I'm trying to think how I'm going to wrap-up this story because I want to write something new but I can't leave this one undone…

Something Always Happens

"If I didn't like it before now I really hate it" mumbled Natalia "thank" she added when Eric handed her a cup of tea

"You don't have to like it but you have to decide what to do about it" said Eric

"Calleigh is going to be mad at us you know"

"Don't change the subject" said Eric "I'll handle Calleigh"

"I don't if you can, she I going to be…"

"Natalia stop, decide…"

"I can't decide" said Natalia "I don't know what"

They were both sitting in the waiting room; the package that Natalia received was hidden in Eric's locker

"Option number one is to tell Horatio and option number two is to let it go and allow me to keep digging"

"I don't know Eric it's just…I don't think it's a prank anymore" said Natalia holding the cup of tea as if it was a lifeline

"I don't agree with you Nat…"

"A dead…does that looks like a joke to you?" asked Natalia

"It's a classic Nat, a creepy one yes but still a classic prank"

"It scares me but…"

"But what?"

"I'm not ready for Horatio to know yet" said Natalia "so as much as I don't like it and as much as it scares me I hope that you right and this is just someone's sick joke…very, very sick joke"

"I'm gonna go and start analyzing your 'package' maybe you should go and try to get some rest…I'll cover for you"

"But Calleigh…"

"Forget about Calleigh" said Eric with a raised tone "I said I'll take care of her"

"Fine" sighed Natalia "my headache is too big to allow me to argue" she got up slowly dragging herself outside "please don't fight with her" she added on her way out

"What are you talking about?" asked Eric innocently "I'm not fighting with anybody"

"You heard me Delko" she said like she was talking to a five year old


"I don't get it" said Walter snapping another picture of the two victims

"What?" asked Calleigh while taking prints from the living room table

"This is our guy right?"

"It looks like him why?"

"This is the first time he leaves the body in the victim's home"

"You think he changes his action method?" asked Calleigh

"Maybe losing his patience?" wondered Walter

"Yeah he lost some of his publicity lately so maybe he was anxious to get back on the headlines" said Calleigh "damn it!"

"What is it?"

"I'm going to kill them" fired Calleigh

"Them? You think there are two killers?"

"No, Natalia and Eric"

"Oh yeah where are those two?"

"Not coming"

"What? Why?"

"Because apparently Natalia sick" grumbled Calleigh "she was fine when I saw her like an hour ago"

"She looks kind of pale lately" said Walter

"I know but…never mind" Calleigh sighed "I'll deal with him later"

Walter raised an eyebrow "you mean 'them'"

"That's what I said"

"No, you said him" corrected Walter

"Well I meant them"


"For gd's sake Walter let it go!" snapped Calleigh "and tell me what you found there"

"I think I found something good actually" said Walter

"What's that?"

"A hair that doesn't belong to our victims"

"How do you know that?"

"It's dark and both of our victims are blonde"

"If this is our killer's them he's screwing up" noted Calleigh "this is good for us"

"Yeah I'll give this to Travers let's see what this hair can tell us"

"I still want to know who our victims are"

"Kerry and Kelly Noel"

Both Calleigh and Walter jumped

"Damn it Navarro!" snapped Calleigh "I told you before stop sneaking up behind us, especially behind me!"

"Sorry" smiled James "it's funny to see you people freak out"

"Who's freaking out? I'm not freaking out" protested Walter

"You always freaking out Simmons" said James still smiling

"That's a lie! I…"

"Boys" said Calleigh "not on work hours…you said they were sisters?"

"Twins to exact" said James

"They look older than most of our victims" said Calleigh

"Fifty-five years old"

"Both of them?" asked Walter

James and Calleigh stared at him

"Walter they were twins"

"Oh…right" mumbled Walter

James smirked Walter gave him a deadly glare

"They both had kids…I mean if this is our guy" said Calleigh

"This is when it gets interesting Kelly here had a son or has I don't know…but Kerry is the one who raised him" said James

"What do you mean 'I don't know' where is the kid?" asked Walter

"The kid supposed to be thirty-five years old Walter" said James "and he disappeared when he turned eighteen Aaron Noel"

"And they didn't tried to find him?" asked Calleigh surprised "son? Nephew?"

"No" answered James "which explains why he choose them"

"Giving a child away and raising a child that is not yours..." said Calleigh

"And not looking for him when he's missing" added Walter

"With a family like that most chance are that he was a runaway" said James "that sound like a family that I wouldn't want to live with"

"I neither" said Calleigh "damn it!" she snapped answering her phone "this better be Eric saying that he's coming…Hallow? Yes it's me…what? Oh g'd…I'm on my way"

"What do you mean I'm on my way" jumped Walter "where exactly?"

"Walter I'm so sorry" said Calleigh

"You can't do this!" snapped Walter "to leave me alone with all of this"

"Walter I'm really sorry but this is life and death thing I got to go" said Calleigh starting to move toward the exit

"Whose life and death?" yelled Walter "come on Calleigh!"

"Too late she's gone" commented James "you need a hand with all of that?"

"I guess…I don't get it she complains about Natalia and Delko and leaves"

"I don't think it's up to her I think…"


"I think that something happened to Wolfe…"

I know that this chapter is a bit lame and I'm sorry but it's the best I got…and I promise that the next update won't take two months

Ohh it sucks to know that there isn't a new episode tomorrow….

R&R please :)
