Gryffindor common room was positively buzzing the night everyone returned from winter break. Students were showing off their presents, or telling extravagant stories of their vacations to exotic locations. Pyxis was no different; the small calico kitten clinging to her shoulder drew much attention from her fellow first years. Pyxis decided to name the kitten Vega, as the young feline was now part of the Black family she needed an appropriate name. She hoped the name wouldn't draw much attention.

Surprisingly, Fred and George had isolated themselves in a corner and were not paying much mind to the commotion in the room. Noticing the strange behavior, Pyxis extracted herself from Vega's admirers and went to see what the twins were doing. She saw a flash of parchment as the boys spun around, George stuffing something in his pocket.

"Merlin's beard Pyxis." Fred started.

"Give it a rest Fred." George interrupted, "She helped us find it."

Pyxis moved closer and lowered her voice, "Have you figured out the parchment yet?"

George answered, "I think we are one or two words off,"

"But the charm is very tricky." Fred finished.



"Just be careful." Pyxis smiled, "Need any help?"

"Not currently." Fred looked around the room.

George looked at Pyxis, her deep violet eyes glowing, "We will let you know if we have any success."

Pyxis smiled again, turning to join Valen.

"Hey! Why do you have a lint ball on your shoulder?" George called after her.

"She isn't lint you gnome. It's a cat."

"Oh! Sorry about that."

"Though it is easy to mistake for a puffskein!" Fred added.

The twins paused for a moment as if reminiscing.

"Poor Ronald will never forgive us." George laughed and without explanation they both turned away.

Normally at Hogwarts, the student's cats would roam freely, mostly sticking to the dorms, corridors and grounds. However, the staff and students were becoming used to the sight of the first year Gryffindor girl with jet-black hair with a small kitten perched on her shoulder or weaving about her legs. The calico kitten would attend every class, excepting Potions, in which the cat would sit patiently outside the classroom until the bells chimed. But as the kitten grew over the following weeks, it surpassed the normal cat size, and was no longer able to perch upon Pyxis' shoulder. As exams were approaching, Vega had reached the size of a Panther! The calico could look Professor Flitwick in the eye as he remarked on the Engorgement charm that he believed was the cause of the cat's abnormal size.

Pyxis, blushing, put down the theory. "Sir, you haven't taught us Engorgement charms."

The other cats had mixed feelings about their large cousin. Half of the Hogwarts feline population scurried away from Vega; the other half would often follow her around until Vega became annoyed with the attention – turning on her followers with a low growl.

At first, Pyxis had been skeptical of her cat's size, but now she was beginning to enjoy it. She had always felt a kinship with the canine species, and Vega's mannerisms and size were close to that of a dog, a species that was not allowed for Hogwarts' students to keep as pets. On the rare occasions that Vega deserted Pyxis, she could often be seen playing with Fang, the Gamekeeper's boarhound. On these same rare occasions, a few students would say they saw the cat heading for the dungeons; but no one knew specifically where or why. At one point Pyxis tried to follow her feline friend, but Vega had sensed her presence and had returned to her owner's side, purring loudly and leading the way back to Gryffindor tower. Pyxis gave up after that, as Vega was extremely loyal to her and she felt no reason to worry about the activities of her calico cat.

Three days before exams, Fred and George ambushed Pyxis in the hallway, mischievous grins splitting their faces.

"We cracked it!" Fred whispered in excitement.

"Its bloody brilliant!" said George.

"Watch this!" they said together. Pulling out the old parchment, Fred reached for his wand while George made sure the coast was clear.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

Ink poured across the paper, forming sharp angles and strange patterns. Suddenly, Pyxis realized that the ink had formed a map of the school. Dots appeared everywhere; labeled with the names of teachers and students. A cold chill swept over Pyxis. There on the fifth floor hallway, huddled together, were three dots. Each was labeled: one for George, one for Fred, and one for Pyxis.

Pyxis had frozen; she was staring at her true name on a bewitched piece of parchment. Her true name, which no one was supposed to know, was written plain as day. The twins were exclaiming over the brilliance of Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, describing the parchment and how it worked and that it showed all the secret passages in and out of the school when they too saw the three dots on the fifth floor hallway. They looked up quickly, meeting the violet eyes of Pyxis Black.

"It must be faulty." Exclaimed Fred, watching Pyxis back away, Vega looking at her master with concern.

George, for once, was silent.

Fred muttered over the parchment for a few seconds before George stopped gaping. He pulled out his wand and tapped the paper, "Mischief managed." The map disappeared.

Pyxis was now several feet away; her violet eyes burning with worry and fear. She was about to turn and run when George spoke up.

"Mum told us that we used to be playmates with the daughter of Sirius Black."

"And that she had violet eyes." Fred went on.

"Like her mother." George finished.

Pyxis stood frozen in the hallway, gulping air, her hand resting on the back of her giant cat.

The twins stared at her in silence, when finally a tear made an escape and slid slowly down their friend's cheek.

With a sigh Pyxis slid to the floor and began her story. The twins sat beside her and listened avidly. She began by telling them about how Dianna's family had rejected her and her toddler. How they had moved to a muggle community, changed their surname for safety, and only made necessary trips to Diagon Alley. She told them that she had not seen her father since he had been sentenced to Azkaban without trial, for she was too young to face the dementors when her mother went to visit. She told the twins that Sirius Black was innocent. She didn't tell them about Peter Pettigrew, nor did she tell them that the map had been constructed by her father and his friends (she had recognized the nicknames too).

The three friends sat in the empty hallway for a long hour; Pyxis telling her story to the twins.

"We won't snitch on you." George promised.

"Never!" Fred agreed.

Pyxis smiled, happy that someone finally knew the truth. She wasn't alone anymore. Best of all, she knew that she could trust the twins to keep her secret. From that point on, a new sort of friendship was formed between the three of them.

Exams came and went and before they knew it, everyone was boarding the rumbling, scarlet, Hogwarts Express. The students were promising to send owls and visit over the holiday as they stepped onto Platform nine and three quarters, parting ways to join their parents who waited with open arms.