Chapter 1

Trip to camp half -blood

Thalia P.O.V

I was sitting in my tent looking at a picture. A picture of a time where I would never dream Annabeth would be dating, a son a Poseidon no less, or that I would be a hunter of Artemis, or that….or that Luke would be…dead. In the picture there was a young girl around 6 or 7 with blonde curls around her small face, to her right was a girl 13 or 14 or something with long black hair, I had to laugh at that, and to the little girl's left was a blonde boy around the some age as the older girl. I sighed. That was the good old days, running from monsters with Luke and Annabeth. I missed them both very much, as well as one other person, though I had no clue why. But I could fix it.

I walked out of my tent scaring 3 newer hunters. I walk strait into Artemis' tent. She looked up from the report she was reading.

"What can I do for you my dear?" She asked sweetly.

"Artemis I'm confused." She would know what I mean. She nodded slowly.

"Go visit the boy, I mean the camp, and take time to think things through, in a week's time I'll come see if you wish to leave the hunt."

"Thank you Lady Artemis."

"Good-bye Thalia."

I went to my tent, packed my things and set off to camp.

Sorry its short this is more like the prolog in this story. The only other thing I have to say is no flames just calmly review that you don't like it.