ok...(sigh) God... I'm really excited to publish this though the editing's not through yet. I hope you can understand my EXCITEMENT... I'm still on the process of editing Going under but this SOng really hit me and I so... I wrote. I know I'm just being paranoid but I'm too scared that I will explode if I don't write so I wrote this :) so at least... even if THIS will surely be under a LONG construction period, I mean A VERY LONG period, and I mean it, guys, so I'm apologizing as early as no... I'm sorry...

I hope you know the song by Taylor Swift, the new one from the deluxe album, SPEAK NOW... it's a very lovely song though it a little katy perry-ish, but I don't care... I love the song, and that's the inspiration.


-Yuka_Aimi =(^.^)=





"You can't be serious…" Ruka finally said after almost thirty minutes of silence, shaking his head. I don't even know if it's in disgust or in dismay or both.

"I. AM. SERIOUS." she replied sharply. "Com'on Ruka… Don't deny what happened that—"

"STOP!" Ruka snapped, raising his hand between them, his eyes tightly closed.

Seriously. I don't know what the hell's going on here, and all I can do is sit and look at them. This blonde guy owes me an explanation for sure.

Just a while ago, we were sitting here, taking our usual afternoon coffee break discussing my out-of-town plan when suddenly, this girl—alright, let's name her—I mean, Wakako just came and slammed a very suspicious envelop in front of Ruka and this weird, freaking conversation started.

"You need to take responsibility of this…" she trailed off, starting to sob while Ruka's starting to sulk in his seat, stress lines are starting to appear on his face. This is serious… but GOODNESS! What is really up! I was about to open my mouth to interrupt but…

"You need to marry me Ruka!"

Right. I… I spit the coffee at her face. My eyes bulged out as I look at her, then I took the table napkin at once and threw it at her. "Wakako…", I exhaled. "Please give us a minute…" and then I grabbed him until we reach the comfort room.

"Ruka…" I started. He looked up at me with those puppy-eyes, like seeking for refuge.

"Natsume…" he answered with a broken voice which sounded like he's gonna cry. My God! What a soft guy!


"Natsume!" He charged at me. I thought he's going to punch me, but no. Of course he can't do that, but instead, he grabbed my collar and started to cry.


"Natsume~~~" he wailed.

"Com'on dude, we're not Hotaru and Mikan… Please! Won't you let me finish first!" I asked him annoyingly.

"For God's sake, Natsume… believe me! I'm a virgin!" he exclaimed, and later blushed when a guy came out of a cubicle. Darn it Ruka… Maybe the guy's thinking of something about us now.

"Ok… Relax…" I took his hands off my shirt and seated him on the sofa near the door. "Breathe..." and he did, then lean his head backwards. "What's going on?" I finally asked, trying to smooth my shirt.

"Wakako…" he exhaled. "She's claiming to be pregnant and I'm the father…" he said, leaving my mouth hanging wide-open.

"How can that even happen?" I asked him.

"At Koko's party, almost a month ago… I was so drunk, and then… all I remembered was… Oh my God…" he trailed off and buried his face on his hands.


"I woke up... beside her… naked…" he said with eyes closed.

I have to close my eyes too. I can't even imagine the scene, I mean, what happened before the 'woke up'. Good heavens! It hit me so much, I don't know if I should be disgusted but I should not. I really shouldn't because this blonde bombshell is my stupid, idiotic bestfriend even if he slept with that slut or not. I opened my eyes again, with much effort and looked at him straight in the eye. "Did you really?" I finally asked.

"Oh com'on Natsume! It's all that I can remember. I should know if I did it! …and I'm sure that I'm not going to do it with that girl!"

"But how sure are you?"

"AH! I don't know… What should I do?" he asked me.

"Why are you asking me? I've never been in that situation!" I told him. All this time, I thought Ruka was the good guy, but look at this… Tsk…

"I can't marry her…" he said, burying his pretty face on his hands.

"Of course… You surely can't."



This is what I'm saying! I hate the city life! I went off a train from the province to attend this wedding next week and look at me! I was held-up! All my things were taken by that bastard and all that's left to me is this sleeveless shirt, my skinny pants, and my heeled boots! He didn't even let my coat pass, that's why I'm chilling like hell here! I'm left with no money, and no CP. No SOS. MY GOD! What a bad luck I have!

And speaking of bad luck, it started to rain…


I started to raise a finger, trying if someone can offer me—a drenched-in-rain provincial girl— a ride. How thankful can I be if that can ever happen!

At last! At long last! A gorgeous black car stopped at the side of the road just ahead of me. I ran to it, in time when the passenger's window opened.

"Thank God!" I exclaimed, rainwater was pouring down my face, but my smile of relieve faded when I saw the driver's face. Damn.

"Polka." He said flatly. Shit. Hyuuga. Why him? AGAIN! OF ALL PEOPLE, WHY MMMEEE! "Hey, get in the car!" He yelled against the loud thud of the rain, and my heart.

"No, thank you…" and then I started to walk away. But to my surprise, this idiot came out of his car and yanked me inside, so that… we're both damped in rain.

"Still so stubborn…" he shook his head as he started to drive.

"Still so arrogant

" I remarked back without looking at him, my body wrapped in his coat. I really tried to convince him to not mind me but as I said, he's still so arrogant that it'll hurt his pride so much if I don't accept this. So Fine! I used it, I mean, I'm using it… and it's warmer… like the scent.

"How'd you've been?" he asked, breaking the silence that almost made me sleep. Right. I can't sleep here.

"Uhm… Fine…" I shrugged. That's all I can say by now. My life was… fine. Not to mention the hard times missing everyone… and him. "How about you?"

"I missed you so much…" he said, smirking.

"Idiot." I hissed. Should he really say that? Ok… I'm flattered, my face's obviously heating up and blushing but—

"So… What are you doing back there?" he asked again, and that's when I started babbling about what the hell happened to me until I realized that we finally stopped.

"Where are we?" I absent-mindedly asked as I looked around. In front of me were a big house and a vast garden. He didn't answer me. Instead, he went out of the car and went directly to the door. I watched him as he opened it, and then came back with a big black umbrella. He knocked at my door, gesturing me to come out and I did.

I gaped as I enter the house. "This is where you live now?" I asked him when he took off the wet coat from me. He just answered me with a shrug and his usual smirk. God. I can clearly remember that apartment he used to stay in, but this? I slowly took small paces to touch the big frame of mosaic that almost took the size of the wall. They're pictures—everyone's pictures, our memories.

"You're still here when I started building this…" He said, and if I know, he's watching me intently. "I kept the design you suggested…" he said and that's when it hit me. I looked back at him and saw his sad face. I felt the same, or much more… and maybe he knew what was going on so he changed the subject. "We should change our clothes, we might get sick." he finally said and I answered him with a nod.


hi again!

I just wanna say THANK YOU for reading!




.and hey! WAITTTTT~~~~

please review!



