a small opening between the trees.

"You made it." a blue haired woman said as many pieces of paper formed together to create her body. "So, have you made your decision?"


"Finally I can get some sleep." she stated. She was utterly exhausted. Tsundae had relentlessly drilled her on everything she had learned under her apprenticeship to the sanin.

Though she had learnt a great deal, nothing had really changed. Both Kakashi and Naruto still saw her as the same weak girl and it was grinding on her nerves. She never was given the chance to show what she had learned. Even Sai treated her as a weakling. And it didn't stop with just her team. With Narutos bragging about how he was always there to save her, everyone else began to think she was weak as well. Even though they never said a word, she could feel them look down upon her.

"You should never drop your guard you know." a soft voice came from the corner of her room. She looked up and gasped, seeing a blue haired woman with a paper flower in her hair, and wearing a robe with red clouds on it.

"A-Akatsuki." she whispered and quickly went for her kunai pouch on her leg, except it wasn't there. She groaned as she cast her eyes on the table at the other side of the room where it lay.

"Fear not, I did not come here to attack or even kidnap you. I came with an offer." the blue haired woman replied. Pausing to let her words sink in to the pink haired kunoichi.

"O-offer?" she asked. She didn't want to admit it, but she was interested in what this offer was, though she had a rough idea already.

The Akatsuki member was about to continue when she cast her eyes at the window and suddenly dropped into a bunch of pieces of paper, leaving Sakura wondering what happened when a shadow appeared in the window.

"Everything all right Haruno Sakura?" the unnamed ANBU asked.

"Y-yes, I was just doing some late night cleaning."

"I see." the ANBU paused a moment "Well, you missed a spot" he gestured towards the pile of papers.

"Yeah, they slipped out of my hands." she smiled, With that the ANBU nodded and disappeared to continue his patrol. After he left, the papers reformed into the young woman.

"You could of turned me in, but you didn't" she smiled.

"Not until I at least hear your offer." the pink haired girl said. "It must be something big otherwise you wouldn't risk capture to bring it to me."

"And you are correct. Our leader has heard of your accomplishments and would like to extend an invitation for you to join us."

"And what makes you think I will?"

"Because you have been misguided by what your superiors say about us. We are not after world domination. We are after world peace. To end all wars permanently." Sakura's eyes widened in surprise. "I have also been watching you for sometime. You feel distressed here. Unappreciated and looked down upon. You are looking for an escape, a way out. And now, we are offering you just that." the woman continued.

Sakura opened her mouth to say something, but couldn't. The woman was dead on in her assessment. She has been looking for a way to escape. To go where she would be appreciated and respected. But, she still needed some time to think about it.

"We will give you a few days to think about our offer. Until then." she turned to leave.

"Wait, whats your name?"

"Konan" The blue haired woman smiled and replied softly. And with that she was gone.

End Flashback

"Yes Konan, I have."

"And?" the woman smiled.

"Well, I am here. And I accepted the 'request' you sent the Hokage." Sakura smirked.

"And so you have, let us move quickly then."

With that, the two set off through the woods. Avoiding the road to reduce the chance of being seen. Sakura stole one last look back in the direction of Konaha and smirked. Keeping up with Konan as they made their way to Amegakure.

Additional Notes: So there is the first chapter. I don't know what pairing it will be as of yet, so I will let YOU decide.


Hidan (Yes, he will convert our Blossom to a Jashinist)


So, let me know via reviews. Thank you for reading.