
May 28th 1978

Me! A father? It's…its…. Sirius couldn't find the words to describe his joy and wonderment. He took the squirming child into his arms and looked down at her. He and his wife had decided to name her Pyxis. Pyxis Elizabeth Black.

"She's beautiful Dianna." He looked towards the wonderful witch he had fallen so madly in love with. She was tall and lean and maintained an athletic form. Her black tresses fell past her shoulders and curled into perfect loose ringlets. Dianna's eyes were most intriguing however - a piercing violet, shaded by long, thick lashes. They had met not-so-long ago but it was a dangerous time to start a family with Voldemort large at power. However, Sirius and Dianna took the risk, trading vows with only Lily and James Potter present. Soon after they became pregnant, much to their surprise, joy, and slight horror.

They hid the pregnancy as well as they could, protecting their future child from the evils that ran rampant in the Wizarding world. At first only Lily and James knew about this major event in the lives of the Black family.

This small family sat quietly in the room, Sirius and Dianna adoring their small child. Already there was a fine sprouting of dark hair, hinting that she would take after her parents in that aspect.

A knock at the door shook them out of their happy daze. Sirius handed his daughter back to his wife before moving to the entrance to see who had arrived. The Potter couple walked in, James holding Lily close to his side, excitement glowing in their cheeks.

"Congratulations!" the both chimed. Lily rushed to Dianna's side, James standing with Sirius, clapping his shoulder. For a long time, the four friends sat and swapped stories. Stories of their past times at school, news from the tormented world around them, and congratulations over the newborn child.

For the next year, Sirius and Dianna raised their daughter on the edge small town. Dianna stayed at home and Sirius worked extensively with the Order of the Pheonix. They led a normal life for a young family with the world turning topsy-turvy around them. After Pyxis' first birthday, Dianna took to visiting Molly Weasley during the day. She was currently dealing with twin boys that were Pyxis' age as well as three other boys – all around the age of trouble. Dianna and Sirius visited the Potters often and Remus dropped by monthly with treats for the youngest Black.

On one such visit with the Potter's, Dianna noticed Lily return to James' side, her face radiant. "We have news!" Lily finally squealed; her cheeks had grown rosier and rosier as time had passed together. James took her hand encouragingly while Sirius and Dianna looked on, waiting. "We are expecting a child!"

Shortly after Pyxis' second brithday, the two families welcomed the birth of young Harry Potter. Over the next few months they watched the two children grow, excited to see them grow up together and start Hogwarts. Then the day came when Peter Pettigrew betrayed James and Lily. As soon as the news reached the Black household, Sirius kissed his wife and daughter goodbye, leaping onto his flying motorcycle and rushed to Godric's Hollow.

It would be the last time he saw his ladies for a long time.