A/N- Hey everybody, I'm back! I believe this upload was faster than the previous one. I actually had a really good inspiration this time, so writing wasn't as hard. Even though I don't own Naruto or One Piece, please enjoy this new chapter!

"Come on, let me get a break! I'm trying to leave the island without harming a lot of people." The fox boy snapped. He slowly got up to face his new enemies. "But, I'll take the fight." Naruto's ember eyes grew bloody red as he hissed.

"Naruto, you better give us a good explanation to us." Ino snapped. Naruto growled.

"It's because of you 'friends'! Everything I did was for you guys! But no one cared about me! The one person who cared about me is dead! When she died, who the hell cared? Huh? Tell me!" Naruto roared.


"Look out!" A five-year old Naruto cried as a kunai knife flew straight to a girl. She was eight, three years older than Naruto. Her long black hair fluttered with the wind. She had black eyes, and a red T-shirt with blue pants and black sandals. The girl used her nimble feet to quickly dodge the incoming attack.

"If you're trying to kill me, you'll have to do better than that." The girl said.

"Sorry Emmy-chan, my aim was off that time." Naruto explained while rubbing the back of his head. Emmy tossed the kunai to her friend.

"It's okay. Just work on the wrist." The setting sun gave off an amber glow to the forest the two were training in. "Looks like it's almost nightfall. Let's go back to the village." Emmy suggested. Naruto nodded as the two walked back inside Konoha.

Present Time

"She was one of the few friends I ever had." Naruto cried as tears dripped from his face.

"Uchiha Emmy?" Choji asked. "Wasn't the girl that never awoken her Sharingan?"

"I believe so. All of the Uchiha saw her as a barbarian." Shikamaru added. Naruto got up, as his body started changing.

"Shikamaru!" The fox ninja's voice got surprisingly deeper. "Do you know what people said in response to her death?" The lazy ninja shook his head.

"Sasuke-teme said 'the weak will get what they deserve Naruto. Her death was predictable!' Everyone agreed with him!" Naruto roared. His tremendous battle cry shook the floor again.

"Her parents didn't shed one single tear! No one did!" Naruto's left body started to mirror his right side.

"What do you have to say? All these years, I've tried to control the anger deep down in me. Now, I will unleash it!" The blond now became a full red fox with four tails swishing behind him. From the tip of his tails, blue shot down his body.

"Full Fox Mode, Wind Fox Beast!" Naruto shouted. He disappeared in a nanosecond, and appeared three centimeters in front of the trio another nanosecond later. Before the three could even be surprised at the new speed, Naruto smashed the ground. The shockwave sent the three flying into the air. Dashing like the wind, Naruto flew left and right. At each new location, Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino gained a new scar on their body. When the fox settled in one spot, the blue aura disappeared. Instead, a yellow one wrapped around the beast.

"Full Fox Mode, Lightning Fox Beast!" Naruto raged. His tails crackled electricity like crazy. Electricity built up at all four of his tails. Shooting the bolts of electricity into the air, black thunderstorms appeared above the town.

"Naruto, calm down!" Shikamaru yelled. In response was a deep mocking laugh.

"Why should I? I'm going to kill every single Konoha ninja I see!" The bloody eyes got brighter with every word.

"GOMU GOMU NO…PISTOL!" Out of nowhere, an arm smashed Naruto's right cheek. The impact sent him flying into many buildings.

"Hey ninjas, get out of here. Unless you want to die." Luffy commanded as he put on his straw hat. Naruto quickly got out of the rubble, and faced his captain.

"Luffy, get out of my way! I'm giving those bastards what they deserve!" The fox roared.

"No! Naruto, I know you're mad at them, but stop this madness! Your rampage is going to kill innocent people." Luffy replied.

"Who gives a damn about them? Did they care about my dying friend? If you don't get out of my way…" Electricity shot out of Naruto's body like needles were impaled inside his body. "I'll make you!"

"I'm going to beat some sense into you. This isn't like you. Naruto, listen to me! I know this is not you! Snap out of the berserk mode! We'll solve your problems together! That's what friends are for." Luffy hollered. The demon flinched from the remark. The electricity vanished, and the left half of Naruto's body returned to normal. Naruto fell to his knees, and tears streamed down his face.

"Captain, I'm sorry! I lost my temper and let my anger get the best of me!" Naruto cried.

"Don't worry about it. Let's go into the Grand Line! Everyone is waiting for you on Going Merry." Luffy helped his nakama up to his feet. However, Shikamaru and his team stood in their path.

