Alright guys, here it is. The very last chapter. I'm going to try and put everything in this, hopefully it won't disappoint. I'll try my best to end this story with a bang. Thanks again to everyone who reviewed, favorited, and alerted this story. Good feedback means a lot to a writer, so you all are much appreciated. Please review, I'd love to know what you think of the outcome of this story. Enjoy!

Chapter 6

Baby, It's Cold Outside

You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch
You really are a heel
You're as cuddly as a cactus, you're as charming as an eel, Mr. Grinch
You're a bad banana with a greasy black peel!

"That's offensive."

"What is?" Troy turned as the light turned green, glancing at me.

"This song! I thought at the end of the movie, the Grinch turns out good." I replied.

"He does." He shrugged.

I wouldn't touch you with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole!

You're a vile one, Mr. Grinch
You have termites in your smile
You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile, Mr. Grinch

"Then why is this song insulting him? Don't you think that if the Grinch heard this it'd make him pretty sad?" I turned my body in the passenger seat so that I could see my boyfriend better. Yup, you heard me. Boyfriend. Jealous? Hah, you should be. Just kidding. Sort of.

"I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but the Grinch isn't real Gabs." He placed one hand on my thigh, giving me a mocking look.

"Hah. Hah. I know that. But still, if they were going to play songs like this then they should have just kept him evil in the movie. Doesn't make sense." I turned back so I was facing the front, crossing my arms stubbornly. If you haven't noticed, I am a very opinionated person. This is just preposterous. If you were evil, then turned good, would you want a song playing about you saying how the three words to describe you are 'stink,' 'stank,' and 'stunk'? That's just mean and inhumane if you ask me.

"You're adorable, you know that?" He smiled adoringly at me. He still had the ability to create butterflies in my stomach, I doubt that will ever go away.

"So I've been told." I smiled back. He kept his eyes on the road whilst lacing his right hand with my left one. When did my life get so…amazing? Oh yah, as soon as Troy Bolton entered it.

So you must be wondering 'what's going on, where are we, what'd you miss?' Well pretty much ever since that day on my balcony, things with me and Troy-Boy(I call him that sometimes to piss him off tehe) have been…up and down. Currently we are together. It's Facebook official. It's been many, many months you could say, as you can probably tell by the Christmas music currently playing. Ah the holidays, my favorite time of the year. If only it would snow. That's one thing I've always wanted during the winter season; snow. But of course in Albuquerque, it's nonexistent. It has snowed here before, but very rarely. I haven't personally witnessed it, but my mom has. And one day, I will too.

I smiled as we pulled into my driveway, admiring the beautiful white lights adorning the exterior of the house. I shut the door behind me, smiling up at Troy as he came around the car to take my hand once again. We walked hand in hand up the patio, entering the warm house. It felt so good compared to the chill of the weather outside. My smile grew wider as my nose caught the scent of pumpkin.

"My baby." I whipped my head in the direction of the voice; not hesitating to run into my mother's waiting arms.

"Hi Mom." I breathed out, inhaling the familiar scent of my mother.

"Oh Gabi, I've missed you so much." We pulled apart, still holding onto each other by the arms. She looked me up and down, as if inspecting me for radical changes like tattoos or any body piercings.

"I've missed you too." I looked back at Troy, who was still standing at the doorway, not wanting to interrupt our mother-daughter reunion.

"Troy. Get over here, I've missed you too." My mom waved him over and hugged him in the same maternal way she just hugged me. You gotta love moms.

Fooled you didn't I? Okay, maybe it hasn't been months since that day on the balcony, more like years. Did I forget to mention that? Oh well. Me and Troy stayed together all through high school. Well, all through him being in high school at least. We had our ups and downs; short break ups, fights, but what couple doesn't? The time came for him to fly the coop, leave the nest, spread his wings; in other words, go to college. That, ladies and gentlemen, was one of the hardest things I'd ever had to go through. Him leaving is something I never want to encounter again. Hopefully, I won't. After a tearful goodbye, he went off to Berkeley in California, whilst Danny went to the University of Albuquerque. I knew I had to be strong, suck it up, and let him go. And I did. But man was it hard. He had gotten accepted into U of A, so I didn't understand why he chose to go to California when he could have stayed closer to home, closer to me.

