A/N: I wrote this super long ago, but it's still one of my favorites. I refuse to acknowledge the last half of the sixth book and the seventh, so please do so as well when reading this. :)

Perhaps... But Not Likely

There are many things that people don't know about Draco Malfoy, and they'll probably never find out. Like how he loves to rub the sheets between is toes, and how he always changes his pants before his shirt.

These are mundane things that nobody notices. They are not things that people care about, or would even want to know, but there is one person that does care and wants to know.

He cares that Draco always eats his vegetables before the meats, and he always taps his teaspoon threes times before setting it down and sipping his tea.

He cares that Draco always uses the loo after breakfast and is always precisely seven minutes early for potions whereas four minutes early to Defense Against the Dark Arts. It's like clockwork.

He cares that Draco's shoelaces are always crisscrossed left over right, never the other way around and are perfectly even. And he cares that Draco swings his feet under his desk whenever he gets excited. Whether its over the next line in an essay, or a new idea to torture the Golden Boy, his feet go swinging.

But perhaps this person cares too much, or has already crossed the stalker boundary, but Harry Potter does not care about that. He wants to know about Draco's rubbing the sheets between his toes, and taking his pants off before his shirt, and how Draco holds his breath during an orgasm, and how his cheeks pinken ever so slightly at the mere mention of sex. He may be a Malfoy, but he's still embarrassed over his own sexual feelings.

But Harry wants to know these things.

But what Harry never noticed was Draco noticing him.

Draco knows that Harry mashes all his food together into one pile before plowing into it. How he always lets others have seconds before him, even if this means sacrificing that last biscuit. And Harry never, never lets the fork touch the table once he's already used it.

Draco knows that Harry always puts his right thumbnail between his front teeth, as if picking out food, while he's in deep thought, how he puckers his lips when he's amused, and how he bites his bottom lip when he's staring into space.

Draco knows these things, but what he really desires to know is that Harry hums in the shower when nobody's around to yell about his awful singing, how he always lies on his right side when falling asleep, how he curls his toes in anticipation of an orgasm, and how he can't even say the word 'sex.'

But perhaps someday both Draco and Harry will find out about these certain quirks that make the man they adore. Perhaps... but not likely.