"Hold up a second. We're supposed to capture you. We're not letting you get away." Shikamaru said.

"Luffy, let me fight them. I won't go berserk again." Naruto requested. The captain nodded as he stepped aside.

"Kage Bushin no Jutsu (Shadow Replication Technique)!" Two clones stood beside the original. Each one formed a Rasengan in one of the original's hand.

"Ino, Choji, we're using our old formation. We will paralyze him, and then attack!" Shikamaru commanded. His two teammates nodded as they took their positions.

"Double Rasengan!" Naruto smirked. One had white lines swarming around the sphere. Another was being surrounded by lightning. Naruto smashed his two elemental Rasengans together, which resulted in a bigger sphere. The new Rasengan was a combination of the two original. "Elemental Wind-Lightning Rasengan!" He charged at the three.

"Ino, back me up! Choji, stall him!" Shikamaru ordered. Choji grew in size as he curled into a ball. Ino made a circle with her hands while Shikamaru's shadow started changing.

"Nikudan Sensha (Human Bullet Tank)!"

"Shinranshin no Jutsu (Mind Body Disturbance Technique)!"

"Kagemane no Jutsu (Shadow Imitation Technique)!" Choji started spinning and charged at Naruto while Shikamaru's shadow linked with Choji's. Naruto sidestepped the attack, and charged straight towards the two supporters. However, he could not move. Once he looked down he realized his shadow was linked with Shikamaru's.

"What the…" Naruto questioned.

"When you sidestepped Choji's attack, I could easily get your shadow." The lazy boy explained.

"You just forgot that I can make clones to substitute my spot." With that, Naruto disappeared in smoke. He jumped down the air, and aimed his Rasengan at Choji. However, a sudden pain shot through his body as he missed and fell flat on the ground.

"Get him now Choji!" Shikamaru shouted.

"The fox modes are a killer…" With that remark the blond closed his eyes. Choji charged another attack at the unconscious ninja.

"GOMU GOMU NO…BAZOOKA!" Luffy fired his move at boulder Choji. The attack was enough to deflect the course of the move. Luffy quickly slung Naruto's body over his shoulder and charged towards the docks. Moments away from his ship, a white smoke rose around him. Suddenly, Luffy got punched in the face. He tumbled with his ninja's body.

"I'm not letting you go!" Smoker hissed. The Rubber man slowly got up and dropped his straw hat over his companion's face.

"Gomu Gomu no…GATLING GUN!" Smoker did not even blink while the attack charged towards him. With every fist colliding with his chest, it left holes. Smoke rose from the holes.

"I'm also a devil fruit user. Your pitiful attacks won't hurt me!" The captain turned his lower half of his body into smoke and charged to Luffy. He gave the boy another punch.

"If you can't even beat me, you won't survive one second in the Grand Line. You have an injured comrade with you. I doubt you can beat me and protect him at the same time. Save both of your asses by turning yourselves in." The hunter sneered.

"Katon: Kibaku Kasen (Fire Release: Exploding Burning Arrow)!" A blazing arrow flew to Smoker, and exploded within contact of the captain. The delay was long enough for Luffy to escape to his ship with his friend. Captain Smoker turned to the direction of the arrow, and saw two hooded figures.

"Nice accuracy as always." The taller clocked man commented. The shorter person slung the bow around the body.

"You…" Smoker hissed.

"It's not time for you to capture Luffy's crew yet. I still want to see him in the New World." Tall cloaked guy replied. His face had painted marks all over. The shorter one did not reveal its face, but a little black hair flew out of the hood.

Going Merry

"Luffy!" Usopp shouted as his captain climbed aboard the ship.

"If the explosion didn't happen at that time, you might not have escaped." Sanji stated. "Do you know who made it?" The Rubber man shook his head.

"We're finally going to the Grand Line!" Luffy cheered.

"Let's make a toast, and some goals to achieve in the world's famous ocean." Sanji took out a barrel. He slammed his leg on the barrel.

"My dream is to find All Blue." Luffy joined.

"My goal is to become Pirate King!"

"I'm going to make a map of the world!"

"I will become the strongest swordsmen!"

"I-I will be a brave warrior of the sea!" Without noticing, Naruto walked up and slammed his leg slowly.

"My dream is to help all of you achieve your dreams." The ninja stated weakly. All of them unleashed a cheer and shot their leg high into the air in unison.