The first couple of months weren't that bad, he'd come down every couple of months, and it'd be great. I embraced senior year at East High with a new found confidence but also with a longing to graduate so that I could be one step closer to the rest of my life, wherever that may be. Then, after a few months his visits became less and less, Danny being the only one to continue to visit. I was sure 'us' was falling apart. We ended up having a heartbreaking breakup over the phone, cliché right? He explained to me that it was too hard coming down so often with first semester finals coming up. I thought it was complete bullshit. I blamed him for our turmoil, if only he had chosen to attend U of A none of this would be happening. Long story short, he was pissed, I was pissed. It ended with a "then maybe we just shouldn't be together" and a "fine maybe you're right" and me hanging up. For numerous nights I cried myself to sleep, wishing that he'd come back to me. That we could just go back to that perfect night out on my balcony. What made it worse is that he never called, not once. And I certainly didn't have the guts to call him. So I finished out my last semester at East High heartbroken, but determined to not let this define how I started my life as an adult.

As quickly as quickly can be, it was time for me to spread my own wings. I decided to apply to U of A, New York University, and Stanford. Someone was looking out for me up there, cause I got into them all. I guess all those nights locked up in my room as a loner and all those times asking my teachers for extra credit because I had nothing better to do with my life paid off. As thrilled as I was, and as thrilled as my family was, I was also more conflicted than I'd ever been. I eliminated NYU from the running when I realized I wanted independence, but I didn't need to be on the other side of the country to get it. I didn't want to have to fly home every holiday. So then I was faced with the decision; do I choose the safe school, U of A, to be close to my family and my comfort zone? Or do I choose Stanford and challenge myself more than I'd ever been challenged before in my life. Also, a certain blue eyed boy who also happened to be attending college in California might have been a factor as well.

I made my final decision and reluctantly started packing all of my stuff. Graduation day came, one of the saddest days ever. Me, Tay, and Shar were all in tears. Taylor went off to Yale. After all, she was the smartest girl in our class; I had complete faith in her. Sharpay ended up going to Julliard to pursue her dreams in theater; it was her calling. She promised me front row seats in her first Broadway play. I plan to hold her to that.

Anyways, rewind. Graduation day was a surprise. A big surprise.

"I'm bringing a friend with me to your graduation Gabi." Danny had said. I didn't think anything of it, just nodded. Big mistake.

You can't imagine my surprise when I walk up on stage to get my diploma, I look out in the crowd to wave at my family, and Troy freaking Bolton is sitting right next to my dumbass brother, wearing the lop sided smile that I love so much. I froze right on stage, only snapping back to reality when my principal put his hand on my shoulder. I walked off stage and back to my seat, still in a dazed state. I had imagined that. I was sure I'd imagined it. He was just a hallucination Gabi, get yourself together.

After the ceremony, I plastered a smile on my face, looking around the crowd of people trying to catch a glimpse of my own family. I spotted my mom excitedly waving at me, a tissue in hand.

"Oh Gabi, you're all grown up." I smiled and sucked in a breath, preparing myself for her suffocating embrace. After a minute, she reluctantly let go, letting me hug my dad who was looking at me with that 'I'm so proud of you' look that made my eyes fill with tears. Then out of nowhere, a pair of arms wrapped around my stomach, lifting me off the ground and spinning me around to come face to face with him. My giddy laughter died down and my smile faded, being replaced with a wide eyed 'holy nachos' expression. Maybe I wasn't hallucinating earlier.

"My wittle sister is not so wittle anymore." Danny pinched my cheeks, causing me to come back to the real world and slap his hand away playfully before hugging him too.

"Gabi, you remember Troy." He looked mischievously between us. No dip Sherlock. I was only in love with the guy.

"Yes Daniel. I don't have all timers." I turned my head towards the familiar chuckle.

"Don't you mean Alzheimer's?" God did he look good. His hair was still the same, shaggy and looked swept up. He was wearing a crisp black suit that made me want to jump him right there, mmm how I loved a man in a uniform. Or in his case, anything…or nothing. Wink wink.

"Nope, I say what I mean." I finally formed a smile. "Hi Troy."

"Hi Gabriella."

And the rest is history. Hah no I'm kidding. Long story short, we ended up making out in my bedroom upstairs during the after party at my house. Graceful huh? My emotions were so mixed up after seeing him, I slipped away from the party to watch from above; my balcony. Next thing you know, history is repeating itself and me and Troy end up professing our love for each other, again. My balcony is now and forever will be my favorite place in the world.

