Alright, final chapter. Not much to say, only that when you see the break in the chapter, followed by a "meanwhile", that means that the first and second scene happen at the exact same time in two different locations.

Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious

Also I really hope this was the chapter you were waiting for. I hope you all love it

"Pathetic" Jade scoffed as she watched all her cast mates crowding around the curtain, trying desperately to catch a glimpse of their family members.

Jade West never participated into such trivial expectation. The fact that her parents rarely showed up for any of her plays also helped.

She turned back to her mirror and tried to concentrate on her lines.

"Are you ready for your big debut?" James asked behind her as he placed a hand gently on her shoulder.

"Just try not to make me look bad." Jade replied with a confident expression written all over her face. But in reality, she was terrified.

She slowly got up and viciously pushed past the others to take a quick look over the crowd as she went to get into costume.

She looked into the crowd and wasn't surprised to see that she didn't recognize anyone. Most of her friends were in the school's play so they weren't there. Her face fell when she realized that the one seat she had reserved remained empty.

There couldn't be very much time left before they closed the front entrance to get into the theatre. Once the front doors closed, they wouldn't open again until the next showing. It was a stupid rule but Beck was aware of it. It was the case for most theatres around here to prevent build up when the showings got really intense.

He must have known that if he wanted the chance to talk to her after the play, he would have to be present for the WHOLE play.

"I should have known he wouldn't pick me" Jade said under her breath. The first sign should have been when he hadn't answered her message on The Slap, but then again, a stupid small part of her wanted to believe he was going to surprise her.

She sighed desperately and she pulled on the tight black jeans she was meant to wear for her character.

She'd just kind of wanted to know, see what his choice would be when it all came down to it.

"Well I guess you have made your choice Beck Oliver." Jade thought to herself.

"Hey Jade!" James said as he opened the door to the change room.

"What the hell! Haven't you heard of knocking?" Jade screamed as she pulled her shirt completely down.

"Oh Sorry, I was just wondering if you wanted to get coffee after this? You know, to like celebrate the show and all." James exclaimed quietly, a blush quickly forming on his cheeks.

Jade stared in anger at him, but then let the glare drop. What was the point? Beck wasn't coming. It's not like she had other plans for afterwards.

"Whatever." Jade said, slamming the door in James face and quickly locking it.

She slowly sat down, her back leaning on the door as a small single tear slid down her face.


Beck paced frantically around the dressing room as he waited for the play to start. He was lost in thought when he heard a knock on the door.

Just then, Andre walked in.

"Man, I thought you were going to Jade's play?" Andre asked as he saw Beck.

"Why would you want to go see that witch in a play when you get the opportunity to lock lips with that sweet thang Tori Vega?" Rex asked as Robbie walked in behind Andre. Andre and Beck quickly glared at Robbie.

"Rex!" Robbie said, covering Rex's mouth and shoving him in his bag.

"Sorry... But Andre does have a point. Why aren't you with Jade?" Robbie asked quizzically.

"Well I..." Beck trailed off as he tried to find the words to explain exactly how he felt.

"Romeo! Oh Romeo! Where for art thou Romeo! Haha!" Cat giggled as she ran into the room, Tori following closely behind.

"Haha, I bet you thought I was Tori!" Cat said, obviously in some desperate attempt to lighten the tension that everyone felt in the air.

"Um not really..." Robbie said, trailing off as he saw the horrified look on Cat's face.

"What? You don't think I'm good enough to be Juliet! You're so mean!" Cat screamed.

"Um Cat we have more important things to talk about right now. Plus, you're the understudy, so obviously you're good enough." Robbie said, staring hopefully at Cat.

"Aww" Cat said giving Robbie a huge hug as thanks. Tori giggled slightly as she saw the huge blush form on Robbie's face.

"Like what?" Tori asked quizzically.

"Maybe the fact that my bro here is about to make the biggest mistake of his life!" Andre exclaimed in a tiresome tone.

Everyone stared in astonishment as Andre's words sunk in.

"What? I thought you guys hated Jade?" Beck asked in confusion.

Everyone stayed silent for a moment, unsure of exactly what to say. Finally, Tori stood up and spoke.

"She's one of us. I know for the most part she's um...very hard to handle. Sometimes all I want to do is rip her hair out, but when it all comes down to it... she's our friend. She would much rather see someone else hurt then one of us." Tori said staring down at her feet.

"Plus we know how much you love her. She makes you happy and we like that!" Cat said excitedly.

Beck smiled happily at his friends. It was nice to see that their friends approved of Jade way more then he, or she for that matter, thought.

"That's all fine and dandy but seriously guys, she said she MIGHT take me back. You really think it's worth giving up this play and watching her kiss James for the thousandths time just for her to MAYBE take me back." Beck said hopelessly.

"Why would Jade kiss James?" Cat asked in confusion.

"Where have you been Little Red? I mean, you are aware that they are in a play together, one with a kissing scene in it, one they practiced a thousand times?" Andre said in an exasperated tone.