"Grand Line, here we come!" Quickly afterward, Naruto fainted again. Everyone agreed that finding a doctor was their first priority when entering the Grand Line.

Shikamaru's POV

"Damn it, we lost him." The lazy ninja cursed.

"The Hokage will not like this." Choji added.

"It's all because of that person who made an explosion." Ino growled. The three was on a ship to sail back to Konoha. It was a large battleship with Captain Smoker and Tashigi.

"Chase down the Straw Hat Pirates! We can't let them escape!" Smoker barked. Soldiers quickly rushed from place to place.

"I can't believe he would show his face around here." The Captain added.

"Who were the cloaked people?" Choji questioned.

"You don't know? He's a very dangerous man. He is none other than…"

Going Merry

"The only way we can get over the Red Line is using Reverse Mountain. The currents will shoot us upstream, so we can climb the mountain." Nami explained.

"Because the current is so strong, we can't turn back if we're headed into one of the rocky zones." Sanji concluded.

"That means we only have one shot at this. If we fail, we all die." Zoro declared.

"Everyone, take your positions!" Nami ordered. Sanji took the helm as Usopp and Zoro scrambled to the sails. Luffy laughed as he sat on the head of Going Merry. Nami gave directions to everyone.

"We're not going to make it! We're headed straight for the gate!" Usopp cried. Luffy jumped off the seat, and went towards the gate.

"Gomu Gomu no…Fuusen (Balloon)!" His stomach expanded into a ball. The ship crashed into his enormous belly, and Luffy pushed the ship into the stream. He quickly shot his arm that was caught by Zoro and Usopp.

"We're going to the most dangerous ocean in the world!" Luffy cheered. The ship leaped into the clouds before pluming back into the current. Going Merry sped down like a rocket. Before hitting the bottom of the ride, all of the conscious Straw Hats heard a loud moan.

"What was that?" Zoro asked as he grabbed the hilts of his katanas.

"Look at the size of that rock!" Usopp gasped as a giant shadow came into view.

"That's not right! There shouldn't be any rocks after we cross Reverse Mountain!" Nami cried. The giant shadow got larger with every passing second.

"That's not a rock! It's a giant whale!" Luffy cried when a giant blue nose appeared. Jumping off of Merry's head, the Rubber man went below deck.

"If that whale doesn't move, we'll crash into it!" Usopp cried. He panicked and ran around deck like a madman. Zoro punched him upright on the skull to stop him. Without an alert, a cannonball was fired at the whale. The explosion caused the whale to panic and go on a rampage. It accidently smashed the head of the Going Merry off.

"That was my special seat!" Luffy roared. When they sailed past the whale, Luffy shot a pistol punch at the whale's eye. While Luffy retrieved his arm, his other nakama gasped with their mouths wide open. Nami was the first to beat up the captain.

"Luffy, are you trying to get us killed?" She barked.

"It's the stupid whale's fault for breaking my seat!" Luffy argued. The whale chose the time to face the Straw Hats, and quickly enveloped the ship.

Jiraya's POV

"Look who finally decided to show up!" Jiraya exclaimed as Mihawk entered the bar. The swordsman sat down next to Shanks.

"What was so important that you had me get here?" Hawk Eyes questioned as the waiter brought him a drink. The man took a quick gulp and then slammed the cup on the table.

"It's about the Akatsuki! I found out something about Itachi and Kisame." Jiraya reported as he finished his sake.

"You mean 'Sharingan Master' Itachi that has a bounty of five hundred fifty million, and 'No Tailed' Kisame with five hundred million?" Shanks clarified.

"Those two are the ones. I found out that Kisame somehow disabled Naruto's seal, allowing him to somehow merge with the Kyuubi. Normally that would be a bad thing, but Akatsuki can't absorb the chakra of Naruto that easily now. I think they are somehow on our side." Jiraya concluded.

"No offense Jiraya, but ninjas are kind of self-centered. Especially the ones in Akatsuki, they just do whatever benefits them. Kisame can probably absorb the chakra, but wants something from the Akatsuki in return. That's how the ninjas I encountered work." Mihawk commented as he took another sip of his drink.

"Probably, but Kisame could have easily killed Luffy. I can't figure out why he would want Luffy alive."

"Maybe someone stopped him. Or, Luffy is stronger than you think!" Red Haired stood up and glared at the hermit. "I do believe that Luffy has gotten stronger over the years."