"What are you doing up here Troy?" I spun around, still in my white dress with pink faded roses.

"What do you think?" He replied huskily, taking a few steps closer.

"I...You tell me." I gulped, not knowing how to respond and having a sudden feeling of déjà vu.

"Remember the first time we were on this balcony together?" We came on my balcony many times, but I knew which time he was referring to.

"Please Troy, I don't feel like reminiscing the past." I sighed and turned around, leaning on the railing cautiously.

"I came here for a reason." I could feel his breath near my bare shoulder.

"You didn't like the food at Berkeley?" I played dumb.

"Guess again." Hot damn I missed his voice.

"To see me graduate?" I played dumber.

"Yah, but not quite. Try again."

"Look Troy I-"

"Just let me ask you one question." He stood behind me, way too close for my comfort. He wasn't making it easy for me to keep my cool and collected demeanor.

I nodded, avoiding eye contact. One look in those baby blues and I'd be a goner.

"Do you still love me?" He almost whispered. I wasn't even sure if I'd heard him right until I finally looked up and met his captivating gaze.

"I…Troy…This isn't a good id-"

"All reason aside, just answer the question Gabriella." He cut me off again.

I looked down, a tear slipping past my eye.


That's all it took for him to turn me towards him in one swift movement, pick me up by the waist, push me up against the wall next to my balcony doors, and kiss me mercilessly. And I didn't stop him. I wrapped my legs around his waist, reveling in the feeling of kissing him, touching him, being in his arms again. I knew right then that I was fooling myself from the beginning. I couldn't live without Troy Bolton. After that night, everything seemed to fall into place.

I went off to Stanford; starting a new chapter in my complicated life. With Troy. It's been almost three years since then, Troy's in his last year at Berkeley while I'm in my third at Stanford.

So that's pretty much what's happened between now and then, you following?

"I always looked forward to Christmas movies." I snuggled deeper into Troy, never getting tired of being in his arms.

"Me too, they never get old." We were currently snuggled up on the living room couch, the fireplace crackling and the Christmas tree twinkling. Picture perfect or what?

I glanced out the window, wondering when my brother was going to arrive with Eva. Whose Eva you ask? Eva is Danny's new girlfriend. She works with him at the Starbucks near campus, that's how they met. Cute huh? How he managed to snatch a catch like her is beyond me. She's such a sweetheart; we became good friends from the first handshake. My mom has been questioning me and Troy about her nonstop. I pity Eva; she's going to have to endure a long interrogation after she meets my mother. Hopefully, mom will be subtle. But don't count on it. As I continued starring out the window, I narrowed my eyes as I noticed a few white specks floating around the air. My eyes widened in realization. No freaking way.

"Oh my god." I jumped up from the couch.

"What? What's wrong?" Troy got up worriedly.

"Snow." That's all I said before I bolted for the door, barefoot and all.

I stepped out into the grass, ignoring the cold air that hit me once I opened the door. I walked into the middle of the lawn, spreading my arms out and looking up into the sky. Never had it looked so beautiful. The snow was falling gracefully, sticking to the cool ground. I stuck my tongue out, trying to catch a few flurries.

"Wow." I looked over to the patio; Troy was standing there looking around with the same glimmer of amazement in his eyes that mine held. My smile grew as I began twirling around, silently thanking the higher powers for giving me so much to be grateful for; the snow being the icing on the cake.

"It's beautiful!" I exclaimed, still twirling.

"Yeah, you are." I stopped and looked at Troy, who was looking at me like I was the most precious thing in the world. The look that made my knees weak and my heart melt.

He stepped off the patio, coming towards me. As I felt the snow falling around me, and watched as the love of my life walked towards me, I realized I was the luckiest girl in the world. I'd never need anything more than what was right in front of me in this moment. This unforgettable moment.

Love does not run, love does not hide, love does not keep locked inside. Love is a river that flows through and love never fails you.


Okay, what do you guys think? I tried to explain the past few years and also add into where they are now. It's really fluffy and I tried my very best. Hopefully the flashbacks don't confuse you. If you have any questions or don't understand, please feel free to message me or ask me in a review. Please, please, please REVIEW. This is, after all, the last chapter. Feedback would be amazing. Thanks to all my readers and followers, love you all. Thanks for all the support!

I do not own the songs The Grinch Song or Love Never Fails, or Starbucks or anything else except the plot/story line.