Matthew sat in the back corner of the classroom staring into space and chewing his pencil absentmindedly. Only five minutes left and classes where done for the day, it was much too hot in the classroom so most students, like Matthew, were to hot and tired to focus on there work. Beads of sweat gathered on the bridge of his nose causing his glasses to slowly but surely slip down until his vision became blurred he was to tired to be bothered pushing them back up so he left them be. His blonde hair was sticking to his forehead and his violet eyes were half lidded. The blondes head was slipping from his palm, the bell went and it did. He hit his head on the desk and his eyes shot open, lazily he picked up his books and exited the classroom. Alfred was at his locker waiting for him when he got there.

"Hey, Mattie." The blue eyed teen greeted him with excitement. Not that there was anything to be exited about but that never mattered to Alfred. The boy seemed to have an endless supply of energy (except for maybe first thing in the morning) that Matthew wouldn't mind borrowing at the moment.

"H-Hello… Alfred" Matthew replied with a yawn breaking his response. He grabbed his bag and slipped it over his shoulder as he and Alfred walked towards the exit of the school.

"Why ya so sleepy, Mattie? You didn't have P.E or anything today." Alfred asked.

"I'm not used to this much heat, Al." Matthew was from Alberta and was only in America to visit his brother. But he was visiting for a year so he was enrolled to Alfred's school. When they were six the twins parents had gotten a divorce and Matthew had gone to live in Canada with his mother. Every year Matthew would come over to visit for a few weeks in California and every second year Alfred would visit Matthew.

"Well then we'll stop for ice cream on the way home, my treat." Alfred said. Matthew sent his twin an appreciative glance.

Just as they reached the gates of the school the blondes noticed a rather large crowd a few meters away from the school "Huh, I wonder what's going on there" Alfred queried aloud.

"A fight?" Asked Matthew as the twins stopped and turned towards the group.

"No one's said anything about a fight." Alfred informed Matthew but it did look a bit like that could be a major possibility as a few cheers could be heard from the crowd.

"Then perhaps this one just happened, or perhaps someone passed out or something?"

"Either way it looks like a hero is needed!" and with that Alfred began to run towards the crowd dragging his twin along with him. Matthew tried to pull back but alas Alfred was stronger.

"Al, wouldn't it be best not to interfere." The violet eyed teen questioned his twin but part of him knew that Alfred wouldn't care what was best, he was rather fatuous when it came to these sorts of things.

" No worries bro! It'll only take a few secs!" Alfred exclaimed and at that Matthew gave up on getting away and let Alfred pull him along. The self proclaimed hero pushed himself and his brother through until they were at the front of the crowd and discovered it was in fact a fight, between a silver haired boy and a another Matthew knew to be Ivan Braginski.

The silver haired boy sped towards the Russian pulled his arm back then thrust it forward and it collided with Ivan's jaw. Ivan's lip was split and a tiny bit of blood dripped from the corner. Ivan wiped the blood away and gave the albino a fierce kick to the stomach causing him to double over and before he had a chance to get back up the Russian sent punch into his cheek. The albino swore loudly and fell to his knees, he tilted his pale head up to glare at his attacker with his deadly blood red eyes. He stood up wincing at the pain and grabbed Ivan by the collar and dug his knee into his lungs then released to slam his elbow into his side. Ivan stumbled a bit and the red eyed teen took this opportunity to trip Ivan and swiped his leg under the Russians feet causing him to fall backwards into the crowd but he was pushed back up. When Ivan hit the crowd Matthew was pushed over slightly and his glasses had flown off, his vision became a pandemonium of blurred shapes and colours, he reached over to his brother hoping he hadn't moved which thankfully he hadn't.

"Al, my glasses fell off, help me find them" He asked his brother they bent down to search but just as Alfred spotted them he heard a crunch. "Please don't say that was them" Matthew begged already knowing the answer. He knew it was a bad idea to come over.

"Ech, sorry Mattie." Alfred said in the most apologetic tone he could muster.