The pirate walked out of the bar.

"What's his problem?" Mihawk asked as he finished his drink. Jiraya shrugged as he ordered another drink.

Inside a Whale

The inside of the whale's stomach fascinated the Straw Hats. Instead of seeing organs and guts, they feasted their eyes on clouds and birds. There was even a house floating with the water current. On the island next to the house was a chair and umbrella. A man wearing a pink shirt with green stripes and yellow circles, sky blue shorts, and 'petals' on the back of his head walked out of the house. Once past the introductions of the Straw Hats aiming a canon at the man's head, the water stated making rough waves.

"We are in the whale's stomach. The acid will come soon, so you better protect your ship." The old man warned as the pirates got the ship out of the stomach. The old man had pointed to a giant metal door to lead the ship out.

"Hey Flower-ossan, why are you living in a whale?" Luffy asked excitedly while jumping on Merry's head.

"I have to take care of this whale, Laboon. I figured it would be much more convenient to live inside him. My name is Crocus by the way." Crocus answered.

"Your name is too hard to remember. I'll just call you 'Flower-ossan'. Are you a doctor? We have an injured nakama below deck. Can you check on him?" Luffy requested.

"Sure, let me just give Laboon his shot. From time to time he always rams against the Red Line. If he keeps this up, he'll die." After applying the shot, the old man went below deck to look at Naruto. The rest of the crew followed. After inspecting the ninja, Crocus sighed.

"What did this boy do exactly?" Crocus questioned.

"Naruto turned all red and fox-like. He was rampaging Lougetown. He fainted shortly after that." Luffy answered.

"Did this boy eat a devil fruit? He shouldn't be able to turn into a fox physically. But, that's not the problem. He has a lot of fatigue. I don't have the proper equipment, but get him a body check. Also try to prevent him to go into that form again. His body has been damaged tremendously, and he can kill himself if he uses that form too much." Crocus took out a couple of bandages and medicine bottles from his little suitcase. He quickly wrapped the weakened parts of Naruto with bandages, and applied some medicine to parts of his skin.

"He's a ninja. Does chakra have anything to do with this?" Sanji stated.

"Even for a ninja, this is still beyond normal." Crocus observed.

"He did make lightning appear. When I saw him, it looked like lightning needles were piercing him. But Naruto didn't act or look like he was in any pain." Luffy concluded.

"So he's a lightning chakra user. Ask this boy if anything ever happened to him. I feel like I'm missing a big piece of information." Crocus finished operating Naruto, and walked back up to deck.

Naruto's POV

The ninja lay in the pond next to a giant cage. His eyes were closed. Kyuubi never stopped watching his host. After what seemed like ages, Naruto finally began to stir. He slowly sat up to face the fox.

"Did you enjoy your sleep?" The fox snarled.

"What happened?"

"You called me in your battle. I let your anger decide the strategies. You're still mourning over the death of that girl." Hearing this, the ninja looked as if he would burst in tears.

"Why did she have to die?" The ninja whispered. He smashed his head on the floor. "I've been trying too hard to forget about her death!" Naruto's voice echoed throughout the room. The only noise that was heard was water dropping from the ceiling to the floor.

"I wouldn't know anything at all, since I'm not a baby like you! All I'm saying is you better get over her death, because yours will follow if you do not! Now I will state the important matter." The Kyuubi directed Naruto to look at his feet. Over the water he was standing on pictured the Straw Hat crew.

"What's so important? It's just Luffy and the others."

"If you continue to act weak over some stupid incident in the past, or unable to fight our enemy for some reason, it will affect the present." After the quick statement, the picture of the cheerful crew changed to a dreadful one. The Going Merry was in flames as it sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Aboard the ship was the Straw Hat Pirates. Zoro and Sanji were nailed to the mast by knives piercing their chests. Usopp's spine was snapped was blood gushing out of his stomach. Nami's entire face was covered in blood, and her nose was broken. A giant shadow figure crushed Luffy's neck, and tossed him into the sea. By the dead bodies of Zoro and Sanji lay a blond boy with his forehead to the floor. Tears streamed down his face as the figure approached.

"Stop this…" Naruto gasped. The 'thing' removed the knife pinning Zoro and Sanji, and threw them next to Usopp and Nami. He then smashed his fist on the deck to make a large hole in the ship.

