Author's Note: I had this idea a long time ago, before I actually planned on writing it. I pitched it to another author who said s/he was going to write it, but since s/he never did and the idea refuses to let itself die, I am now writing it myself. Italics are thoughts. Reviews are the only thing that will keep this story going. Read and review. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Common sense says that if I owned Fullmetal Alchemist I would simply make this part of the actual story. Since it isn't, I must not own FMA. What a pity.

Wedding Bells

"Roy, I love you, and I want to spend my life with you. Will you marry me?"

Mustang's eyes glistened as he took his true love's hand and pulled him into a warm embrace. "Of course I'll marry you, Maes. The sooner the better; how's next Saturday?"

Hughes smiled affectionately at his now fiancée and nodded, his eyes full of incomparable joy.

The ceremony was small, held in a little chapel in the company of an intimate group of family and trusted friends. They walked hand in hand down the aisle, reveling in their hopes for the future amidst the scent of rose petals wafting up from beneath their feet. Vows were exchanged, and a sweet kiss was shared to the tune of clapping hands and cheers. Exiting the church, they headed out to the limo that would lead them to their honeymoon and the beginning of their happily ever after as the wedding bells chimed in celebration of their newfound union.


Colonel Roy Mustang was jolted awake by the sound of his doorbell. He instinctively looked over to the other side of his bed for Hughes and quickly berated his foolishness. Only a dream, he told himself, that's all it will ever be now. That's all it was ever going to be. He heaved a sigh of woe, threw off his blankets, and stood up.


Mustang, finally reaching the door, wrenched it open and glared at the person who had interrupted the mellifluous wedding bells of his dream with the incessant ringing of his doorbell in reality, which since Maes Hughes's death had become a waking nightmare.

"Fullmetal. To what do I owe the displeasure of you being here first thing in the morning?" He asked, running a hand through his mussed hair and leaning nonchalantly against the doorframe.

"First of all, it's already almost noon. Maybe you didn't notice, but just because it's your day off doesn't mean time moves any slower. Hawkeye sent me to drag your ass back to Central for a while. Apparently you didn't finish your paperwork. Typical." Edward Elric replied in his usual tone and rolled his eyes, at the same time looking the colonel up and down. He frowned at the distant look in his eyes and his general dishevelment. While his superior often left work undone, it was not like him to look so frumpy, even when out of uniform. "What's wrong with you? You look like crap," he noted.

Mustang was momentarily taken aback by Ed's perceptiveness, but recovered quickly. "Why the hell should there be something wrong? You woke me up with the damn doorbell; even I can't just roll out of bed looking perfect."

Edward narrowed his eyes at this transparent excuse. There was definitely something wrong with the colonel, and he suspected that he knew exactly what it was. He knew enough of that vacant stare from his own experiences to recognize it in an instant; the mix of regret, pain, and sadness was unmistakable. "You were having a nightmare weren't you?"

"No. It was quite the opposite, actually." Crap! Roy had not meant to respond honestly to Fullmetal's question; a sarcastic answer would have been so much simpler. Now what? He could tell by Ed's look of surprise that even he had not expected much truth to escape Mustang's lips.

"Wait here. I'll go change and we'll head out to HQ in a minute." Roy said, hastily slamming the door before Edward could react. Getting into his uniform, he thought about how he would answer the questions the youth was undoubtedly going to have for him regarding his dream. How did I get myself into this? Hopefully he'll just let it go…

Author's Note: You wish, Mustang. No way Ed will let you terminate a conversation before he gets his answers. What will Roy do now? Leave me reviews if you want me to continue! If I think no one cares about this story, I'll just let it die, because I honestly don't have the ending planned yet. I'm open to suggestions. Also, please do me the kindness of voting in the poll on my profile. I want to know how sane people plan their stories. :]

REVIEW! And Vote In My Poll! Thank you for reading. =D