"Hmm weird, I thought Jade hated practicing kissing scenes." Cat said in a questioning tone, mainly to herself than anyone else in the room.

Suddenly, Beck remembered his first play with Jade. It had been during the period of time when he was trying desperately to get her to go out with him and she had no desire to have anything to do with him.

Jade had tried out and gotten the role for the same play as him but, unfortunately for her, it involved a kissing scene. By this time she had gotten a very good reputation as a phenomenal actress, as well as a complete rebel who played by her own rules.

So when Beck had gone in to kiss Jade in a practice, butterflies growing in his stomach, he was crushed to feel her finger gently press up against his lips.

"What do you think you are doing?" Jade said frustration evident in her voice.

"Uh this scene calls for a kiss?" Beck said in confusion.

"What is the problem now Jadelyn?" The director screamed from the seats. His face cringed a bit under the intense glare he received from Jade.

"Isn't a kiss much more passionate the first time it is displayed?" Jade stated in a matter of fact tone.

"Your point is?" Beck asked. He was staring intently at Jade's lips at this point all he had wanted to do was kiss her.

"My point is, the kiss will look a thousand times better if we kiss for the first time ON stage." Jade commented.

"Beck?" Robbie asked, snapping Beck out of his day dream.

A wide smile grew over Beck's face as he stared at his friends. Jade had never kissed James; she probably said the exact same thing she had said to Beck over two years ago. James never stood a chance, it had always been Beck, and he should have known that.

" I have to go see Jade!" Beck called back to his friends as he ran out the door.

Beck drove as fast as he could to get to the auditorium. He managed to reach the front foyer just as the doors were being closed.

"Please I have to get in there!" Beck called out to the man holding the tickets.

"I am sorry Sir, the play has already started." The man said politely.

"Listen I am going to lose the woman I love unless I get into that play!" Beck screamed in frustration.

"I'm sorry Sir, but I will get in a lot of trouble if I let you in after the doors are closed." The man said, his face showing real sympathy.

"Listen, um here's a twenty, will you let me in now?" Beck asked pleadingly. The man stared at the crisp twenty dollar bill folded on the table for what felt like forever.

"Fine, but be quiet!" The man begged as he quickly grabbed the money and pocketed it.

Beck thanked the man quickly as he ran into the auditorium and found a seat with a small reserved paper on it.

The play had already started but luckily, Jade's scene wasn't for a bit.


I felt my heart fill with joy as I saw Jade walk on stage. She was wearing tight black jeans with small acid washed blotches scattered over the denim. Her shirt was a dark purple with small frills evident near the bottom on the shirt. It showed just enough cleavage to turn me on, but not enough to take away from the curiosity. Her hair was straightened with no streaks in it. In other words, she looked beautiful.

Seeing her like that made me want to run on stage and smash my lips against hers, holding her hips tight to mine as I felt her breathing grow fast, but all I could do was watch in anticipation for what would come after the play.

As the play continued I realized that Jade probably had no idea I was there. She was a very dedicated actress, so she practically never turned towards the crowd.

I also noticed that over the years, Jade hadn't lost her touch. Every word, every touch, every whisper she shared with James seemed so filled with passion that I felt a pain in my chest just watching them.

The worst was by far when they kissed. He stared deeply into her eyes for a good 3 seconds before leaning down and gently placing his lips against hers. They held it for, in my opinion, about 5 seconds longer than necessary and I wanted nothing more than to run up and deck him one. Even the whoops that came from the crowd sent a pulsation of anger throughout my whole body.

When they finally stopped kissing, I noticed James looked WAY too excited for his character. Like I knew he liked her and all but could he at least TRY and stay in character. What a pathetic actor.

When the play was over I stood up with the rest of the crowd and cheered as much as possible. The play was pretty well written but anyone with eyes could see that Jade made it seem much better than it actually was. I loved her and couldn't wait to hold her in my arms again.

I ran backstage as soon as the crowd grew thin and knocked excitedly at the door. My face dropped as James opened the door and gave me a death glare.

"Hey Beck!" Sinjin called from behind him. James gave him a dirty look before he closed the door behind him.

"What are you doing here? Don't you think you caused her enough pain?" James asked his voice full of venom.

"I need to see her." I said in a matter of fact tone. I figured if he did care enough about Jade, he would want her to be happy.

"Well sorry, she's moved on. You have broken her heart one too many times." James said as he crossed his arms over his chest, a smug expression on his face.

"Bull shit." I said that in an angered tone. I was tired of this all I wanted was to see Jade and this guy seriously thought he could stand in my way.

"Put it this way, if she really wanted to be with you. Why is it that she is going out for coffee with me?" James said a confident smile on his face.

I don't know what came over me, but suddenly James was on the ground, my fist successfully making contact with his jaw. Fury was building up inside me as I was taken outside by some random built guy.

He pushed me hard to the ground and muttered something about not being allowed back inside as I felt rain pour down on my face.