"Naruto, this is what will happen if you will not put your act together! I am not talking about just your weakness over a friend's death, but also over your strength. As a rookie ninja pirate, very powerful people will come after this crew because of your bounty. Playing by the rules will get you killed. Everybody cheats in the world, and you have to as well." After the fox gave his message, the water returned to normal.

"What are you saying?" The ninja asked, still recovering from the scene.

"Stop hiding me from your friends! They will know learn about me eventually. Right now, they are probably confused about you right now after you battle with your past friends. I want you to test their friendship. If they get scared of you, it proves my theory that 'trust' is some stupid thing only idiots believe in. If they accept you, it still proves 'trust' is a stupid thing because you are an idiot." Kyuubi grumbled.

"So you're saying that I'm an idiot either way? And what does that have to do with 'cheating'?" Naruto questioned.

"That's not the point! When your body heals, tell them what happened fourteen years ago when you were born. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some important fox business to attend to." After the Nine-Tails gave his speech, Naruto entered a black void. After a few seconds, he saw a glimpse of light that got bigger as a second passed each time.

Inside a Whale

Crocus just protected Laboon by two people, a guy and woman. The guy had a gold crown and orange hair. He wore a green suit, and 'number nines' were drawn on both his cheeks. His partner in crime had long-blue hair, a green fur coat, and blue boots. One of them fired a bullet at Laboon while inside him. Crocus blocked the attack. However, he remained uninjured after the bullet exploded at him.

"What do you think you're doing?" Luffy growled.

"We can kill this whale to supply our entire village with food for weeks. Isn't that right, Mr. 9?" The woman directed attention to the crown dude.

"That's right, Miss Wednesday." Mr.9 replied.

"I won't let you!" Luffy roared. "Gomu gomu no…Pistol! He shot out his arm and smashed Mr. 9 right in the face. The crown man splashed into the water. He repeated the move at Miss Wednesday, and she followed her partner quickly after.

"Those two have been here constantly trying to kill Laboon." Flower man grumbled. "Well, let's get you guys outside. The exit is through that door." The pirates sailed outside; not realizing the two criminals they just beat up snuck a trip.

Twin Peak

"This giant fish is really good!" Luffy cried as he stuffed fish in his mouth. Sanji kicked him in the face for eating the entire elephant tuna. Zoro sighed as he took out his two new katanas. He weighed the new blades in his hands to familiarize them.

"The Grand Line has magnetic rocks all over the place that makes a compass useless. To navigate around this place, you need a special compass called a 'Log Pose'." Crocus explained to Nami.

"Where do we get one?" The navigator questioned. The flower-man took out a weird watch that looked like a compass in a sphere.

"You can have mine. I'm not going on any trips soon anyway." Nami thanked the man as she put the log pose on her wrist. Suddenly, Laboon started tackling against the Red Line. He shook the earth around him.

"Why does it ram against the Red Line?" Sanji hollered.

"When this whale was a baby, it was brought here by a pirate crew. The crew continued into the Grand Line, and left Laboon behind. They say that in two to three years that they would come back. That was fifty years ago. Laboon thinks they went back to South Blue. It's trying to smash the Red Line so it can try to find the pirate crew." Crocus answered.

"That explains why it has so many scars on its face." Usopp observed. Luffy suddenly gave a battle cry as it ran up the whale. The Rubber man carried Merry's main mast above his head.

"Stop breaking apart our ship!" The remaining Straw Hat Pirates yelled in unison. The captain impaled the mast into Laboon's blowhole. The whale cried in pain as it shook Luffy off its head. The idiot captain gave a rubber pistol to the whale, which triggered another wail. Laboon smashed his head against Luffy, knocking him into the mountain. Laboon charged at the injured boy.

"Stop!" Luffy cried. Laboon obeyed. "This fight isn't over. I'm going to sail around the Grand Line. When we come back, we'll finish our match. I'll get stronger." Luffy grinned as Laboon began to tear up. It gave out a cry of joy. Everyone smiled to Luffy's decision. Minutes later, the Rubber man painted a horrible drawing of the Straw Hat Pirates' Jolly Roger on Laboon's face.

"This is our promise mark. So don't go messing it up until we get back." The straw hat boy commanded. Zoro's instinct suddenly went off as he quickly drew his katanas. He pointed his blade at a couple of rocks.

"I know someone is behind those rocks. Come out to save your pain." He stated. Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday slowly walked out.

"We need to ask you guys a favor. Can you get us back to our hometown?" Mr. 9 asked.

"Why the hell would we do that?" Nami shouted. She quickly built her staff and smashed it to the ground.