"Maple!" Matthew exclaimed just then they heard angry yelling's of a teacher and the crowd dispersed, except for Matthew and Alfred who were mourning the loss of Matthews glasses. When they looked up Ivan was nowhere to be seen and a bloody albino was left on the ground on his back, breathing heavily and staring up at the clear blue sky. "A-Al, umm, should we… Help him or something." Matthew asked holding his broken glasses.

"Nah, just leave him he'll be okay in a bit"

"That's not very heroic" Matthew mumbled under his breath.

"I heard that"

"Well I'm going to help him anyway." Matthew decided alas his vision would not allow it for after he got up and took no less then three steps he fell flat on his face, or would have if Alfred didn't catch him. "Uh, th-thanks Al."

"No prob Mattie, what's a Hero for?" Alfred asked his sibling it was rhetorical though Matthew answered it anyway.

"Helping people in need, and I think that guy needs more help then me right now." was Matthews response, though he couldn't do anything his brother could and it wouldn't be to hard to coax his brother into helping the fallen student.

"Fine." Alfred finally gave up and walked over to the stranger and offered him a hand which he declined. At this Alfred groaned and Matthew heard him yell "Fine so your just gonna stay there and fall asleep or something, cos ya know that's probably not such a good idea when you took so many hits to the head." In a flat tone.

Wow, Alfred you almost sound like you care Matthew thought sarcastically. He began to take wary steps until he was close enough to the victim to asses the damage. Matthew leaned in close to get a clearer view, as far as he could tell he wasn't that badly injured but Alfred was probably right about falling asleep. That and it probably wasn't the smartest thing to do, fall asleep outside a school filled with teenagers only bad things could come out of that. "You know his right."

"Come on Mattie he obviously doesn't care. And we gotta get home and get your spare glasses" Alfred edged.

"Al, I can't walk home if I can't see." Matthew stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, which really it sort of was.

"Huh? Oh! Right!… Umm I'll text Arthur and see if he's left yet, maybe he could give us a ride home" Alfred pulled out his phone and started rapidly pushing the buttons of the worn out keypad. "Alright! He said he'll be about ten minutes."

"Kay." The Twins sat down next to the silver haired boy and after a minute of silence (which was a rare occasion with Alfred but he was now playing Tetris on his phone so the outside world was no longer existent to him) Matthew had decided that it had become rather awkward. "So, uh, why were you and I-Ivan fighting anyway?"

"Cos the bastards over-protective of his sister." He answered sitting up and bringing his knees to his chest. "So your I didn't catch your name."

"Oh, I-I'm Matthew." He stuttered looking at his down at his feet.

"Well I'm the Awesome Gilbert Beilschmidt."

"Isn't Beilschmidt German? Are you from Germany?" Matthew asked, there was quite a large amount of foreign students at this school.

"Nope, I'm from the Awesomest country on earth! Prussia!"

"Prussia? But surely that isn't a country anymore?" The blonde asked, how can you be from a country that doesn't exist.

"Well yeah it's not a country anymore but it was so I can be from there, so bleh!" Gilbert poked out his tongue at Matthew who just stared for a few seconds then began to giggle. "Huh! What's so funny?"

"Y-You're really strange you know that?"

"No, just Awesome!" Gilbert also let out a small chuckle.

"SHIT!" Alfred suddenly exclaimed causing the laughing teens to jump "I lost! Oh look there's Arthur! Come on Mattie let's go!" Alfred pulled his twin up off the ground and began to run towards Arthur's car. When they arrived at the car Alfred noticed that the Britons face was rather red and his hair was ruffled, in the passengers seat sat Francis Bonnefoy, the notorious school flirt whom Arthur said he loathed but they seemed to spend a lot of time around each other anyway. "The heat got to you too, Artie?" Alfred asked innocently but though Matthew couldn't see Arthur very clearly he could tell that Francis was there so he knew that it probably wasn't the heat that had got to Arthur but chose to keep it to him self. They slipped into the car and Arthur mumbled something neither heard.

Matthew stared out the window and gave a small wave to Gilbert as Arthur drove off.

I don't really know where this is going but wherever it's going I promise it'll be good. I've never really been able to wright fanfiction but I think this is okay-ish. Reviews are highly appreciated tell me if I made any mistakes :D next chapter will be up when I figure out what the hell is going on :S XD