yeah... y'all can start throwing stuff at me now...


It was four in the morning. Gilbert couldn't sleep. He didn't want to shower yet, and he wanted to save his appetite for when he went over to Maddie's house. He decided to write in his journal.

When he was done, it was six... Two hours writing? Really? Well he does have to write about his awesomeness and that doestake up about half the page. He showered, got dressed and was out the door at seven. "West! I'm leaving now!"

"Okay, just don't do anything brash, bruder!" Ludwig yelled from the kitchen.

'Kesesese, off to Maddie's house! I wonder if she'll make me some pancakes?' Gilbert thought as he walked down the street, turned left, then right, then left again. Finally he reached The house... Wait, was that chocolate he smelt? And a hint of maple syrup? He knocked on the door and waited for it to be answered.

"Just a sec!" Came the voice from inside. In the few seconds it took to get to the door, there were probably five different curses thrown out, most in French.

"Take your time, sweetness."

The door opened, and there she stood. Maddie, in all her cuteness, holding a bowl of off-white something and a whisk. "Oh, it's you. Why are you here?"

"Well is that anyway to greet your awesome guest?" Gilbert replied.

"Oh! S-sorry, I've been hanging out with my brother too much. Come in." She said as the door was opened wider and Gilbert was let in.

Gilbert walked right into the kitchen to see what was smelling so good. "Are those pancakes?" He asked.

"Yep, I love pancakes and maple syrup. Ever since I was little!" Maddie replied while flipping a few pancakes in the pans. "Do you want some? I made extra."

Gilbert thought for a minute. Not about whether or not he wanted pancakes, 'cause he already knew he did. He was thinking how cute Maddie looked while cooking. "S-sure..."

A few minutes later had Maddie placing plates of pancakes -which were stacked a foot high at least- on the table. The maple syrup was then put in the middle of the table.

As they ate in silence, Maddie felt really happy all of a sudden. She was sitting here, at her table, eating pancakes, with Gilbert. She blushed a bright pink when Gil Said that they tasted 'almost as awesome as himself' and thanked him through a batch of giggles.

Later, they decided to watch T.V. in the living room and just enjoy each other'scompany for a while. But while they were sitting there, at the table, the power suddenly went out. Gilbert got up and went to the window to look outside. "It's raining heavily and windy. Theresprobably a power line that got knocked down by the wind."

Maddie got up out of her seat and went to the window. It was indeed a storm out there. "I can go setup the backup generator, if you want."

"I can help! Let me help please? Maddie?" Gilbert asked, a sparkle in his eyes at the thought of helping his cute little Madeline.

"Err, sure. Just follow me," Maddie led the way to the garage, and the two had power in the house in a matter of minutes. They walked back to the living room and sat down on the couch.

Wanna watch a movie?" Maddie asked, " The storm looks like it's going to last a while..."

"Yeah, sure! What movies ya' got?" Gilbert was really excited. He was going to sit next to Maddie on the couch, possibly cuddle, and watch a movie together. It was heaven on Earth! He just hoped Grandpa Rome wasn't about to pop up out of nowhere and start singing those weird songs.

"Hmm, well how about you pick? The cabinet is over there" Maddie said while pointing to the closed shelf door beside the T.V. "I'm going to go make some popcorn."

"Awesome! If ya' need help just call, 'kay? Gilbert replied, saying something after along the lines of 'Awesome will come to your rescue no matter what.'


There they were. Sitting on the couch, watching "The Clinic". Somehow they were eating the popcorn through the blood and Maddie and Gilbert both reached into the bowl at the same time, causing their hands to touch mid reach.

"S-sorry." Maddie apologized to Gilbert.

"Ah, don't worry. It's fine." He replied.

They continued to watch the movie, the popcorn long gone. Gilbert was clinging to a pillow for dear life 'cause it was so scary. It reminded Maddie of her brother.

The movie continued, and eventually Maddie was scared too. But instead of clinging to a pillow, she found herself wrapping her arms around Gilbert.

'Oh mein gott. She's hugging me. She's hugging the awesome me! YesesesessssShe feels so soft, and warm.' Gilbert thought with a blush creeping up on his face.

When the movie ended, Maddie was still hugging Gilbert, and Gilbert had clung to Maddie instead of the pillow. Both of them were scared out of their minds.

"That was a scary movie, wasn't it." Maddie made more of a statement than a question.

"Y-yeah, but nothing the awesome me can't handle!" Gilbert said, still frightened.

Maddie rolled her eyes, but still held onto Gilbert. She was still a little scared. That was the worst movie for a woman to watch. What woman wouldn't feel scared after watching a movie about losing your baby and having to kill the other women you're locked up with just to find out whose baby is whose. It ended with a slightly happy ending, but... It was disgusting, yet interesting at the same time so it made for an okaymovie.

"So, um. Y'wantme to turn on the lights?" Gilbert offered

"Sure. I can't get up." Maddie said, thankful that chivalry was not dead.

"What? Why? Are you so scared that you wet your pants?" Gilbert asked jokingly as he went to the wall for the light switch. It was dark outside because of the storm, but it was probably only lunch time.

"N-no! I'm scared, but I didn't wet my pants! I'm surprised that you didn't." Maddie shot back.

"What! Me?" click"Oh, found the light switch."

The lights were on and Maddie was relieved. No scary, bloody mommies after her.

Gilbert sat back down beside Maddie and held on tight to her. Just to tease her. Though there were those feelings there. "Maddie~ What else is there to do? I'm bored, and you don't have any other good movies."

"Well sorry I don't like horror films that much. That movie was one I just got from Alfred when he was visiting me."

"Hmph." Gilbert just replied, squeezing Maddie a little tighter, but not too tight. "Y'know...Maddie,"

Maddie's heart started pounding. "Y-yes Gilbert?"

"I love you."


I'm sooooovery sorry, my audience. But you see, I have been stricken with illness, homework, lazy-itis, AnimeClub Priorities, having to live with my parents instead of my friends, and worst of all- Writers Block.

Um, I did actuallywatch that movie, scary as hell btw. If it weren't for Al being there beside me and watching the movie, I wouldn't have been able to watch it... Oh, and Maria, I was not clinging to him. Although if Ivan were here, I probably would've been clinging to him xD.

I am currently working on a few oneshots...oneis a pwp~ u