"Yeah, after you tried to kill our friend." Luffy added. He started winding his right arm for a punch.

"Look, we just wanted to kill the whale for food. Our village is not in the best condition. We mean no harm. If you take us back to Whiskey Peak, we won't try to kill the whale anymore." Miss Wednesday promised. Luffy stopped his attack and agreed.

"Why did you change our mind?" Nami barked at her captain.

"They need help. And plus, if they cause us trouble, we can just throw them into the sea!" Luffy replied.

"That's not the way to treat our guests!" Mr. 9 argued. After seeing Zoro and Sanji's death glares, the 'prince' quickly shrank down.

"All right, since I made my promise with the whale, our mission here is done! Let's set sail to Whiskey Peak!" Luffy shouted. Everyone (but Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday) cheered in unison.

Naruto's Flashback

"Since this is our first time together, let's introduce ourselves." Kakashi instructed. "You must state your name, likes and dislikes, dreams, etcetera."

"Can you show us?" Sakura requested.

"Fine! Hello everyone, my name is Hatake Kakashi. My dream…I never thought about. My likes and dislikes…I don't feel like telling you." The Jonin reported. I didn't get anything out of that other than his name. Sakura said in her mind. Kakashi pointed at Naruto, who was giving off an evil frown. "Your turn."

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto." Naruto announced. "I don't feel like telling you anything about me. All I am willing to give out is that someday, I'm going to be a pirate. My captain will be a friend I made by the name of Monkey D. Luffy. I'm going to help him find One Piece, and I'm going to kill any person who upset me or my friends." The blond turned his glare to Sasuke. "That means if you anger me by hurting my friends, I will decay your existence in this world." Naruto growled. He quickly turned away from the sight of his hater. I'll show him for insulting Emmy. Just wait Sasuke; I'm not going to be friendly with you.

"That was…interesting. Naruto, I suggest you give up your dream of being a pirate. Members of the elite council have already assigned elite Jonin and ANBU ninjas to watch over you ever since you declared that dream." Kakashi stated. Naruto spat on the floor.

"And why should I listen to you?" He spat. "I'm going to do whatever I want. I don't care if you're a Jonin, or if everyone in this village respects you. I will tell you this. Konoha will be gone. Anyone who has treated my decently will be spared, but anyone who doesn't…like you…" Naruto punched the ground so hard the stone cracked. "Will crumble away like this stone floor!" The fox ninja sat back down. He ignored the angry and shock faces Sakura gave.

"Fine, let us move on with this introduction. Sakura, you go next."

"My name is Haruno Sakura. I hate boys like Naruto, and I like…" She blushed when she looked at Sasuke. Naruto got up from between Sakura and Sasuke. He stood against a wall and looked at the clouds.

"Okay…moving on now, your turn Sasuke."

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke. I have a lot of likes and dislikes. I will restore my clan, and kill a certain someone." Sasuke said coldly.

"The one I want to kill right now is you bastard!" Naruto roared at the Uchiha. Sasuke didn't flinch from the threat. All he did was narrow his eyebrows.

"Try your luck then. If you're lucky, you will only end up with minor bones broken." The boy stated in his death tone. Naruto growled as he looked away.

"Okay okay, let's break this fight up. We're going to training field eight. Meet me there tomorrow at dawn."

Under the deck of Going Merry

The first thing Naruto saw was a wooden ceiling. He tried to get up, but the pain quickly forced him back into the bed. He looked at his arms and noticed someone bandaged him up. Thinking about the memory he just had, he tightened his fist. Sasuke, I'm going to find you. I will make sure my hands end your life! Naruto said in his mind. The fox ninja slowly ripped off his bandages, and tightly clenched his jaw. His anger started revealing as his eyes went from sapphire blue to bloody red.

"Uchiha Sasuke, I know you killed her!" Naruto whispered to himself. "I'm going to make you feel what she went through!" Shortly afterward, Naruto fell onto the ground. His entire body felt like it was passing a wall of lava. He gave a cry of pain before going unconscious again.

To Be Continued

A/N- Well you have finished this story...doesn't Naruto act a lot like Gaara use too? Well, I'll need my brain to rack up more story details. In the meantime, you guys might as well send in some pairings you want to see. The only restriction is for Naruto...he has to be a crossover pairing. You should've figured that out already. So, thank you for staying with SHN (Straw Hat Naruto), and I hope you will continue with my story.