Now I would never get Jade back, I sat silently on the curb, not sure what else to do, welcoming the cold sting of the rain on my face. But that sting was nothing compared to the pain I felt in my heart.


I stared blankly at the mirror before me. I had just finished with the play and I pretty much nailed it. However the satisfaction of pulling off such a difficult role was dulled slightly by the fact that Beck hadn't shown up.

I mean I had really thought he was going to. I guess that goes to show you that your intuition isn't always right.

"Hey Jade, you looked beautiful out there." Sinjin told me in his creepy freak voice. God, like how could anyone love that face?

"Get lost!" I yelled. I didn't really want to talk to him of all people right now.

"Jade? Are you ready to get some coffee?" James asked, making me jump. I wasn't expecting him to want to still go out for coffee.

As I turned to look at him I noticed something different about him. He had a dark purple bruise forming on the left side of his jaw; it was just barely noticeable so it must have been recent.

"What's wrong with your face?" I asked fascination evident in my voice.

"This?" He said pointing at his jaws.

"No, the other bruise that is on your face, genius!" I retorted.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just um tripped." James said. Wow how could such a good actor be such a bad liar? Well now that I think about it, Beck sucked at lying to.

"Dude! Are you the one Beck just decked?" Sinjin asked in curiosity.

"Shut up SInj..." I went to say before I stopped myself. Had he just said Beck?

"Was Beck here?" I asked, grabbing Sinjin by the collar to try to intimidate him, not that that was hard or anything.

"You smell like vanilla!" Sinjin commented, a dreamy expression on his face. I had to control myself not to gag.

"Just answer the question!" I screamed.

"He, he came to the door a couple minutes ago. James was talking to him. Then I guess he punched him." Sinjin said in a stuttering tone. I threw him to the ground and stared daggers at James.

"What did you say to him?" I cried out, walking slowly towards James. I had had a little too much of him for one day.

"Nothing he didn't already know." James said. I mean what exactly was that supposed to mean? What did Beck know? It was probably nothing good if it came from this idiot's mouth.

"You tell me now, or I will make sure you never get another acting job role in this school again!" I threatened.

James stood silently for a while and I realized I didn't care what he had said to Beck, I just wanted to know where he was.

"Where did he go after he punched you?" I asked, hoping, which is something I rarely do, that James would at least be kind enough to answer this one simple question.

"How am I supposed to know! I mean the guy treats you like shit all the time. He goes off and flirts with plenty of other girls and you still go back to him! Why?" James asked, his voice full of anger.

"You are so useless!" I screamed, pushing James to the floor as I stormed out the door.

I got outside only to realize it was raining. I cursed silently under my breath as I went to look for Beck's vehicle, hoping desperately that he was still there.

"Jade?" I heard an all too familiar voice call out from behind me. My heart skipped a beat as I turned to see Beck standing on the curb dripping wet.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in confusion.

"I came to see you. Listen I watched your play, you were amazing. Jade, I'm so sorry for everything! I have never missed someone so much as I have missed you these last couple of weeks. Jade, I need you. I love you!" Beck told me. I could feel the desperation in his voice and my legs stared to go weak under his intense glare.

"I missed you too," was all I managed to get out before I felt the warmth of Beck's lips pressed against my own.

My heart began to beat double time and I felt a certain amount of comfort wash over me as he wrapped his arms around me. It felt as if this was where I was meant to be, here in his arms.

After what seemed like a very short amount of time, we finally let go of each other and he stared into my eyes.

"I love you!" Beck said in his sweet voice that I missed so much.

"I know." I said in my usual cocky voice.

"And for the record, I guess I love you too." I said quietly. I mean I had obviously loved him for a while, but it just seemed like the right moment to tell him.

I couldn't help but let slip a small smile as Beck's face light up before he kissed me once again.

"Come on; let's go back to my RV." He said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Let's stop at the mall first." I said in a commanding tone.

"Why?" He asked, a questioning look on his face that made him look delicious.

"I may have possibly done some very bad thing with a pair of scissors to a couple props in the prop room." I simply stated. What? He should have to pay, I mean he is the one who caused this! He smiled slightly before kissing me on the forehead

"That's my Jade." He stated as he pointed me towards the truck.

I smiled inwardly. I was his, and he was mine, and that's the way it was meant to be.

There you go! Before you leave I would like to make a special thanks to Shatteredsands, xXxPapeFlowerxXx, samandfreddie38 and Remus'Girl-Jaggie-Bade for staying with me throughout the whole story. I knew sometimes it took me a long time to update, but you guys all successfully stuck with me.

Id also like to thank all the others who reviewed. Every review was greatly appreciated and it really gave me the motivation to keep working.

Also I would really like to hear all of your opinions on this chapter as well as the story in a whole because it would really help me improve for stories to come.

My next one might be a one shot though.

Also, criticism is accepted, but as long as it has some fact to it. Don't state that you just hated it for no apparent reason... thanks :)

I hope it was um epic enough...

Hopefully you will all see more of me soon,
